The End Part VI:

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    The Saturday before Easter Sunday or Day two of the tournament rolled around along with an unexpected circumstance. A few days before I came back to Pasadena, I contracted a stomach virus that was going around on my campus. I was not 100% going into bowling Saturday. I was having hot flashes, struggling to hold my stool, and suffering from a sore bum from going to the bathroom so much. I was not too focused on watching the door for Sierra, but I always had an eye on Bonnie to see if Sierra was coming in. She did not show up during that shift. The good thing was, my team was dominating the early shift. My team consisted of me, George, Mickie, and Anthony. We were scaring Nick Lloyd's team on how well we were bowling. We were on pace to winning by the end of the second game. The only week link was me. As the anchor bowler with the highest average I barely made it into the hundreds game one and bowled my average game two. That is not great for an anchor bowler to do. I was showing promise in the second game as I was starting to mark out. We all went into the third game pumped and with great momentum. Problem was that we were bowling on the same lanes as Mickie's Ex, Mason. Mason was pissed at our team as he watched us gain the lead on the posted first place team. Mason's last frame of the game was controversial. I watched him with such anger to chuck his bowling balls down the lane without care. As he cleared the deadwood from the lane, he threw his ball into the sweeper arm and completely snapped it and the belts holding the pins collapsed. He broke the lane which forced us to move. We moved down to the far end of the bowling alley to lanes that have not been used. We had no ware on the oil partner and no comfortability with how we could slide on the lanes. What made it worse was the fact that we sat down for a half-hour waiting to bowl on our new lanes. We were not given any practice nor granted permission to warm up in any way. We sat there so long that every team was done and our shift was completely over. Going a half-hour with no activity is killer to your arms and the momentum we had going into our last game. George and I will still argue that if Mason did not break the lanes, we could have won the tournament. We all missed an opportunity to get the difference, but we tried our hardest. We missed first by about six or sum pins. Nick's team held on to first place for the rest of the tournament. The most important thing was we all had a lot of fun bowling that shift. I was bowling with my two friends that I enjoy being around and Mickie was not a total mopey mess until my next shift with her in the afternoon. The thing that was missing from this good moment was no Sierra. We all had fun without Sierra. I realized that when George, Anthony, and I went out for milkshakes and burgers. Now when we returned for the afternoon shift, I was waiting by the entrance for Sierra. I was bowling at the lanes right at the very front. The messed up thing was I was not the only person waiting for Sierra to come in. The many people she pissed off during all these events were tipped off by someone that she was coming and they all wanted to talk to her. It was not going to turn out good for Sierra if she showed up. Sierra would eventually tell me that she became too sick to come down Saturday. Yeah it was not because you owed well over $100 to a league that you just had to return to.
    Sierra and I were on bad terms at the beginning of April. Being the kindhearted person I am, I decided to patch things up with Sierra. I invited Sierra out for drinks and food to celebrate our birthdays. Honestly from all Sierra has done to the people around her, there was no real surprise that nobody showed to her party and birthday. I still took pity on her despite how horrible she treats people. No one should ever be alone on their birthday. Sierra agreed to meet me at Ruby Tuesday's at the Marley Station Mall. I snuck out of my parents house without telling them I was going to meet her. They would have been pissed if they found out then, but they found out later on from me. I had evil intentions that night. I really wanted to drink Sierra under the table just so I could get answers. She always bragged that she was this incredible drinker that can out drink anybody. I have tricks for drinking alcohol and it was simply easy after Sierra's first drink. She had a few sips of a Long Island ice tea, that she never finished, and was well intoxicated in the dinner. I spent the night digging for the truth. What I found out is that Sierra wanted time apart from me so she could get her affairs in order and to finish her work. I still do not know what the work was referring to because she was not taking classes yet to get any degree or promotion. However, she wanted to comeback to me in the future. Sierra said it might be awhile for me to wait, but she would return. She wanted me to be friend for her now, but that was not all she was asking. She took her first ever legal shot and loosened her lips a little more just to tell me her desires. Sierra told me how she wanted to keep meeting up with me like we were doing now, "...but if we find ourselves drinking and our pants just so happen to come off, then let's just see what happens". When Sierra said all this, she thought what she was whispering it. In reality, her voice was projected very loudly to where the surrounding tables could hear as well as our waitress, who was bringing us the second round of shots to us. Sierra wanted me to be her side piece in her relationship with Brandon. Sierra would repeat herself a few times wanting us to take our pants off at the restaurants to "see where the night would take us". She was being so obnoxious, but I remained polite when turning her down. I did not have any other of my other questions answered, but she did spend a lot of time on her phone. It reminded me of when we were still dating and she would not put her phone away for date night. She kept hiding what she was texting to people from me. I was curious to know since our conversations went into her phone again. I asked if she was texting Mya, but then I received the story on her and Mya's relationship. They stopped talking to each other because Sierra found out some of her belongings were stolen when Mya picked up her stuff. That explained Sierra dropping by and looking through the apartment. Who would have thought that Sierra friend, who lied and stolen from her many times in the past, would do the same thing again? No one could have seen that coming. I am done with the sarcasm for now. The other reason they were not talking was because Mya did not want Sierra dating another man. That was the last time I heard about Mya. I did see Claire not too long ago at the gym in Salisbury before I came back to my parents for the summer. Sierra was messaging her mother, but I do not know what she was saying to her. Sierra would explain to me how she quickly lived with her parents after leaving Salisbury before moving out. She moved out because of the same old reasons as before, but the difference was her family was pissed. They found out she left me and tried to break things off. Her family liked me and did not want me to leave her