Liberation Part I: Settling

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This is my warning for the rest of my story. The age of Sierra and I against the world has ended last chapter and the new one begins here. Things will be much worse from here on out and I maybe skipping from events as anything happening has recently occurred. There will be much less talk about suicide here on, but expect to be confused (if your not already). As I further write down what happened over the course of my year in Salisbury, I hope to find more clarity in Sierra's actions and words. Somethings may come off as disturbing so I advice another precaution for this section. More of an idea of domestic violence will be described.
When we finished our paperwork, me and Sierra walked down our street and started to unload our cars. We spent our entire day moving things into OUR first apartment and we arranged how everything would layout. We did not have a bed or futon to sleep on. Sierra's dad bought us a king sized inflatable mattress to sleep on. We got through most of everything in our cars when we decided to call it for the day. Sierra and I had not eaten anything since nine o' clock when we hit the road and we stopped working around five. We drove around looking for food and we came across this amazing bbq place right down the street from our home. We had never scarfed down food as fast as we did that day. It was so good. The Mac and Cheese was rich and everything was fresh. The weird thing we noticed about the place was their store hours. They closed at six everyday and Sierra asked the owner why that is. I did not want to hear why, but she told Sierra the area gets dangerous past six and they rather not stay open any later. Sierra grew on edge after hearing that, but I did my best to distract her from any problems.
We did not have internet for the first two weeks that we lived there full-time. So we picked up some DVDs to watch on my PlayStation until we could figure out the Internet service in Salisbury. I did not mind those nights alone with Sierra, it gave us time to entertain each other. Some of it was sex, but we had lots of time to talk and cuddle. Our first nights there, we had to get use to an uncomfortable air mattress and solve any food concerns. We did not stay for long until we came back after work. I still needed to finish the last week of summer work and attend an all day training for my job so I can be up-to-date on trainings if I show up to work on my breaks. Once that was all done, we traveled back to our home in time for my semester. I was no longer working as I took on the role as a full-time student. I felt like I deserved to be a student that worked enough in his life to be a full-time student that did not have to work in order to support myself. Sierra was going to travel from Salisbury to Arnold everyday for work. She was going to drive almost four hours a day for work. When we first came down here, I made her put in some applications in for local places just so she did not have to drive so far for work. She put it in at three places and heard nothing. She then applied for Victoria's Secret and got an interview. I went with her to the interview at the mall and sat outside of the store until she finished. Sierra took a long time interviewing before she came out to tell me how they liked her and asked her back in a week for orientation. I asked what took so long for the interview and she told me that they tested her on the floor. They told her she needed to sell three items. I have been in enough Victoria's Secrets with Sierra to know they do not have sales people. The workers only help out, fold clothes, and set out items. They do not credit anyone with the sale, they only ask if anybody helped and that is every so often. I started thinking she did not get the job, but went with it anyway to hopefully prove myself wrong. Sierra tried to get a hold of the manager to get a time to come in two days later, but the manager refused to give any information. The manager said she is not on payroll and could not work. This went on for another day until Sierra told me that the manager did not hire her because Sierra was too fat and ugly. I clearly saw a woman working there that was as big if not bigger than Sierra. I think she just made that shit up to cover how bad she was in an interview. I began to get angry, but reassured her that one of the other jobs could be the right one.

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