Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: THE KISS!!!! he KISSED. OLI . Catch me rolling around in my grave for about a few years...

I knew that there wasn't any reason for me to come to the gangs library, it was just a place with lots of books. I never even saw a library before, all I knew was that there was more books in here that anyone could ever read in a lifetime. I could probably read less than a quarter of these throughout my whole life, that's how many there were.

I stroked the books as I walked alongside them, the dust that collected on my fingertips was proof enough that they hadn't been touched in a while. This was a huge building after all, and most people just wanted to get their day over and leave. It also made me wonder, if Josh could afford all of this, this huge building, if he bought that huge ball, then wouldn't he be living in some sort of mansion? I mean, I adore the cottage, it's cosy and because it's in the middle of nowhere it felt safer, but I just wondered why he chose that place instead of somewhere huge and fancy.

Josh even gave me access to his bank account, said that it was a shared account or something. I told him he didn't have to and that I didn't care, but for some reason he insisted. I have yet to even look because honestly I'm scared of how much there's going to be in there.

I stopped at a bunch of random books on the table for some reason, like someone had been reading them. Which didn't make sense to me because I didn't know anyone ever came here. I yanked the first book I saw, opening it to a random page and reading the first lines I saw.

'With her touch, that is when I knew safety was right beneath my feet. Her glassy eyes and vanilla scent was all I needed to calm me down in that very moment.'

Romance? Someone was reading a book about romance?

I flipped through the pages of the withered book, not bothering to read anymore of it. I stopped on some pages, then flipped again, it wasn't particularly interesting to me, so I put the book down.

I sighed and looked all around the room. Fancy? Yes. Lonely? Definitely. Whoever was reading those books was probably here months ago. I mean, this place was practically a dust palace.


I screeched once I heard that voice. I turned around behind me slowly, and there he was. Standing and staring at me like he was thrilled at the fact I was here. I mean, he had reason to be surprised, but why is he here.

"Its you, Sykes."

"Denis, why are you calling me Sykes?"

"We're strangers now."

"Strangers don't know each other's last names, and you're not supposed to be talking to me."

I quickly tried walking away, having no intentions of furthering this conversation. That wasn't so easy though, as he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. Oh no.

"Can't we just have talk a little?" He gave me an obviously fake frown. I was not going to speak to him, partly because I had started to hate him, but a lot of it had to do with the fact that Josh fucked me and he heard literally everything. Thankfully no one said anything about that, doesn't make anything less awkward.

I didn't answer and instead attempted to pull myself out of his grip, but fucking hell, I'm weak. Why the hell am I even so weak? He's not even that strong!

Denis managed to completely get a hold of me and push me up against the bookshelves, knocking a few books over once he slammed me against them. No matter how hard I tried to get free of his grip, it was no use. Even though he was almost as skinny as me, he was way stronger. This is just another recipe for disaster, how amazing.

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