Chapter 43: Aimee

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I drove him back to my place. We walked inside and made our way up to my room. Blake looks around.

"Where is everyone?" I smile at him.

"Dad is out for a work trip, my sister has gone to the movies. We have the place to ourselves tonight." I can feel my face heating up. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close to me. His hands wrap around my waist like when we were dancing. I pull him in to kiss me, slowly at first, then more passionately. His hands snake up my back, sending chills down my spine. I step back. He looks confused. I reach behind me and unzip the back of my dress, it hangs loose over my shoulders. His eyes widen. His hand moves across my shoulder, pulling the sleeve of my dress off. I feel my heart race as he whispers into my ear.

"Are you sure?" I can barely speak.

"Yes." I whisper in reply. He kisses my neck slowly. I bite my lip as his lips trace my shoulder, my neck, until finally our lips meet. I pull his face to mine. His hands move feverishly up and down my hips. As we are kissing I find myself pressed against the wall. My hand moves to his shirt, as I try to unbutton it blindly. Suddenly he steps back.

"I can't do this." He says as he sits on my bed. I feel self-conscious, I start fiddling with the end of my dress.

"No its fine, I mean- I get it." He looks up.

"You do?" He asks.

"Yeah," I sit down beside him, suddenly feeling awkward, "Blake I know you have been with other girls. I mean, there is no way that I am as pretty or-" He grabs my hand.

"No Aimee you don't get it, you are right you cannot compare to any other woman I have ever met." I look down, feeling my eyes start to burn. "You are so much better." I look up, he is smiling. "You really don't see that do you?" I shake my head and wipe my eyes. "Aimee, the reason I can't do this is not you, it's me." I frown.

"I don't understand." He turns away.

"Aimee, I hate myself, how ugly and skinny and pale I am. I didn't used to be like that. I just can't bring myself to, to do that... with you. Not like this." I bite at the end of my lip.

"So, it's not that you don't... like me?" He turns, his expression almost alarmed.

"Aimee, I want you..." That was enough. His hands were on me, his mouth moved quickly with mine. He pulled my dress off me, but then he stops and looks over me.

"What's wrong? He smiles, his eyes wide.

"You're so beautiful." I laugh as he goes back to kissing me. I roll him over, so I am laying on top of him. He smirks.

"Well look how the tables have turned." I laugh as he sits up. Suddenly he looks panicked. "Aimee, I don't have protection." I laugh as I take out a box of condoms from my desk drawer.

"Well lucky I came prepared." He laughs.

"Are they from Casey?" I nod, and we laugh for a good while. I reach over and unbutton his shirt. Slowly the layers of clothing are thrown onto the floor until there is nothing between us. Turns out Blake knew about condoms as much as I did- which was nothing. After an awkward couple of minutes, he seemed to figure it out. I could feel my heart racing, I felt like I was going to be sick. I kissed him as he lay down, his hand stroking my cheek.

"Are you sure?" I nodded. He kissed me, his arms wrapping around my back pulling my body towards him. I gave in to him. Every feeling, every emotion I felt for him, it was all there. It was the one moment where I felt like the wall I have built around myself was coming apart, no longer could I hide. I felt like he saw me, all of me for who I really was.

My body moved against his as my lips traces his neck. I felt his arms tighten around me, as he whispered my name into my ear. Without warning they moved down my torso, across my thighs. I bit my lip hard as a moan escaped my mouth, my grip tightened around his back and shoulders. Blake smirked at me as he rolled over, his legs tangling with mine. I looked into his eyes as I ran my hand across his head. He was mine, and he knew I was his.


"Why are you laughing?" We lay next to each other in my bed. I shrug, smiling from ear to ear.

"I don't know, I guess I just can't believe it." He smiles at me for a moment, but then his face grows concerned.

"Did it hurt?" He almost whispers. I shrug, still unable to wipe the smile from my face.

"A little. But I guess you could say pros far outweigh the cons." He kisses me softly. I look at him, biting my lip. He chuckles and covers his face with his hands. "What is it?" He looks over at me.

"You have no idea how sexy you are when you bite your lip like that, drives me insane." I blush, I had no idea he thought that. I sigh.

"Anyway, we better get you back. Your father would skin us both if he found out what happened here." He shrugs.

"Guess I don't have to be afraid anymore." I frown at him. He smiles. "I know I won't die a virgin." He laughs, and I roll my eyes.

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