Liberation Part II: Fitting In

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One true benefit of moving to a new area with your girlfriend is how you always have someone to talk with. You come home from class and practice everyday to someone that can listen. When you have a crappy day, you have someone to hold and spend time with. I never felt alone as long as I had Sierra there each and everyday. I was trying to fit in with classmates and my baseball team in our move. Sierra had a hard time though. She did make a friend when we attended a campus tour of Salisbury before we moved. Her name was Bella. Sierra believed Bella was exactly like her in every way, except skin tone and body built. They kept making plans together, but they each would bail out. The only other time they met up was when I dragged Sierra to a campus event for sports and clubs. That moment, we ran into each other instead of planning it. The problem with their relationship is Sierra can not be friends with someone like herself. Their personalities are not one's that make many friends, but there was more at play. Bella wanted a friend on campus and Sierra kept leading her on to transferring to Salisbury. Sierra was hyping everyone up on becoming a dermatologist that will enroll at Wor-Wic Community College and enroll in a bridge program with Salisbury. Plus Sierra would blow off going to the campus for some reason, so they never met. Sierra then looked towards work for a friend. She quickly grew to like her coworker Mya. I was happy for Sierra to make a new friend, but I was weary because it was a coworker. Sierra has not had a good track record with befriending coworkers. Mya come off strong to Sierra as a lesbian feminist. I already see this relationship doomed, but I stayed supportive. Sierra does not like women who are firm and pressing in the beliefs of feminism. They talked and worked together in the same room of children. When they first started talking with each other, Sierra would come home and tell me the weirdest stuff they would talk about. What came up was how Mya would just, out of nowhere, tell Sierra she was not her type. Mya believed Sierra was hitting on her and she kept shutting her down. I rather not hear this from my girlfriend's new friend, but about a month later changed. Mya said she grew to think she could have dated someone like Sierra. I doubt Mya knows how to make friends if she believes girls are always hitting on her (that was actually confirmed later on that Mya is not well liked in her own words). I thought maybe Sierra was in fact flirting with her, but now knowing what she looks like, highly doubt it. Mya looks like a 12 year old boy. I do not know how she has a girlfriend, but I know Sierra thought it was creepy how Mya looks. I still struggle with the fact how Mya's girlfriend can fuck her looking like a 12 year old boy with a vagina. That is a bit messed up, but I will digress on because that is not the focus of Mya in my life. I remember before I ever met Mya, Sierra told me what Mya and her girlfriend (Claire) thought about me. They already hated me. They believed I was an abusive man that took his anger out on Sierra when ever I could. I thought two things: 1.) Sierra must be feeding them a load of crap about me, or 2.) they are man-haters. My impression on them is a feeling of resentment even though my impression of them comes without any primary contact. So understand how hostile I was when Sierra then asked me to go out on a double date with them in Ocean City. I did cave in just so Sierra could be happy and we did have a good time roaming the boardwalk in the offseason. Other times when I went out with Mya, I did realize that she did in fact hate me. Me and Mya actually have a lot of similar interests in video games and books. We enjoy Harry Potter, but she never wanted to talk with me. Mya gave these short incomplete answers and would never really respond to me. She would just take off to Sierra when ever we were left alone and talk about how nerdy and bad I was. I made sure not to ever go out with them again after that. It turned out that Mya never wanted me to ever go out with them. The only time I was invited for anything was for the double date in Ocean City. They only wanted Sierra to go out with them all those times, but Sierra brought me any ways. Sierra tricked me to going out with them the very last time I went out with them to Sweet Frog. I was nothing but civil to them. I just stopped caring about them, but Mya's relationship with Sierra grew crazy later on.
The other friendship Sierra made was with other her coworker Jordan. I actually like Jordan. She was kind, never talked bad about me behind my back, and was fun to be around. Jordan was the good voice in Sierra's ear and had a sisterly bond with her. Now to describe Jordan's personality is to compare her to a delicate flower. I am saying this now because I believe it will help understand some of her actions towards Sierra. One of the things I loved about Sierra is that she can talk with out a filter sometimes and be pretty honest about it. When Sierra would say something forward, it could put off Jordan. So a few times Sierra made plans with Jordan, she would act all nervous and dodgy for a little bit until everything passes. I still liked their relationship better than with Mya, but Sierra tried to merge both of her friendships together. I can sum it up very quickly on how that all worked; it failed miserably. The craziness of Mya come out. Mya grew to be very possessive over Sierra and resented how close Jordan was with Sierra. Mya started following Jordan home, harassing, and threatening her. Mya was trying to separate Jordan and Sierra from ever hanging out. Jordan was so terrorized for even coming into work because of Mya. As Sierra continued to hangout with Jordan in secret from Mya, Mya was then forced out of our lives for almost three months before they even talked to her. I never understood why Sierra tried to stay friends with Mya. Mya made everything something political apart of this social justice warrior movement. She would just bring things up everyday and make it a big deal. No one wanted to even talk about it, but Mya always did. Sierra hated how Mya conducted herself running a room. Mya would encourage the room of children to indulge in the LGBTQ+ sexuality. So she would tell girls to kiss other girls and the same with all the boys. She even told them to start dating the same sex. These are four and five year old children she is pressuring. I think Sierra never wrote Mya up for that because she did not want Mya fired, but yes what Mya was doing is a fireable offense in child care. There was a build up to Mya and Sierra having a falling out, it took Jordan to come in the picture to really cause it. It is still weird to me because Sierra never really liked Mya that much. Half the time Sierra came home from work, she would trash talk about Mya saying things such as: a feminazi dyke that can not stop pushing her personal beliefs on everyone. How Sierra brought Mya back into her life will mark the ending.

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