The End Part I:

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If you have not figured it out by now, March was the last month we stayed together. This section will depict how everything ended along with the fallout. It started with Sierra planning out her 21st birthday. She decided to celebrate her birthday the day before mine...again. I criticized her decision to have her birthday the weekend of my birthday and made my own suggestion. My birthday fell on a Sunday this year of 2018. Sierra wanted to celebrate her birthday in a big booze filled party on Saturday following bowling. Her party would turn my birthday in to the overlooked hanger over day that our friends would not want to go to since they went out the day before. This pissed me off, but I was nice enough to not show it. My suggestion was for Sierra to move her party to the following weekend. This way my birthday will not be overshadowed and made into a hangover day, then Sierra would be legal to buy alcohol or have the option to go to a bar after her party. I have two reasons why I believe Sierra did not want to reschedule her birthday: 1.) Used as a means to help break us up (you can see this more of a valid point from what happened later with us), 2.) So Sierra did not have to pay for her own alcohol at the party. The party was being held at her aunt Linda's home in Rivera Beach. Our original plan that we had talked about many months prior was me taking Sierra down to Ocean City for a bar crawl starting at Guido's Burritos for a big ass margarita to The Purple Moose...etc. finishing at the Dunes Manor for a mudslide. So it was a surprise to me that she changed our plans. I ended up asking Sierra if we could share the party as a joint celebration of both of our birthdays. She told me it really was a joint celebration all along, she was planning on buying two personal cakes from this gourmet baker down the street from us. See I did not get that impression  of having a joint party. When she was picking out people to invite to the party, she made a list for her people and a list for me. Her list consisted of her friends in Salisbury, Zach Richards, Jordan (from bowling), Ciara Tydings, and her family. I was not happy with some of the people on the list especially with two of them being minors. I made a stink about Zach and Ciara coming, but Sierra had to put her foot down because it was her birthday too. For my list, I did not invite many people either. I said a few people, but the one Sierra was upset about was George. Sierra starts spouting off how much she hated him. She questioned why I even invited him to Thanksgiving because he is such an asshole who bullied her too much. This was complete nonsense that Sierra was spouting. She kept going on about how much she had always hated him. I was quick to defend George and reminded her about all the times she had wanted to hang out with us. Even that it was her idea to invite him to our apartment. I told her that he was coming because I was putting my foot down for my birthday. Sierra made him an invitation and gave it to him our next time at bowling.
I forgot to mention about the follow up to the trip down in Mexico. Going into March, me and Sierra got our passports. I had to pay for the renewal on mine as Sierra received her first ever. It cost me a fair amount of money just to renew, but I was excited for May to roll around for the trip. Have I told you all that I like traveling?
A few days before my birthday, my family was hit with a tragedy. My uncle Jack was eating some food one day in his bedroom when he began to choke on some food. My aunt was downstairs and had no clue that he was choking. When he was discovered, Jack sustained too much brain damage as he was rushed to the hospital. When I received the news over the phone, I was petrified. I told Sierra the news and she actually went and drove us down to the Baltimore-Washington Hospital back down by my parents house. We watched the last moments of my Uncle on life support that night. He was a fighter too, Jack did not pass until the next day when Sierra and I drove back to our apartment. I thought Sierra was going to stay there with me as I grieved over losing my Uncle. The most she ever gave a shit was driving me to the hospital that one night. The funeral for my uncle was being held on that Monday in Brooklyn. I told Sierra Sunday evening the details on the funeral. I asked Sierra to come down with me for support. That bitch's response was awful. This was her responses: "Oh, I can't go to the funeral. My boss won't let me".
I took a long and dramatic pause as I pondered the stupidity coming out of her mouth, "How the fuck do you know that your director won't let you go to a funeral"?
"I'm just too busy and valuable to be leaving on my director".
"But your not a fucking lead teacher anymore, you got demoted and are no longer in charge of your room. Plus She can't deny you for going to a funeral, that is unlawful. You are a parent of our family and you have spent plenty of time getting to know's not like he was a stranger".
"Oh, it's just not worth it to fight. I'll just work the day I guess".
"No, no, let's find a lawyer. This is not going to be a fight. It will be an easy case win and I will pay for it just for you".
