Liberation Part I: Unemployed?

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In the midst of Sierra looking for another job, she gets the bright idea to quit one day because shad it with her nasty coworkers and shitty director. Sierra had no job. This went on for a few days and it did not phase her. Sierra was content just staying home all day while I went to class. I noticed she was getting too comfortable just playing my PlayStation and spending her day on all social media sites instead of looking for a job. I worried really fast because my family does not have the money to support the full rent and my tuition. Our next rent payment was going to come up quick and she would need time to work to get her side paid up. I got on Sierra to put in an application everyday so we do not find ourselves out of a home. A few days went by and Sierra heard back from two child care centers. The first place was paying well, but Sierra did not qualify without a degree. Her last option was willing to interview her. The place is called Bundles of Joy University. This center was located five minutes away versus Sierra driving four hours out of the day crossing the bay bridge just to stay working in Arnold. I was happy Sierra finally left that job because it was hurting me to see Sierra commute that much and being miserable. They did hire Sierra and she managed to convince them she was a lead teacher and they hired her as such. Why am I pointing that out? It will come up later in an argument. Just to sum up on our situation on rent, Sierra was not paid enough in time for her side of the rent. Sierra had to beg her mom to pay for her side of the rent. Problem was adverted and all was good until next month.
Since Sierra had started a new job, her rose colored glasses were put back on. What I mean is that with every new job, Sierra believes everyone is nice, fun, and the best job ever. Like every job before, her unrealistic expectations are crushed in week one. It took two weeks for her to resent her job and everyone in it. It was the same bullshit of her coworkers were mean to her and no one likes her. I have to keep warning Sierra to treat her job like an actual job. Do not make friends, just work and go home. She treats every job like it is a new year in high school. Every job will have her best friends and she will be so popular. Instead she is ridicule and outcasted like high school girls are. So I had to put up with consoling Sierra as she comes home crying because her coworkers are mean for a month and a half. It is sad how predictable she became when it came to her issues. It was like a record on repeat. You could pick out when things go wrong without her being around.

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