Chapter Fourteen

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Woah look at me getting chapters up quick!! God bless the winter break.

This is so embarrassing.

I was sat here next to Josh, the black haired girl and some lanky looking guy with long brown hair.

Apparently I had fainted again, but everyone seemed quiet. I don't even know the guy, or the girl for that matter. I was so confused, we were all just sitting here in silence. Why weren't they trying to conversate? They're two gangs, right? The long haired guy is supposed to be the leader, but he doesn't look that frightening if we're being honest. He's supposed to be a drug dealer or something.

I stared at the girl I had come to know as 'Hannah,' she looked terrified and, well, hurt. I didn't understand. Was it because I didn't know who she was? Why would she even care about me? Maybe something happened while I was sleeping.

"This is... Incredibly saddening." She murmured her sentence but everyone in the room was able to hear her. What was she talking about?

"I'm hungry," I looked at Josh after I spoke to see his lovely but sad smile, it hurt. "Can we go eat?"

"Baby... I don't think now is really the time." His saddened voice really worried me, what was going on? All I know is I woke up on this couch next to these people and Josh, and no one has said a word. I don't even remember fainting.

"Some things never change I guess." Hannah spoke with a sad smile but joyful voice and she looked at me then at Josh. It made me a bit angry when people were close with him, despite the fact that he seemed to not care about anyone except me. I just didn't want another Tammy.

He nodded at her and showed not much emotion after that, he was good at hiding his emotions, but I knew, deep down, he was really hurt. I didn't know why and honestly, I was afraid to ask in front of these people.

I decided to lay my head down on his lap and just stare up at his face, or his jawline. That thing is sharp.

He looked down at me and pushed a piece of my hair away from my face, slowly caressing my cheek. I smiled at the gesture and he smiled at me smiling. I lifted my hand up to stroke his face, I couldn't stand how sad he was. I wanted to know why, but I didn't want to upset him by asking. Sometimes he would get upset, but he would always tell me why. Today he was quiet about it. I'd ask him when we got home.

The others, on the other hand. Well I could care less about them. I didn't even know the guy with the long hairs name, but they both have the same kind of accent as me.

"What is even happening? Why are we sitting here moping about?" The long haired guy spoke. He didn't speak much, he was a bit strange.

"I don't know," Josh spoke. "You gonna quit your shenanigans or?"

"What are you on about?" The guy fulminated, he was quite short tempered. "I don't want shit from you, Franceschi! Why are you still here!?"

"Look, Curtis, they just want to talk things out. You're the one that's trying to go against them!" Hannah shouted at... Curtis I guess. She got up and came to sit beside Josh and I, leaving the guy looking confused, but he was still mad. I shuffled away from her and she didn't look too happy at that.

She then started looking at me and smiling, creepy. I really didn't like this chick. Something about her was... Off. She's acting like I know her, but I don't. I mean... Did I know her before the memory loss? That would explain it.

"Do I know you, honestly?" I asked hesitantly. I was honestly scared for an answer.

She looked at me for a few seconds as if I had just asked her the most confusing question she's ever been asked. She started looking at Josh and Curtis before eventually landing her eye contact back to mine. I was seriously getting bored now, what the hell was going on?

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