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I am going to skip past the next time Sierra and I talked. Remember I spoke with her at least once a week still at this point. How Sierra some to me was so repetitive. More anger and threats from Sierra. She kept talking to me like we were still dating for some reason, but the conversations always had Sierra badgering me when my semester was over and heading to my parents. Her is another instance of me sharing stuff with Sierra and her not listening. I told her before we separated the my semester ended the week after our trip to Cancun in May. This information caused a fight when I told her that it did not look good for me to attend due to finals that week. I was not giving Sierra any information on when I was leaving, but that conversation made me decide to have Sierra pulled off the lease and put in a notice for my final day at Merrifield Apartments. Here is how messed up Sierra is about the lease: I signed the first part of the agreement and Shelly faxed over the copy to Sierra's job in Arnold. Sierra signed and faxed back the copy. Once received, we changed the locks on the apartment and faxed over the agreement one last time to my mom for the last signature. Now when Sierra signed the agreement, it did not have my mom's signature yet. My mom signed later that day. Sierra was under the impression that since my mom did not sign it before Sierra, that the agreement to remove Sierra off the lease was not finalized. She did not tell me this until a few days later. That was what Sierra perceived what was going on. Later that day and the next few days, Sierra spent yelling at me over the phone and message threatening to pay me a visit again and to tell me when I was leaving. This was the first time I said she could not come down to "my apartment". I specifically said, "You are not coming down here and turning my apartment into your personal fuck shack for all your hook ups". Sierra wanted to bring Brandon down so they could go on vacation. I kept shutting her down until she told me how she believed the apartment was still under her name since she did not see my mom's name. I clarified with her on the misunderstanding and left it as it was. Sierra finally listened this time, right? Nope, she still kept asking me when I was leaving so she could vacation in my apartment. The next things she was asking about was the rest of her stuff and Buttercup. I explained to Sierra how all her belongings are not hers anymore. She had over two months to grab all her stuff and never did. I reiterated how she can not return to the neighborhood, but that only angered her. The thing with Buttercup was Sierra demanding that I return her dog back to her. This was where I settled the dispute over the dog once and for all. Sierra may have grabbed our copy of the lease just so I could not study over it and use it against her but, it did not stop me one bit. I managed to take all the paperwork on Buttercup to my parents for safe keeping just so Sierra did not take it. I told Sierra from what the adoption papers stated on who owned Buttercup. Sierra was not 21 at the time of adoption; therefore, her name is absent from the form. Sierra had two chances to take Buttercup, but never did (if you remember that). Sierra of course did not like me pointing out the errors in her ways, so she threaten to take me to court with a lawyer. Funny how this was the time she wanted to get a lawyer involved and not any other time we were together. I encouraged to see her sue me, that was how Sierra knew she was in the wrong. She backed off those threats and resorted to the receipt defense. I reminded her how waving a receipt for a dog you abandoned means absolutely nothing. I have the papers, I have Buttercup, She is legally my dog. This information took some time to sink into Sierra brain, but she was hurt my these two arguments. If I have not convinced you yet on the level of intelligence Sierra has; this part has to show how dim witted she is. I am just glossing over how the argument went because it is simply repetitive how Sierra lashed toward me as I calmly sat there and listened. I was not really telling her off so much as I listened to her crazy bullshit, but it becomes a little more worse later.
