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Hi guys! I just wanted to thank you all for your continued love and support of this series. It is by far my most cherished book, and I am so happy you all enjoy it as much as you do.

I have decided to write a little special! And I really hope you guys enjoy <3 I'd love to create more specials after this!

Thank you!

Oli's POV

Drip, drip, drip.

Why does the sound of the heavy rain make me feel at peace?


It was so incredibly dark outside, despite being only three in the afternoon. The black clouds had covered the lightness of the sun, and I was left in this workplace to just ponder the world of the outside.

I wanted to get out there so much. But, Lucy would have never allowed that. She didn't allow me to leave the workplace unless she was with me. She seemed to be a little protective over me, but I didn't mind it. She had made me cut my hair shorter a few days ago, I wasn't so sure if I was font of the new style. But then, I didn't know what I liked. Lucy wasn't here now though, she was at that café.

I don't know what style I have. What style did I have beforehand? You know, before the memory loss? The hospital had given me random clothes that fit me. I wear those now.

I always think about the day I woke up at the hospital, when I couldn't remember a thing. It was awful, and it's still awful, because it's hard to even think. But the first day was the absolute worst. It was like my mind was a blank, and everything the nurses would tell me about what happened just made absolutely no sense. I still knew how to do things like read and write, walk, eat and sleep. I knew how to do basic human things. But I did have to re-learn a lot of others.

But, it's been three years since that day. I still can't believe it. I can't believe how fast everything has went by.

I often think about who I was before then. Did I have family, friends, a lover? I was apparently found in some cage. My head hurt to think about it.

Still... I like looking at the rain. I am unsure as to why. Did rain have something to do with my past? I'd do anything to just get one memory back. Just one. Maybe, because, it would lead to other memories. Or maybe, because it would settle my undying curiosity and maybe make me feel whole?

I still didn't quite know.

As I looked outside of the window, I noticed a couple. They were out in the rain, laughing, an umberella over their heads. One had placed their jacket on the others back, they seemed incredibly content with each other, their hands not leaving the others side for a slight millisecond. They were only a couple of kids, probably in their late teens, but they still looked so in love.

An overwhelming wave of despair dawned over me. It was unescapable. Like something had just magically dug a deep, deep hole in my stomach, happily consuming my insides. My head hurt. Like crazy. It was so sudden.

What is this feeling? I feel... lost. No. I feel like I'm missing something. When I look at that couple with the umbrella, I feel as if my whole world had just turned upside down, and a black hole of erosion and deject was trapping me inside. The feeling in my stomach was like I had been stabbed in the gut, the more I saw those kids having fun and doing couple-ish things, the more the feeling amplified.

It felt like something was supposed to me close to me. Was this deja-vu? It couldn't be, I had never experienced that. Unless, it was before the memory loss. I really don't know. All I knew was that the feeling felt like laying on a bed of needles, a dark cloud covering my frail body, forcefully opening my eyes so that I would stare at the sight in front of me.

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