Chapter Three

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A/N: Mantra IS AMAZING. Its so good I think I... died? What's your opinion on Mantra? I love the "imagine you're stood on a beach" part. I jsjs
Edit; I'm writing this in March/May 2019 and it's still amazing
Edit: February 2020 and I'm still listening
Edit Edit: January 2021 Yuno here, still love mantra <3 its been almost 3 years wow. Time flies!

I twiddled my thumbs together, trying to focus on my breathing, but it was close to impossible.

Joshua's 'gang' had decided to no doubt, kill this other new gang, and he had decided to take me along with him. He wouldn't leave the house without me, I hadn't seen him do anything too bad yet but I knew it wasn't too long before I saw a few more dead bodies in my innocent vision.

I was currently sitting in their Limo with them, Josh's hands never leaving my shoulder for a split second. I think he had this fear of me running away, because every time we weren't moving he had his hands on some part of my body, and when I wasn't looking at him I could always feel his gaze on me. Which, I didn't blame him for thinking that. I was considering it, but I knew I couldn't, I had nowhere to go.

In the workplace is where I slept, I didn't have a home. When I was only 20, I'm 24 now, I lost all of my memories from before then. Apparently my parents died before I lost them. No one ever told me how I lost my memories and I didn't really want to know. Apparently, I was found in some kind of cage, like some kind of bad dog. I didn't like to think about that though. I met Lucy, and she offered to let me stay at her mothers workplace and allowed me to have a job there too, I'll be forever thankful for her.

This Limo was actually really fancy. There were bottles of Champagne, as well as a lot of snacks. I wasn't touching anything here though.

"You want to try one?" Josh said, he was clearly watching my eyes at all times.

"Are they.. um, poisoned?" I asked, getting a little chuckle from some people in the Limo.

"You really think we would try and poison ourselves? They're for us after all, if the boss considers you one of us, so do we." Tammy smiled at me and gestured for me to take one. Her smile seemed... sketchy, though.

They considered me part of their gang? Oh, no no no. what if he wanted me to start killing!? Fuck, I couldn't do that! I wasn't really in the mood for traumatising myself!

She held up a normal chocolate bar, and took the wrapper off of it, biting onto it and swallowing it whole.

"See? I'm not dying." She chuckled at me and couldn't help but let out a chuckle back.

These people just seemed so... Normal? So nice, and sweet. I almost forgot they were criminals. How can they be murderers, yet have the heart to be somewhat respectful to me? Weren't they supposed to want to kill me? Knife me down? Why would they treat me with respect?

I picked up one of the chocolate bars ones and had a read at the back just in case, you can never be too sure if it's poisoned or not... Wait, that was just me. Right.

I sat there, hesitantly taking a bite before chewing away, still scared of collapsing, but it wasn't happening anytime soon. I sighed out of relief that my death wasn't caused by a chocolate bar. In fact, chocolate always calmed me down. It allowed me to just sit there, thinking about stuff.

I looked out of the window, we seemed to be in some sort of large field. Calming, I guess.

I was looking outside, we passed this huge flock of sheep. They were so so cute! There was some white, black and grey ones and I stared at them, admiring their grace. I got on my knees on the seat and moved myself around so I could see them better.

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