Liberation Part II: What About Me

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I feel like I need to talk about what I have been up to in the first three months in Salisbury. I was taking Anthropology, World Geography, American Lit I, and Shakepearean Lit in my first semester. Everyday I had at least two classes a day along with Baseball practice three days a week. It was club baseball, so most people did not take it serious and it gave me a chance to be active again in a sport. I did not exactly fit in with most of my team, but it was fun being apart of a team again. Most of my team are heavy into smoking a lot of weed and drinking and I just do not prefer hanging with that crowd. Sierra did not like them because they presented theirselves as fuck boys. I get, I see how they are. Sierra never liked me going out to practices with my team. I take it as her paranoia that I would be cheating on her in that time. It was not entirely why she was upset with me. One of our fights that we had, Sierra said in a tearful fit that: "It's not fair that I have to wait to do my degree until your done with school". Of course I will have a chapter on her education and career path just so you, the reader, can see how many chances Sierra had over the years. I think her jealousy towards me pursuing my degree made her resent me. Before we moved out to Salisbury, Sierra and I discussed on our plans for the future. I told her that I will work for my degree and when I start my career job, then I will help support her to go through college. Sierra did not want to wait any longer just so I will be done.
I did a lot of studying and project work in my first semester. I struggled in my Shakespeare class and had to re-read many sections of each play just so I could come just barely prepared for my daily quizzes. I excelled at the in-class essay that was incredibly difficult to pick up and write for an hour on something you could not prepare for. I struggled with the exams my professor gave me. They were vague questions that demanded broad, but narrow answers. It was confusing stuff and I always crammed for the test each day. I did manage to keep playing baseball through the studying as a means of a break from everything.
For food, I had a meal plan to eat on campus twelve times a week with money for other campus areas. I would eat every other day breakfast and dinner and the rest would be just dinners. The campus food would get old really fast, so I would spend my dining dollars at the on-campus Chick-fil-a. That place was a god send to help break up my routine on campus food. On the weekends, I made sure Sierra and I would continue doing date night. Sierra rarely had money to spend, so I mostly bought out. Anything I could do to keep that one special day sacred for us, then I would do it. Lastly, we spent one day a week to do grocery shopping and laundry. It was our little reset day for the week and it made us feel like reasonable adults with responsibilities.

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