Chapter 57: Aimee

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"You don't have to go to school today Aimee, I will make a phone call and you can stay home." Today is the day they are holding a school memorial for Blake.

"No, it's okay Dad, I want to be there." So at least there will be one person who ever gave a shit about him there.

Dad drives me to school. He's been doing that for a while now, just until I get back on my feet he says. To be honest I don't really know if that will ever happen. Maybe one day I will just learn to cope with it. We all filed into the gym. I laugh. He hated this place, and now why are going to acknowledge him here. We take out seats, everyone is staring at me. I stare back. Say something I keep thinking. I dare you. The assembly starts. Penny Milton, the school captain and leader of the cheer squad makes her way to the front.

"Testing, testing. Okay. We are here today to commemorate the life of a teenage boy, Blake Sullivan. Blake Sullivan was an amazing young man who suffered a great deal of hardships as he battled with cancer. In his time here, Blake showed us just how kind and resilient he was in this feat, and I know there was a lot we could have learned from him. While his absence will permanently leave a space that cannot be filled, we can all be inspired by the courage Blake showed here as he attended this school. Blake you are a real inspiration to all of us, God bless you." Everyone claps, Penny smiles as steps of the podium. I jump out of my seat and snatch the microphone from her and make my way up the stairs. Angry is an understatement as to how I am feeling right now.

"Penny I just want to say how really very thoughtful your speech was, the whole team-player good-two-shoes bullshit, yeah nicely played. And pull your skirt down slut, we all know you've shagged half the men in this room you don't need to make a statement about it." Everyone in the stadium explodes.

"Blake Sullivan was a student who went to this school, yes. But let me tell you he hated this place, and everyone in it. But apparently the feeling was mutual. Take Penny for example," I turn towards as she turns to sit down. She looks shocked.

"On Blake's first day of school he walked into period 1 English. As soon as he walked in everyone was gawking at him. I remember looking around the room appalled by how everyone was treating him, when he hadn't even spoken yet. Mr Reeds asked where there was a spare seat, the whole class went silent. And if I recall correctly, Ms Sweet Penny here grabbed her books and put them on the seat NEXT TO HER! Tell me Penny fucking Milton, what was Blake's favourite colour hmm? Favourite movie? What did little Blake Sullivan want to be WHEN HE GREW UP!" I can barely breathe but I keep going.

"No-one here cared about him. None of you filthy pieces of shit gave a single moment to acknowledge his presence. Mr Henderson, Mr Reeds, Mr Johnson and Ms Morgan were about the only people I know that ever gave a shit." I laugh with rage," I remember once in class Blake was shaking so hard he could lift his pen. And Mr Flanders response was to pull your own weight. WELL FUCK YOU FLANDERS, FUCK YOU AND WHATEVER SORRY SHITHOLE YOU CRAWLED OUT OF!" Mr Flanders makes his way from the top of the stadium but I keep talking, I will say what needs to be said and when I'm finished I'm leaving.

"You know I went so many years keeping quiet, keeping my head low, staying under the radar. But if there is one thing Blake taught me it was not to stay quiet. If you have something to say, say it. Scream it. So, I have something to say to all the pathetic pubescent hormonal bullshit I see in front of me today. Fuck you Greenmount High. And fuck each other if you haven't already for good measure." I throw the mic across the floor and bolt for the door, Mr Flanders blocks it, but I punch him in the throat and make a run for it. Why is it that being bad feels good?

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