AWW III: July on the Coast

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With Sierra saving up money, we decided to book a place down in Ocean City for our break this summer. I found a nice cheap room at the Plim Plaza Hotel along the boardwalk. For the rate we were getting for almost a week, but the place was worth it. Sierra helped pay for the deposit and took turns to paying for food. We even had a jar of money that we used to save up money for some crabs. This vacation was another wonderful retreat for use to grow as a couple. You could not find us in our room most of the time. Me and Sierra were always doing something together. After the beach, we would hit the pool (where the bar was), run around the boardwalk, eat, and etc. We did just about everything. I loved those moments with Sierra. Sitting in the hot tube with a cocktail in one hand and my other arm wrapped around her or walking around the sights of the coast while holding her hand. We overlooked a lot of things on vacation because we just wanted time alone together. We neglected to visit any apartments while we were close to Salisbury. We actually did not do any walk throughs until closer to August when we came back down. We did not visit the campus for a look around to see what buildings I would be studying at.
On this trip, we had a jar that we used to save our loose change. We exchanged all the change for bills and used it to pay for our all-you-can-eat crab feast at a local restaurant. We felt so accomplished to manage any form of saving money. We did manage to have some of it stolen. Sierra blamed my brother for it, but Sierra is the only person who knew where I hid a stash worth $100 for emergencies and it was gone. She never said anything about that, but she conveniently walked over to our jar and knew it was missing money. I now believe she used that money to pay off some of her debt or to pay for the drugs that she did with her niece, but that is coming up in September of this year. Sierra did magically have some money for shopping one day too. So yeah, she stole money from me and lied about it. I let it go and make her repay me in many other ways, but I steal feel like I did not get my money's worth. I still think there was some tension with me and Sierra on the trip, but I overlooked it because I thought it was too petty for Sierra. Sierra seemed upset that I could order drinks and she could not. It is not like I was over drinking. I normally got one or two drinks at a time. I rarely ever drink any alcohol and I offered to go to a liquor store for Sierra, but she did not want anything. Nothing came up and we continued to enjoy our vacation.
Before the month is over, I want to discuss an event I was invited to by Sierra. Her work was having a community event in order to bring in new parents to the center. I did not want to go, but Sierra guilted me into helping out. I can tell you that their center was not set up for the event. They had weeks to prepare for this weekend and they hardly had anything done. Sierra kept making excuses how the director never gave them time to do anything during the work day. I have worked childcare longer than Sierra and in worse conditions than her. I know if you are not willing to work after hours to plan and set up then you need to multitask during any down time during the day to get it done. Maybe during nap time when Sierra would call me everyday and talk the duration of that time, she could have had her crafts ready in about three days. It should not have been my responsibility to do her work while Sierra was making appearances with parents and children. How can you teach responsibility if you can not be responsible yourself. So I started the day cutting things out. Then her director asked me and this other teacher's child to move furniture out of this classroom they were using for storage and clear it out. By clearing it out, the teachers could bring in all the parents and children in for story time and to meet a curious George mascot costume. They were trying to make me wear the costume after moving all the chairs, desks, tables and cribs. I chewed them out for just suggesting it. I was not getting paid and I was doing more than any of these women had in that year alone. They made one of the assistants hop in the suit. That was my Saturday, running around doing errands for lazy teachers bright and early in the morning. I never liked Sierra's coworkers before that day and I grew to hate them even more after that day. I hated them because they are the type of women to keep a side piece in everyone of their relationships. They loved encouraging others to cheat like they are doing. Hell one of them was married to a man serving time in the military and she goes out to get knocked up by some guy. I think the veteran divorced her after he did the math on the pregnancy. That is all Sierra would tell me about them. This part is such a foreshadowment on what to come. See, I walked in as her coworkers introduced theirselves to me and began laughing as Sierra said "boyfriend". I had such a flashback to her time at Sears. The whole day there was giggling behind my back like some inside joke. I wish I did not go there.

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