life. This blew my mind that her parents alienated her for her poor decision that she took off to another home. I believe the other person Sierra messaged is Brandon. I will get to that in a minute. After a night of drinking, obscure answers, and a suggestive sexual acts; I walked Sierra out to her car. I was worried about Sierra in her current condition. She was drunk and physically to the point of the Baltimore lean. There was people eying up Sierra as they looked to make their move on an inebriated woman. Instead of just leaving Sierra in the mall to be raped by the swarming men, I waited by her car to see if her dad was coming to pick Sierra up. Sierra was trying to send me off by telling me over and over again that her father was going to show up. I did not believe Sierra when she said that her father was going to pick her up. I am certain it was Brandon because Sierra's father would not have a problem with me accompanying his drunk daughter. I did not want to start any fight with her boyfriend that night, so I kissed Sierra on the cheek as I departed. Sierra was in the midst of a loud and obnoxious ramble of me taking advantage of her intoxicated state. She freaked out and stated yelling that I was making my move. I told her not to drive, but Sierra hopped in her car and started it up. She was tired and wanted to rest, but she did not care about my warnings of being possibly charged for a DUI. Sierra was certain that as long as the car was in park. This was one of Sierra instances where she believed full-heartedly that she was right because she is street smart. I shut the door on her as I took off for home. The kiss on the cheek was my way of symbolizing me letting go from Sierra. Sierra may never see it like that, maybe because she does not think on a deep level and takes things at face value, but it was growing exceedingly difficult to shake her from my mind. Sierra told me she still had feelings for me and was planning on returning to me later on. However, I gave my farewell to Sierra so I could relinquish her from my heart. It was time I would hold my end of the deal.
    The next part of our story took place the following week. This was one of two times Sierra confined in me about her conscience. Sierra was messaging me about some problem she was having at night. Sierra later told me that she was having these weird dreams. Sierra described her dream as her sitting on a rocking chair in a nursery. She was looking down into a crib to see a dead baby. The baby in the dream was crying constantly, but Sierra could not make it stop. That was all she would tell me and I broke down ever bit of it to interoperate a meaning from what I was told. I saw it like this: the infant represented our relationship as young and taking the first steps in a likely family. The infant being dead symbolized the end of our relations together, but the crying meaning there is still some sort of feelings lingering around since crying is a sign of life. Sierra did not know what to say in response. She kinda just left it alone. For Sierra to share that dream, I shared the three dreams I had in our relationship's final months. Two of the dreams I was with one one I believed to be my daughter and one dream it was my son. One dream it was me walking down a neighborhood street with my toddler daughter, one I was playing on the front lawn with my toddler son, and the last one was chasing my run away toddler daughter in the house. Each dream sort of ended the same with me walking into Sierra who was busy in another room until we interrupt her. The dream ends when Sierra turns around to smile at us. Sierra's response to my dreams was unbelievable. She asked me why I was keeping this from her to which I replied that was going to tell her the night she left me. These dreams happened when she was away. I was going to share them with Sierra when she came back, but my priority first was getting physical and she came barging in demanding to talk first. How was I going to tell her that night? Sierra told me that if I shared my dreams with her that night, it would have changed everything. How would that have changed anything?! They were dreams and it is not like I never share anything with her. I am pretty brutally honest. I share what I can in my day with her. What she said just upset me to no end. I am still angry today over her comment. Sierra could answer my questions on her comment. This marked how Sierra and I began planning to get back together. It started from here and when I sent her pictures of us during our relationship. That came about in our next conversation when Sierra told me that she was not happy with me. I made her cry by sending our pictures to her. I just asked her where was she not happy. Sierra could have walked away from her phone or deleted my messages, just why keep talking to me if it was upsetting her? That is why Sierra shared that she was still in love with me, this time she was sober. Sierra went on how she had not stopped loving since she walked out. I was left asking her why she still loved me? She could not leave me and our memories go. I still never received an answer for why she left me if Sierra was still in love with me. To avoid that particular question, Sierra tells me how she wants to comeback to me, but she could not for things would be different between us. This is where I realized Sierra was too messed up for me to ever go back to her. I am not going to lie, I began to start messing with Sierra at this point. My vindictive nature came out as my intentions were to see what I could get from Sierra without breaking the law. So no rape and no robbing her blind. I wanted to know how far I could bring her around to chase after me. The next things I told her was reassuring her that we could make things work and start the family we always dreamed about. To see how far that worked on her, I told that I needed her to do something for me. You all might think I was talking about sex, but I am not that twisted. Sierra was willing to do whatever I had to ask of her. I asked Sierra to apologize to me for what she has done to me and apologize to my parents for turning her back on them. Sierra apologized to me multiple times in response to me asking her. Then I took it a little farther by sending some seductive acts I would do to her if she completed all that I asked her to do. I had no response to those messages for the rest of the night. She would tell me the next day that Brandon saw my last message and threw a fit about it. My message summed up to me pleasuring Sierra because she does not get the full thing until she is back with me. Sierra explained to me that she calmed him down and told him that nothing was happening. Brandon apparently believed it. This whole situation was a little sketchy. Sierra had deleted all the prior messages before my last one. She claimed that Brandon saw the message pop up after Sierra walked away from her phone. I do not believe that. Sierra was not at work and I know she never leaves her phone unattended. Her phones are always by her side, so that did not add up. I think she was showing Brandon in order to provoke a fight between me and him. It seemed just like the text Sierra would receive from Danny and would show me them.

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