Chapter Nine

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A/N this scene got gore lol enjoy!

The weapon was in my hand.

I was ready. Ready to bring her end, ready for her to kiss her puny little life goodbye.

It was a punishment, anyone who tried to take Josh from me would have to suffer this. I knew Josh didn't love her back anyway, he made that perfectly clear that night I was sneaking around. But it still made me angry, it made me furious. I was the only one that was allowed to love him, that was final. If anyone tried, they would have to face the same punishment. He was all I had.

I took a few steps. Thankfully the wardrobe wasn't noisy so she didn't hear me, I walked slowly, just staring at her back with wide eyes. She wasn't armed with any weapons anyway, she was actually in one of the lower departments when it came to self defence, she wasn't really in a high department for anything, she only really tagged along with the big gang because of Alex being her cousin. Not that she would've fought back anyway, she was too busy smiling away and putting clothes by.

It got to the point where I was holding the knife in my hand, I was ready but I hesitated. The consequences came into mind for a second but I quickly shook my head, no time for that now. What had to be done had to be done.

My instincts were actually telling me to do it, I was sweating like a maniac. I was actually going to do this to someone, end their life. But god, wouldn't it be so satisfying? No more hideous girls running after my love. Just Josh, all to myself, without a worry in the world of someone else running after him.

With that thought, I grabbed onto her shoulder, pulling her towards me and slitting her throat with the knife. She choked and tried to scream, but I must have went deep because all that came out of her was choking noises. She fell onto my chest but she wasn't dead yet. I looked at her, a smile forming onto my lips, just looking at her gave me thrills. The knife looked like an axe so I basically treated her like a piece of wood, throwing her onto the ground, she never even tried to pick herself back up.

"O-Oli I-" I didn't let her finish. I struck onto her face with the knife multiple times, trying to get some sort of satisfaction out of this. I was of course, this was so fucking good.

One whack.


Two whacks.

"Just fucking die!"

Three whacks.

"Anyone who tries to steal my baby must die! Die, die die!"

It just kept going and going, and I just kept laughing as I looked at her, with every whack she screamed a little more, her face was covered in huge bloody scars from the cleaver. My own words became blurred out as well as my vision. Every time I whacked her, cracking noises could be heard. This, however, just made me laugh more. Laughing and laughing, it didn't end. She deserved this, she deserved to die. There was not one good thing about her. She was only a waste of space.

Oh my god, why was this so funny to me? Did I know? No. But I didn't even want to know. I just loved the feeling of it, something about it was incredibly satisfying. The more cuts and the more she bled, the more relieved I felt.

I then decided, fuck it. I slit her throat even deeper with the knife, halfway into her neck actually. Blood was sprouting out like a fountain, it sprouted all over my face to the point where I had to cover my eyes.

"I... I... Oliv-" Tammy choked out but couldn't speak, I just laughed right at her face. She was dying, this was wonderful.

With that, she didn't make any more noises. Blood only poured out of her lifeless body.

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