The End Part IV:

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    The next part to our story takes place either Thursday or Friday. Sierra messaged me if I was busy. At the time I was walking Buttercup around the neighborhood back in Salisbury. Sierra then called me up. The phone call went as Sierra started demanding me to remove all her belongings from our closet. I politely asked her to do it herself. Sierra grew very impatient and angry because I refused at first. She starts threatening me to do it. I threatened back that if her friend Mya, who was suppose to come pick up the belongings, came by that I would lock the door and have her arrested. Sierra kept bragging that Mya had permission to get the belongings because Sierra knows shit. Like a smart ass I am, I replied back that our neighborhood is a private community that does not have Mya's name on the lease. Then I told her that Since she was violating the lease, so asking Mya to come over is a double down on how much you can screw yourself in this situation. So what's the Sierra way with dealing with a tough situation when you can no longer run...curse for two minutes straight at me. I had to cut her off with a derogatory term referring to Mya to say my piece by getting your "not-so-much a friend" Mya involved. I hung up on her and decided to walk into the apartment before Sierra called me back. She continues acting like a child by taunting about how she told Mya what I said. I asked Sierra if she told Mya that was quoting her minus all the cunts, bitches, feminazis, and fags Sierra always described Mya as. Turned out that I was the only one laughing at my remark. I quickly hung back up on Sierra after I told her about all the work I had to do. I was right because the amount of items Sierra crammed into our closet was staggering. The amount of things I pulled out covered our entire front lawn. And I repeat that everything came from the closet just like Sierra asked for. In no time after, I hear hardcore German metal blaring up to my apartment. That was how I know Mya was here. She comes storming out of her car and grabs bag after bag to place in her car. I give Mya props, I did not think she could fit all the bags and piles in her car. I think she had to put a few on her lap when she was done. Mya left a lovely little note on my car that I still have to this day. It says clearly, "Go to Hell". My response to that is I will see you there according to the homophobic church-goer communities. I do not have a problem with the homosexuality, I have a problem with Mya as a human being. Mya then continued to start more problems between me and Sierra by informing her that I threw out all of her belongings on the lawn. What Mya did not realize is that Sierra maybe in finical troubles, but her issue stems from the massive amounts of clothing she kept purchasing. For someone that complained about only having a little more than $50 after every pay check, you kept buying more clothes from second hand thrift stores. So a few minutes after Mya left to inform Sierra about the horrible deed that I committed, I received another pissed off phone call from Sierra. The call went something like this: "I can't believe you threw out all my stuff, you asshole!" screamed Sierra.
"Hold up bitch and listen to me. I was told by you to get everything out of the closet by you. That is what I did. I don't think you realized how much stuff was in there. About a third of your belongings was in that closet".
"I didn't say all the stuff in the closet. I'm still going to comeback".
"When!? You told me you were gone for good and how the hell am I suppose to read your mind to figure out what you wanted out of the closet"!?
"I can't believe that you're being such an asshole. I'm glad I fucking left you." replied Sierra.
She hung up the phone before I could start running my mouth off again. I honestly regret ever putting her stuff outside. I should have just held my ground and forced Sierra to come down. In my defense, I wanted to start getting rid of everything in the apartment belonging to Sierra. If I stood my ground, she was going to act in violence behind close doors. You might be thinking that from here on out, things between me and Sierra became hostile. That is not the case. It is going to become much more complicated. One thing I wanted to note before I move on is that our landlord, Shelly, saw the whole incident.
    Now I some how managed to continue conversations with Sierra after our spat. I kept telling her how upset I was for losing her over the move and how I lose a good friend. I asked her if we could still be friends after all this and Sierra agreed. She did not want to lose me as a friend either, but I made Sierra promise to me. The promise was to get psychological help. Sierra kept assuring me that she has been seeing a therapist and a psychologist everyday. I did not buy it then, and I was not buying it now. So I was repeating myself until Sierra promised. This point of an awkward friendship ensued. I feel like Sierra agreed to this in order to safely return to the apartment a few days later. Sierra showed up to the apartment on Sunday with Mya accompanying her. Sierra came down to Salisbury to gather her belongings from Mya and wanted to pay me a visit. I do not have a definitive answer for whether Sierra invited Mya for support or Mya wanted to come out of spite. Sierra and Mya walk into the apartment and grabbed all three hair care bottles of shampoo and conditioner to put away in the car. Sierra checked the closet to find a little cubby that I missed filled with four pieces of clothing. So they came to the apartment to grab seven items from the apartment. She still had over half her stuff still in the apartment, but grabbed hardly anything. Of course I brought up the fact that I cleared out the closet, but Sierra replied back stating that She wanted me to leave some of her clothes here just so that she has something to wear when she returns. Sierra always kept telling me how she would return, but never said when. Before Sierra and Mya left, Sierra asked Mya to sit in the car so she could talk to me privately. Mya was refusing on the grounds that she did not want anything to happen. After a little back and forth convincing, Mya finally walked out the door to give us privacy. I asked Sierra how her party went on Saturday. She answers, "It was great. Me and my friend got totally waste".
