AWW II: Caught

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    My mistake before one of the biggest event in our relationship happened in Delaware. Sierra's parents invited me to join them on vacation. I was a little doubtful about going since there could be a good chance her dad would find out she was pregnant again. Sierra's mother knew, but they kept it from Russell (Sierra's dad) because he did not handle the first pregnancy well. I regretted going on that trip. Russell is an old fashioned father type; in other words, I could not sleep in the same bed as Sierra. I had to sleep with her dad. She never understood why I was so uncomfortable sleeping with her father. I refused and protested the sleeping arrangement. I decided to sleep in a chair for the first two nights. I rather had been uncomfortable than share a bed with Russell. The next two night we moved into a different room. Her parents were not happy with the first room, so I assumed that is why they changed it. I was never told the real reason though. Me and Sierra we're dealing with a lot on this trip. I had doubt in our relationship and she was stressed out. I realized on vacation that her parents get on my nerves real quick when they open their mouths. It is either an old person kind of complaint, fighting, conspiracy theories, or weird politics. Not to complain about food and all, but I did not like what they did for food. Eating fresh fruit for lunch was nice, but eating a simple deli sandwich that someone would make for their child's school lunch for dinner was not good. I needed more. I eat these sandwiches for lunch with my parents on vacation and I do not want to have them for dinner every night. I decided to go out with Sierra to buy some non-deli dinner. She was not too happy with my decision to do that. Sierra wanted me to be around her parents more. Ironic that she wants to take me away from my parents, but I'm being criticized for flipping it on her. She still went out with me to stuff her face, but she was not happy about it. Sorry I also wanted a break from your overbearing parents and wanting to spend more time with Sierra alone. Plus when Sierra was not with her parents, she became tolerable. I never thought I would have to tolerate my girlfriend's behavior and actions. It felt like when Sierra was around her parents, she was being fed these bullshit facts and start fighting with me for no reason.
    She would never get in the ocean with me. I was always out there alone just floating. Maybe it was because she was scared for the baby even though she was not very far along. I ruled that theory out when I realized how much she was sun tanning. She can not be sun tanning while pregnant. It is unhealthy. I soon found out that her parents terrorized and conditioned her to fear the ocean. She spent the entire vacation acting like a two year old trying to understand what the ocean is. She would not walk in past her ankles in the water. Sierra would sit down in the shallow water and just dig in the sand until the water filled the holes so she would keep digging. I do not know why she was doing this for hours, but I watched her as I floated out there. It got worse for me when she started to get an attitude with me for not talking with her out in the water. I was a good several yards out in the water while she was sitting on the shore. I did not want to waste my time and sunblock just sitting on the shore for the entire vacation. So I schemed to get her in the water. I have a way about me that uses my polite nature and logical reasoning to manipulate people. I used my trick on Sierra on matter like this or getting on roller coasters. I got her to come into the water up to her waste. The unfortunate situation is that she was stuck in the prime break area for all waves. Her fear kept her from going beyond that point and the waves were smacking her down. Several times she ran out of the water and running to her parents. I dreaded going in on land after that. The reason being that she would cry to her parents that I forced her into the water. Her parents would chew me out every time as she sat hiding behind their chairs like a childish snitch smirking at me. I wanted to knock her out every time she pulled this crap. Is this really how you treat your boyfriend? What a child. Sierra never felt it, but there was tension with me and her. I was having a hard time trying to enjoy myself on vacation, but it was some dumb would happen again and again.
    When we would go back to the hotel, Sierra always went into the pool and would be in there for an hour or two. This was the only swimming she every did. I would hop in for a few minutes and not stay in as long as Sierra. She wanted me to stay there with her the entire time late in the evening. I am not talking about night swimming. She was swimming around three or four o' clock. I was tired and developing a rash on my thighs after being on the beach since eight. I like to stay in the water, but I have limits as shown by my rashes. I hated how she would wait until the end of the day to go swimming in the pool, everyday. Never earlier. I would take off from the pool to get my shower in and ready for dinner. I would come out and wait for Sierra poolside. Because I would take off from Sierra, she started fights. Sierra said I did not love her because I never wanted to spend time with her and I have been distant. Seriously? Sierra exploded on this defense one day because I was tired and wanted a nap. The new thing she accused me of was sneaking off to cheat on her since Sierra was pregnant. According to her, I was no longer attractive to her. She picked up one of the pool chairs and threw it across the way because I was pissing her off and breaking her heart. I called her crazy and left for the room. Once I washed up and got dressed, I walked out into the hallway. How the hotel is set up: the hallways circled the pool in the center. You can look out and over the rails to see right down to the pool. I was walking on the second floor and looked down at the pool to see if Sierra was still there. She was, but she was not alone. Sierra was swimming along side a man in the pool. They were talking and by what he was say, I can tell he was comforting her and trying to make his move. Once I got down there, I could tell he was putting his arm around Sierra until I came interrupting. I asked her what the hell was going on and the man slowly exited the pool in a quiet manner. She tried to play it off that he was just being friendly. I did not buy it. I was moody the rest of the vacation because she kept trying to play it off like nothing was going on. I would like to end this section being on the high horse, but next came my mistake.
    The next day on the beach, Sierra convinced her parents to leave us on the beach for most of the day as they ran off shopping. Sierra was laying out in the sun tanning while I sat under the umbrella to keep my scares from sun burn. I took advantage of the space away from her to text my mom. I was telling her how bad the vacation was going and how awful Sierra was acting. My mom replied if I wanted her to pick me up. I messaged that I was considering it. I put my phone in my bag and decided to take a nap. A few minutes later, I thought I heard my phone go off. I continued to sleep until the text reminder that goes off when you just missed the message over a minute ago. Sierra got up and reached into my bag to check my phone. She must have seen my mom say something like, "Just let me know" that sparked her curiosity to unlock my phone. Sierra saw the messages I sent my mother and began crying out. She startled me awake as I saw her hold my phone. My heart sank as she began to go off on me. She felt betrayed and hurt by what I was texting. I told her her how she made me feel and that she can not really blame me for what I felt. I was trying to be nice after the pool incident since I made a big stink about it, her parents could: kick me out or continue to scald me. I wanted out, but I had to chase after Sierra before she could grab her phone and call her parents. I apologized and tried to level with Sierra to understand my side. Of course she went with the "you don't understand" defense until I worked her down. I stayed the last two nights with her family, as for the most part, I believed they were never told about what I did. We actually had make-up sex in the hotel room before her parents came back. I remember that we believed they were coming into the room during sex and I quickly rolled up in blankets and threw myself off the bed with Sierra laying there with out her bikini bottoms. They never showed up during, but I thought it was a funny memory to include during this trying time. After that week, the resentment towards Sierra grew so much more. It played much as a factor in the next chapter with my actions.

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