I sit in my room, on the desk chair facing my bed. The sheets are a mess, two of my pillows are on the floor. I look away smiling. Every time I close my eyes I feel like I am back there again, with Blake all tangled together. Now I know I am blushing like an idiot. My phone starts ringing so I pick it up. It's Blake.
"Hey Blake," I say, as I bite my lip and look over at my un-made bed. But it isn't Blake who answers the phone. It's his Ma.
"Oh sorry deary, ah, um, I-" She is whispering, her voice shaky. I lean over my chair.
"Mrs Sullivan, where's Blake?" I feel myself starting to panic. Blake was fine a matter of hours ago, but with his condition it's hard to say if he is still the same now.
"He had an ah- an incident. He's in the hospital." My heart sinks. "He's alright but I just wanted to let you know that he's okay and-" I jump out of my chair.
"No Mrs Sullivan I'll be there in 10 minutes." She frantically speaks.
"Oh no no no he's alright, he's alright love I just wanted you to know where he was that's all."
"Please Mrs Sullivan, I want to be there." She sighs from the end of the line.
"Of course sweetheart, I can understand that."
I call my sister who takes a taxi home, before taking me over to the hospital.
"Thanks Sofia I really owe you one tonight." I yank off my seat belt, but Sofia leans over and locks the door. "What?" I say. Why is she delaying me?
"Well, how did the other thing go." I trying to pry her hand off the door, not really focusing on what she is saying.
"Yeah what?" She takes my hands and spins me around to face her.
"You know what I mean, you and Blake. Did it go okay? Do you feel weird about it?" I shake my head.
"No, no the thing, it went... fine." I jump out the car and am halfway across the carpark when she winds the widow down and yells.
"DID YOU USE PROTECTION?!" People turn around and look at me. I hear Sofia cracking up with laughter. I give her the finger and run away laughing. Sure it was inappropriate, but at the end of the day Sofia really knows how to make me laugh.
I walk into the hospital; Blake's mother is in the foyer.
"Where is he? Is he okay?" She puts her hand on my shoulder.
"Yes of course he's alright," She lowers her voice, "I really shouldn't be telling you this but, he had a big fight with his father. He got beaten up bad." Tears stream down her cheeks, she looks at me apologetically. It then clicked. I stare down at the ground in shame and horror.
"He found out didn't he, about Blake coming over to my place," I feel my whole face growing hot and my eyes are burning, "I didn't, I mean I-" Mrs Sullivan pats my gently on the back.
"Now deary it's nothing for you to be ashamed of. Back at home Blake was sure one to "hook up" as you kids say, going around with a different girl every week or so. I'm just glad he got to share that... "experience" with someone responsible and kind-natured such as yourself. I know you really care about him." I start playing with the loose threads around my dress, I still haven't taken it off.
"Can I see him?" I say quietly, not taking my eyes off the ground. Mrs Sullivan sighs.
"I'm afraid not dear, and besides, he's asleep." I nod.
"Okay, well if it's alright with you I'm going to stay here- until he wakes up." She smiles.
"Of course, but don't stay too long love you need your sleep." She pushes a loose strand of hair behind my ear and walks away. I put my hand to it and smile, now I know where Blake gets it from.
I open my eyes. I am still in the hospital, I never went home last night. Sofia has sent be dozens of messages. Shit.
I give her a quick call, she lectures me for being irresponsible and putting my boyfriend before my own mental wellbeing and tells me to call her when I want to be picked up again. She said she'd take the day off in case I needed her. I may call my sister a bitch, but I really do love her... sometimes.
I walk around a bit, until I see an open door about three doors down the corridor. I can hear them talking.
"You got me all beat up." Blake. It's definitely him. I walk faster.
"Ah you did that to yourself." Blake's dad sounds drunk, as usual I suppose. "That's what you get for sleeping around with little whores who'll get bored of you once you start carking it. She's probably slept with hundreds of men. Did she do a little strip tease for you aye?"
"Fuck off Dad."
"Michael, that is enough, Aimee is a lovely young woman. Show her some respect." He laughs.
"Fat chance love."
"What if she was standing in front of you?" I stand in the doorway, Blake stares wide-eyed at me. His head is purple, as is his chest and his arms. His eye is swollen and black. Tears rolls down my face as I look at him. Blakes dad rolls his eyes.
"Oh, for the love of god! Who invited the slut? Look at her she's a bloody train wreck." I start crying harder now.
"I, Mr Sullivan look like this because I have spent the past six hours sleeping on a bunch of waiting room chairs anxious to see if your son is okay. It looks like I took much better care of him last night than you did, judging from the marks on him. Maybe you should redirect the blame stick at yourself." He lunges.
"You little BITCH!" I move out of the doorway.
"And for the record Mr Sullivan, I was a virgin before last night. Blake was the first person that I'd ever even kissed let alone other things. Mr Sullivan, your son has been with many girls in his time but because they were fun it was fine right? But because he loves me I am now a whore?" I run out of the corridor, I can hear Blake shouting.
"You FUCKHEAD! You are SUCH a SCREW UP! I HATE YOU!" I want to go comfort him. But I know it would just make things worse. His dad would probably give me a black eye before I'd have the chance anyways.

Blake and Aimee
Teen FictionA John Green style short novel situated around the lives of two teenagers; Blake and Aimee. Blake is a pessimistic, self-loathing cancer patient while Aimee is a seemingly optimistic, introverted book worm. But there is more beneath the surface. As...