AWW I: October & November

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    Moving on from the party, Sierra and I enjoyed the stressful nature of the holiday months. I remember Sierra was on board with the idea of going out to trick or treat. I was kinda over getting candy, but Sierra tried her hardest to convince me to get candy. I told her I would walk with her the whole time, but she really wanted to extra candy. She decided to go as a sexy maid for Halloween to make things a little fun for me. She actually went bowling at our Halloween tournament in her maids outfit. She's stirred up a lot of talk there. That was the last time she wore it. Sierra felt embarrassed and shame wearing the outfit I front of her mom and sister. Let me go on record to say that it was her idea to go with a sexy outfit, I happily went with it. We ended up going deep into Brooklyn where Sierra and Mickie's cousin was living for trick or treating. Sierra changed into Angie's red riding hood costume, that was much less revealing, and I took a werewolf costume from Angie's husband. I wanted to stay in and watch some classic horror movies or throw some sort of small party with our friends, but Sierra is not big on horror stuff. I had fun though. All I wanted was to spend time with my girlfriend. I felt uncomfortable walking around Brooklyn at night, but we got out of there pretty quick. Sierra had plenty of candy that night.
    Continuing on this period of Sierra and I getting closer in the holiday months, Sierra invited me to join her family for the Apple festival in PA. What stood out on this day was Sierra and I making our child scarecrow. We learned that we maybe too inappropriate to make a scarecrow. We over-sexualized stuffing our child with hay. It got worse when I was groping our son's crouch trying to shape it just right so it would not look like he was packing something extra-large, all while Sierra was strangling him to shape out his chest. Then Sierra was dry humping our child's pants on before we had him stapled together. She kept saying "I got him, I got him".
It did not sound nor look right, that is why I stood back and laughed the whole time. We agreed to name our child, that was almost the size of Sierra, Ci-Ci. We really liked that name. I honestly thought that would be the name of our first child together. Sierra drove our scarecrow child around in her back seat buckled in. Everywhere she went Ci-Ci was there in her beaten up Elantra. Unfortunately, Ci-Ci was rotted to death and had to be thrown away a little more than a year later. We went on to name a few other objects that we saw as children by the name Ci-Ci. I guess we had babies on our brains.
    The next big thing for us was Thanksgiving. It was a big step for us as Sierra was in a way inducted into my family. Holidays have always been big for my family for the reason of my mom and aunt loved to go all out and celebrating with loved ones. From what Sierra told me, she loved how my family went all out and she loves fried turkey. She never had a thanksgiving with her family that made so much fatty good foods. We still had to go visit Sierra's parents, but my family topped their food by far. My family was happy to host Sierra, all but my brother. My bother was not happy that I was dating someone while he was single. So of course he had to make her feel uncomfortable like he does every time she came over to our house, him being drunk did not help anything either.

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