"Joey, it's not worth the trouble it will start".
My final comment was simply: "fuck it".
I gave up on this. It was going to be turned in to a shouting match of me screaming my head off at her decision and making her cry. I was done with Sierra at this point. Your boyfriend is grieving and is in emotional distress, but you want to make up artificial bullshit excuses to not go to my uncle's funeral. I had nothing nice to say, so I kept to myself for the next two days. Monday morning, I dressed up for the funeral and grabbed my backpack so I could attend my history class before leaving. I made sure to make as much noise as possible by stomping, playing loud music, and slamming our door just to wake up Sierra two hours before her alarm. Sierra messaged me telling me to tell my mother how she wished to come with me, but you know how work is. Me and my mom had a good laugh about it. That funeral was very important and emotional for me. My dad was always the person to make these grand speeches at events and such because he was the best public speaker of my family. When it came time to the eulogy, no one could speak. My dad said he had nothing to say, but I new he had something on his mind. My dad was in a way handing the torch to me to be the new speaker of the family. I gave my eulogy as a reflection over my favorite memories with my Uncle. I struggled to get through it all, but it was touching to everyone. I wanted support from Sierra through this day, but I never got it in the slightest. No message, no voicemail, not even a call. I had to drive home late that night just so I could make it in time for my early Bio Lab on Tuesday morning. I got pulled over in Cambridge and given a warning for speeding. I was going to show up in an even more pissed mood. I was mad at getting pulled over, mad at Sierra, mad at having a class early in the fucking morning the next day, and upset about grieving over my loss. I did not get home until after 11:30. I stormed back into the apartment to see Sierra sitting on the futon while on her phone. I stop half way in the apartment to throw my shoes off and started undressing. Sierra has the nerve to ask me, "you ok"? I gave her a face that you look at a person who said something idiotic. I glared a little bit before storming into the bathroom to tinkle. I expected Sierra to actually make an effort to talk with me...nah, that did not happened. She was busy on her phone either messaging someone or on social media. I went right to bed with neither of us saying a word. I went those two days without saying a word to Sierra, so she either did not care or it did not register in her head that I was upset. Sierra has been weird about death in our relationship. She has never experienced death in her family because the oldest relatives of Sierra's passed away when she was born. The only time someone came close to death was her nephew who was shot in combat. She had a complete meltdown as she exaggerated his condition. Sierra said he was in a coma, on life support, and was not going to make it. The man was perfectly fine once the bullet was removed and made a complete recovery. It was few days after my uncle's funeral that I asked her why she did not comfort me. Sierra responded saying how she thought I needed space because I was upset. It baffles me how she can have the ideology going one way, but swings the complete opposite when it comes to her.
One of the most interesting things to come around this time was Sierra's Facebook page. I was changing my profile picture and banner one day when I noticed something odd about the information on my bio. I scrolled down to see my relationship status blank. It said I was in a relationship, but there was no longer a name. It was not unusual to see one of the tabs blanked out on my profile before. Most of the time it was regarding where I was from and currently living. One time it was with my relationship status, but Sierra's still said in a relationship with me. She flipped shit on me for trying cover up the fact that I was trying to break up with her even though I could provide proof that Facebook still said it when I went into edit. I checked edit this time and Facebook said there was no person. I thought it was weird how this time Sierra's name was not coming up. I went over to Sierra's profile and noticed something weird. Sierra was not in a relationship. It did not say single, but nothing was posted to show anybody we were together. She stopped taking pictures with me and posting them. I confronted her about this just to see how she could explain it. Sierra did not give a very good explanation. She did not know a thing. I made her go into her phone and change her status back. I kept refreshing her page to see nothing changed. Sierra thought she was so clever by showing me that she made the change on her phone, but I know she was not saving it in her phone. I asked Sierra in a stern and calm manner if she had something to tell me. All Sierra did was shake her head and say there was nothing going on. I gave her a chance to be honest with me, but she did not take it. I guess she thought I was that dumb to believe everything she was telling me then. I did not pursue Sierra with hundreds of questions. It is upsetting for me to not want to ask the questions either. All the fighting took its toll on me just so I could avoid any more turmoil. Maybe this was Sierra's master plan to control me. If she fought with me enough to exhaust me then she could get away with anything.

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