AWW II: The Other Quit

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    Sierra was hiding her other addiction from me, cigarettes. She promised me that she quit around the time of her breakdown last year. What I ended up discovery was when she would drive a coworker home, who smoked, Sierra would bum one or two cigarettes. I would have kept believing that her car reeked of smoke because of her coworker if she did not blow her cover. I was riding in the back seat of Sierra's car when she was taking her coworker home. Her coworker pulled out a cigarette and asked if Sierra wanted another hit before she left. Sierra squirmed and tried her hardest to hush up her coworker. I chewed Sierra out for trying to cover up, but the big thing was a week later. I was looking for pants in my dresser. I reached into the back and found something metal and decided to pull it out. I thought Sierra hid another vibrator in my room and just did not tell me about it. What I pulled out was a baby blue vape pen with half a cartridge of fluid in it. The battery was still charged so I knew she was using it. I brought it out of the house one day when we went to bowling. When we walked out I pulled it out and showed her what I found. She went into this rant on how hard it is to quit and I need to respect her life choices. I again explained to her about how I hate the habit and how detrimental smoking is to my health. Once a person gets cancer once, all other cancers become much easier to contract and I rather not succumb to lung cancer like my Uncle Rocky. Sierra stayed firm in her right to do what she wanted and I gave up. It was not another battle I wanted to go through. I told Sierra she can smoke outside the home (that is my parents rule) and the only time she could smoke around me was in the car. Sierra was happy to agree with the terms and immediately started vaping on the way home. It was not until a few more days later when I took action.
    Sierra noticed how miserable I was with her smoking and smoking around me. I have no clue why Sierra made an outrageous claim, but she did. Sierra said she could quit if she tried just for me and that she does not have an addiction. That statement ticked me off. Now I think we were meeting up at a restaurant for dinner when we got off work because we both brought our cars. After her statement, I slipped out with Sierra's keys and took her vape pen from her console. I stashed it in my car and came back to my seat. I told her that she is going to quit and good luck vaping without the pen. With my smug look, I observed her face lose all color. I told her that I took it out of her car before work and hid it in my room. Sierra did not believe me, but after a few minutes she got up and ran to her car. She back in and flipped out. I payed for the food and she darted off again threatening to find the pen. Before she left, I shouted out if she did not have an addiction then she should not be freaking out over a vape pen. Sierra floored it back to my home. I knew I was not going to catch up to her maniac speed, so I took my time to come up with a lie. What I came home to was my bedroom in total disarray. All my shelvings and bags were ripped out and thrown around. All my clothes and belongings were on the floor. Sierra runs at me screaming what I did with the pen. I told her I threw it away at a trash can in Tic Neck Park. Sierra then dragged me out of my room and out to her car to help her find it. Little did she know, I gave my mom the vape to hide from Sierra before I went up into my room.
    We went down the street and spent 15 minutes digging through the trash cans. I did not help I just stood there watch in horror the power of addiction on my girlfriend. I kept lying to Sierra saying that someone probably took it already, but she still looked for it. She eventually gave up and accepted that I lied. She started telling me she was going to sell the vape for $100 easy. Sierra even had a buyer lined up. She is just waiting on this guy to give her a charger cable for the vape so she could sell it. Bullshit! The vape could barely get $40 in the crappy condition it was in and there was no way to charge it. I gave Sierra a month to kick the habit before I picked up and gave it back. She had no need for it any pore and gave it to my brother to sell. I still do not think it was ever sold. My brother probably kept it.

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