Sierra was not understanding: the paper she signed, me, Shelly, and the police. She starts playing nice with me again, the only reason why is because she was trying to pay her side of the rent. I already got Sierra to pay once for my rent when she was not on the lease, so I wanted to milk her one more time for money. Still, I do not know how Sierra does not comprehend the meaning of "off the lease". The smart ass in me started playing back telling how she does not "get it". I kept repeating this phrase every time Sierra wanted to make plans for me to get the money. I told her to drop it off to me, but she did not want to make an unnecessary trip down to Salisbury (she acts like she did not make five meaningless trips down here already). Sierra was even trying to pay the rent online. Now things escalated for one last time the week before the trip to Cancun was to go under way. Sierra texted me bright and early in the morning in the middle of the week. I believe it was Wednesday because I had my biology lecture. Sierra kept asking me for the agreement she signed and my new lease paper. I was grumpy and pissed Sierra was doing another shake down on me. I played off the situation like I was dumb. I was even doing word play with her just to lead her on to my sending her a picture, but kept telling her I was to busy to send the pictures even though I was quick to respond to every message. I was having fun pissing her off that morning. Sierra then called to inform me that she was at her Aunt Linda's house so Linda could help her out of the mess she created. Plus I had errands to take care of like I told her when she first contacted me. I am not putting off getting groceries and situating my clothes to be washed for something I should not be doing. Sierra also warned me not to try any funny business with Linda on the line listening. I started laughing at them as I wittingly dodged everything Sierra asked for, which was just the copies of the agreements. Sierra was not bright enough to keep a copy of the agreement she signed apparently. Sierra starts telling me how she just wants to work things out cleanly and in a nice manor. I had a quick rant for Sierra, "Since when? All I have done was what you asked and I still get flak for listening to your exact instructions. I'm not really seeing a reason why I should listen to you anymore given that we are not together. Give me any reason why? It's not my fault you are in this position. I'm sitting back and doing absolutely nothing while you keep finding ways to shoot yourself in the foot. Now if you don't mind, I have a guest over this morning and I need to get to class".
Sierra was a bit tongue tied during the rant as I cut her off. After all that Sierra was hung up on who I was with. Why do you even care who it is? This is another reason why I feel like Sierra really is still in love with. I left it a mystery as Sierra persisted on me telling her who the person was. She had her lies and secrets, I had my mystery. I hung up and went to class not expecting the call I would receive from Shelly asking me to come into her office. Do not worry, what happened next was the last funny thing Sierra did before we stopped talking.
I return back to Shelly's office proceeding my biology lecture. I was expecting something bad to happen until Shelly asked me about what happened this morning between Sierra and I. I told Shelly she was trying to shake me down with legal help from her aunt and Shelly told me how she now understands happened based off the voicemail she received. I was put off by the notion of what the voicemail contained. Shelly plays the recording on speaker phone for me. The atmosphere and tone of the recording was of Sierra sobbing in tears as she pleads with Shelly and tattling on me. "He–hey Shelly, this is Sierra...I–I'm calling you to let you know that I tried contacting Joey to get a copy of the new agreement...but Joey ha–has been difficult and mean to me. I've been so civil about everything, but it's getting hard to be with him acting the way he is. I just want things to be done and over with as cleanly as possible".
That was the things Sierra had to say to Shelly. I started laughing so hard at the words Sierra said with the added fact that she was sobbing through most of the message. I know what Sierra was trying to achieve in that message: she wanted to get sympathy and play the victim in this situation. Sierra tried to turn the tables by making me the bad guy in Shelly's eyes. I am going to make a metaphor to describe how this looked: take a child that took a box of crayons and started coloring the entirety of a door in the child's home. When the parents walk in, the child goes and covers the door with the child's body in hopes of hiding the incident. There is no way of covering up the fact that the child can not cover all the mistakes. Sierra is the said child. I am putting it lightly, but she can not change the mistakes she committed. Did she not think that Shelly would remember getting cursed out by you for not having your way? Or how she completely vanished with no notice? Or threaten the livelihood of one of her tenets? So tell me how it was all going to change for her? The whole incident made Sierra look desperate, childish, and stupid. Shelly told me how she spoke with Sierra to again remind her that she was not on the lease, she can not get my agreement, she was removed from any other responsibility with the apartment. Shelly reminded me to not give up the agreement to Sierra and end any contact with her. I left the office shortly after and I broke one of Shelly's rules as I messaged Sierra if she finally understood everything. Sierra responded that she understands everything. I still did not believe her, so I told Sierra how she was going to give me more money that she did not need to give me. I explained how