Chapter 41: Aimee

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"Well come on out!" I open up the bedroom door. Sofia gasped and starts clapping.

"Well?" I ask, I swivel briefly from side-to-side. The light bounces off the fabric.

"Oh, Aimee you look gorgeous! Blue is definitely your colour." I hadn't really given that much thought to the school dance before, but now that's it's here- tonight- I'm really starting to feel nervous.

"What if Blake doesn't like it?" Sofia rolls her eyes.

"It's not about him Aimee, it's about you as well. Tonight is about dressing up to make yourself feel good, not anyone else." She smiles, "And if he doesn't like it, he can go beat into a sock."

"Sofia!" She shrugs.

"What? It's true. Anyway sit down, I need to do your makeup next." She grabs out her big metal case, she opens it and pulls out all these trays of various blushes, eyeshadows and other powders which I have no idea what they are used for. I've never really gotten into makeup myself.

"So, what are you planning tonight? Going anywhere?" She looks at be suspiciously, shit I was trying to keep this low-key. Unfortunately, older sisters are able to read you like an open book. An open book in size 70 font.

"Not really why? Close." I close my eyes as she puts my eyeshadow on.

"Um, well I was just thinking... I mean Dad is out of town for a few days, and I'm at this dance and I thought it would be a good opportunity for you to go catch-up with your friends or whatnot." I shrug trying to keep the conversation casual. She raises her eyebrow at me and sets down her makeup brush. Oh, here we go...

"Aimee one of your biggest flaws is that you have an inability to lie. To anyone. Ever." I nibble at my lip nervously. "Now tell me the real reason you so desperately want me to have a social life."

"Well," I start. But it's so awkward talking about this sort of stuff. I mean, she's my sister. "Blake and I probably won't be at the party for long cause he gets tired easily, so I thought we could come back here for a few hours." She looks straight at me.

"Alright, I was a teenage girl once too Aimee. I get it. You and Blake have been pretty serious for a while now and, you want to take it to the next step. That's fine."

"Okay..." I don't really know where this conversation is going, I just hope it doesn't get awkward.

"Aimee," She puts her hand on my shoulder, "You are a responsible girl, I know you wouldn't do anything you weren't comfortable with. But I do have to ask, do you have-?"

"Yeah, yeah I do." No need to open up other avenues of conversation. "Casey gave them to me for my birthday, remember?." Sofia laughs.

"Dear god that girl, I wonder if she was born with a virginity? She seems to be sleeping around with the next guy she can get her hands on." She finishes by putting my lipstick on, "There all done. And I'll make sure the house is empty tonight- I might go see a movie actually..." I get myself ready and get in the car. Sofia jumps in. I drive her over to the shopping centre, they are open late tonight, and drop her off at the entrance.

"Have fun tonight Aimee, you deserve it. MAKE GOOD CHOICES!" She shouts as she waves. It's a Pitch Perfect reference. Anna Kendrick is one of her favourite actresses.

It's a pretty good movie, great for a laugh. But I definitely do not like it as much as my sister, she watches them ON REPEAT. Dad hates it, he has always hates musicals. And of course, we go around the house singing all the songs at the top of our lungs... just to piss him off. I'm surprised we haven't be disowned to be honest.

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