Chapter 2: Aimee

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Chapter 2: Aimee

Well done Aimee you screwed up. A handshake really? I'm so awkward it's embarrassing! But really, he did act a little cold, I know it's his first day and all but that was a little harsh. After all I was just trying to be nice. Oh poetry? Oh yes, I love poetry! The way the words are constructed to from a rhythmic motion, the way each word is pronunciated in such a fashion that it turns into a sort of repetitious lullaby. How you can feel the poet's pain, or his joy, or his confusion in the matter of a few words. This new guy doesn't seem to be too impressed by it though. He has his head buried in his workbook, clearly not paying attention to anything around him. Though I mean, he did just move schools and by the sound of his voice possibly moved country. His accent is definitely distinct, but I have lived in the centre of London my whole life and therefore am not familiar with origins, Scottish? No, I don't think so, Scottish accents seem to have a hoarse or raspy tone to them. Irish perhaps? I haven't heard many Irish accents in movies but it does have that sort of ring to it.

"Mr Worths would you read the following passage for the class?" Poor Mr Reed, the guys in this class never take him seriously. Always boasting about football or their girlfriends and whatnot. Load of rubbish if you ask me. But of course, no one really ever does. I don't typically have a lot of friends, I mean in school at least. School people suck, really our whole age group is so immature. When success is determined by how many parties you attend or how many follows you have on Facebook or Twitter. Quite frankly I prefer to call on the phone or send emails- guess I'm a little old fashioned like that.

"Ah yeah about that, you see I, well I actually can't see the board that well so..." God these excuses are absolutely pathetic.

"Then why don't you come sit at the front of the class then Mr Worths." And cue the laughter, again as I said, our whole age group is hopelessly immature. I glace over briefly to find that Blake isn't laughing either. At least someone has some piece of common sense. Well now that Kevin Worths and Andrew Page are no longer sitting together the class should be able to actually learn something. If only Ashleigh Willis and Katherine Tate would get off their cell phones, like honestly, I saw you snogging each other's boyfriends this morning surely you can go a couple of hours without them.


Wait was that the bell? I'll finish off that paragraph later. I turn to the desk beside me but he has already gone. Must be eager to get out of class, just grabbing his stuff and barging out the door. Does he even know where he's going? I better grab my stuff and follow him to make sure. Please, as if he'd listen to me. Well, I can at least check, I mean what's the worst that could happen? He says he's fine and then I'll head off to my next class as I always do. Wait what is my next class? Biology? Or is that tomorrow? Ouch! I always hit my arm on that door. Oh, there he is.

"Hey wait up," he turns around, oh dear god he doesn't look impressed- well is too late to turn back now. "Blake was it? Yeah, I was just wondering if you, I don't know, need any help with anything? If you need someone to show around the school or help locate classes or even just to talk to. Just letting you know I'm- I'm happy to help any way I can." God, I feel so self-conscious all of a sudden, I have a feeling this was a bad idea. Why do I do this to myself! When will I learn to keep my mouth shut honestly.

"You know what," wow he looks pissed, "you have some nerve coming over here. You think because I have bloody cancer that you have the right to come and walk all over me, I am not an invalid and can take care of myself for Christ's sake." Ok so much for helping.

"Um, ah, I- I wasn't saying that I just- "

He turns to walk away but seems to think the better of it, "For the record I know exactly your type. Typical sun-shines-out-of-your-ass, friends-with-all bullshit. Well I'm not buying it, so go sell your goody-two-shoes attitude to someone who cares." Alright now this guy is really starting to tick me off.

"That's a little presumptuous of you don't you think?" I can feel heat rush to my face, the tone of annoyance clearly present in my voice. Yet instead he chuckles.

"Presumptuous aye? Big word don't you think?" He's walking away now, and I really should just let this go but fun fact for you, I tend to hold a grudge.

"Not as big as your ego it seems." I practically yelled it, which got a few looks- just great. But it worked, he turned around, and wiped that smug expression of his face, one now replaced with slight shock. Taking a breath, I spoke calmly, "Look, I'm sorry if I offended you. Quite frankly I thought maybe it would be nice if you had someone to talk to on your first day, considering you are new here. I was just trying to be friendly, it is after all how I was raised but don't worry, I promise it won't happen again." I didn't catch the expression on his face as he turned to walk down the corridor, he just nodded once and turned the corner. Alright I feel a little bad, but I stand by what I said, he was being a dick and I've had enough of people treating me like I'm lesser than them. Still. Maybe it was a bit harsh.

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