she was practically forcing money on me. Then a light bulb went off in her head. She seemed to finally get that things were over and she really was the one who was not letting things go. Sierra goes on about how I am being an ass and that I should have told her that my mom signed the paper. Newsflash: if you lived here, you would have known. I never had to tell her crap. She signed the release and that is all. She dug the hole and was at the mercy of the people she screwed over. Sierra then proceeded to tell me how she HAD feelings for me and was willing to fix our relationship. The only thing that was stopping her was apparently me being an ass and feeling the need to make her suffer. I tried setting her straight on how I have tried everything to be civil when she lacked any maturity and responsibility. Sierra finally explains why she left me for the very reason of me making her life a living hell. This to me was like watching a good tv show that spent the whole time trying to answer one single question just to end on a cliff hanger that never really explained anything. This has been the question I have kept asking for the entirety of the breakup. She never even said anything else about it, just "life was a living hell". If that was how she was feeling, imagine how I felt through those months. Sierra and I just went back and forth the rest of the day on text. I called out Sierra for not respecting her boyfriend to which Sierra responded again to his I do not know her relationship with Brandon. Sierra would not even defend her own boyfriend from me criticizing. I even called her relationship way for her to use him and she avoided any response. What she said back was childish reasons for not being with me: cause she does not want to and no one could love me. I think she was upset with the fact that I was not reacting the way she wanted me to. She was expecting me to cry, beg, and just lose it over everything. It must have been Sierra was so use to doing this to break down Danny's self-esteem that the same thing would work on me. She never learned her lesson from making me jealous when she was with Danny. Sierra again told me she was done talking with me and blocking my number. A few minutes later, Sierra broke her vow. The only reason she responded was because I went off on her little comment telling me she had to leave me because our relationship was toxic. If you told me that Brandon sent that to me, I would believe that. I have never heard Sierra ever use the word "toxic" and I truly doubt she would know how to spell it if her spell check was off. Sierra began this banter where she tried to belittle my manhood by criticizing how bad I was in bed and how good Brandon was. Real fast: why did you want to leave Brandon for me, why did you cheat on him with me, and why did you stay with me so long. I am sorry how repetitive this has become. What I told was the fact that she never knew she could squirt during sex, until she slept with me. She has never been touched so well until she slept with me. She could not quit having sex with me unless I put a stop to it. Sierra never answered back on that and tried to move into how small my penis is to which I replied on how I she must have a very shallow vagina by that logic. She never engaged on this remark of mine as she told me her final farewell...multiple times because she would not stop talking to me. She must have been trying her hardest to get the last word until I snapped and told her to stop talking.

I wanted to include the various conversations with Sierra, especially with this final moment, as I know how Sierra's mind works. Sierra is a person who clearly can not let things go and when ever accused of something, she would fight tooth and nail for as long as it takes. She could go on for hours about something that had nothing to do with her. We do share a similar smart-ass aspect of not stating the truth or denying if accused. So when you would say something like she stole something from you, Sierra would sit there and change the subject without acknowledging what that person was saying. That was her way of admitting fault without saying it. I use to do this a lot when I was younger, but strayed away as I got older. She would not defend her new boyfriend from ridicule or the fact that she still missed me in more ways than just sexually. She never argued over cheating on me. This must be where she fully understands how horrible she is coming off in all this. I was expecting more fighting from her in those incidents, but I would hardly call this Sierra maturing.

When all communication was done with her, I had to clean out my apartment. I ended up throwing away all of Sierra's shoes, expensive jewelry (even the one her mom got her with her family's birthstones in it), and clothing. The furniture that Sierra was also suppose to come back for was given away. It was not Sierra's, it was her dad's since he bought everything. I still can not believe that Sierra still thought she was getting her stuff back in all this after almost two months. If it makes her feel better, I just threw her stuff by the trash can for our neighbors to rummage threw and take. All her stuff was taken except for a nasty pair of boots she had. They left those for the trash men to take. I even took her makeup and tools too. I will try and sell the makeup that went unused in her collection. As I walked out and drove away the day I needed to leave my apartment. I started crying on my commute back to my parents. It was like a few minutes of mild sobbing as my heart felt crushed knowing that I had to leave my first ever home. Something that was suppose to be a huge milestone for me ended short because of a horrible girl, but this goes to show how much this all meaner to me in comparison with Sierra.

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