"Who was your friend"?
"Just someone I invited last second. Me and her got shit faced and had fun".
You see how she referred to her friend as "her". My impression on hearing that was Sierra was cheating on me and left me for a woman. This has been hinted at throughout our relationship. Now to save you all from reading the redundancy of our conversation where she kept repeating how fun it was for them to get wasted. I am going to jump to the point where I asked her about attendance and her family to which Sierra replied back chillingly, "No one showed up to the party. That is why I invited my friend last minute".
"Well you did have family there–"
"None of my family showed up. It was only me there".
"I'm so sorry".
"It's whatever. Guess that is why I tried to kill myself that night".
"When she left that night, I spent the remaining time trying to kill myself. But I could not go through with it despite being drunk".
I was going to talk to her like a parent to give her a lesson on how to treat people, but when she went on to tell me how she attempted to commit suicide again shut me up real quick. How she was talking was haunting. Sierra was droning on with a cold and lifeless expression on her face. We just kinda stood there in silence after that when I broke the silence. Since Sierra acknowledged the break up occurred after the party and this conversation was the beating around the bush way of laying our relationship to rest, I just wanted to know if she cheated on me at the party. Sierra hesitated before she responded in a low pitch as her voice cracked to say "no". The fact that her voiced changed so much just to say one word to me made my heart sink knowing that she lied. This was a situation where lying would make you look worse rather than being honest to bury it all. It seemed like she was trying to maintain this pleasant image of herself just so we could get back together in the future. That is a bit of foreshadowment on what would happen next. I then asked her how things were with her and her parents. Sierra explained that she quickly moved out of her parents and in with her friend Zaneta. This is the first time I am mentioning this friend of Sierra. Their relationship hit the rocks because she paraded me around like she won first prize and made other women inferior to her. When Zaneta's fiancé broke off the engagement, Sierra was less comforting than she should have been and they have not spoken in over a year. Zaneta moved in with her new boyfriend up in York, Pennsylvania. That is how I know she lied again to me. To finish our private conversation, the caring part in me decided to remind Sierra how I still care for her even if we were no longer together. I asked her one more time to get help before I gave her a hug and watched her walk out of the apartment. I was left there standing and shaking my head in disbelief.
    After that weekend, Sierra and I kept in contact with each other as friends. What pissed me off the most about this point was how Sierra was messaging me. Being friends then dating Sierra for over three years, I know how she talks through text message. Sierra starts replying to me as if she was this teenage white girl flirting with a man. Starts sending me "lol" and "jk" replies to everything I said. I was not trying to be funny in any of my messages to her. She was bragging like she was doing all these activities and such until she reveals that she was not doing anything but watching. Why tell me you are fixing a truck when you do not know anything about a combustible engine? It is not a funny joke either. I am someone that laughs very easily, but this stuff aggravated me. Around this time, I had several friends and family send me pictures of Sierra's new profile on Facebook. I went to look at it and was focused on two things. The first was her banner. It was an inspirational picture that read something like this: "When you have love, never let it go. Don't take it for granite". I was beyond livid seeing this. I could not help but to take this as a personal jab to me. All I wanted to do was work things out and talk, but Sierra was set in her ways. She was the one that gave up on love. The next thing was when I scrolled down to see who she was dating. His name is Brandon Furlough. This was the man who went to her party and bought her the alcohol because Jordan and I did not come. This was the man she moved in with after leaving me in Salisbury. I got a good look at his profile and I found something very interesting that I brought up to Sierra.

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