Chapter 23: Aimee

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"Well how was it?" Dad looks up as I walk in the door.

"Don't even ask." He frowns and stands up.

"Was it really that bad?" he sounds surprised, I don't really blame him, so am I.

"Bad doesn't even begin to cover it. Dad, his father is an alcoholic, and abusive alcoholic too. I you saw the way he treated his wife you would have been outraged- treated her as if she were a mere piece of meat. Its utterly disgraceful. And then there what he said to me." Dad bolts over, arms crossed and frown still present. Classic Dad pose.

"What did he say?" Oh, dear this isn't going to end well, "Go on, you can tell me."

"If you promise not to tell anyone, trust me it will only makes things worse okay?" He scratches at his head, clearly not comfortable with this deal, "Okay?" I prompt him once again. After a moment he sighs.

"Okay then."


I told him everything. Everything about how he said I was a deranged teenage girl, how he swore at me and yelled at me. Dad keeps a straight face but I can tell he's struggling to contain his temper.

"Who does he think he is aye? Telling MY daughter she's deranged and bad for his son. For God's sake anyone who has earned the company of my daughter is blessed beyond their years."

"Dad..." I moan, I'm not perfect after all. I'm just an ordinary girl, with ordinary flaws like everyone else. I hate it when he makes a fuss.

"No, I mean it, you are an extraordinary young girl with a level head on your shoulders and a caring heart to go with it. You sell yourself short darling, you are better than you give yourself credit for."

"What is it now? Petty little boyfriend break up with you?" Sofia. Never comes out of her room until it's to poke her nose in someone else's business.

"No, and no he is not my boyfriend. Jesus Sofia." Dad turns around.

"Sofia just give us a moment alright?" She disappears back up the stairs. Dad turns back to me.

"Well I'm sorry that dinner turned into such a disaster love, but I do have some good news." He smiles at me, I start to get awfully suspicious- what has he planned? "I was thinking that you might like to invite your friends over for a party next week, it being your birthday and all." Oh my god!

"Really? Oh my god are you serious? That is amazing, yes! Oh yes please! Thanks, so much Dad!" I practically leapt into his arms to hug him, he staggers backwards to break his fall.

"Woah slow down there aye? Well you are welcome. I know you have some friends at the library book group of yours but I know that you are always so lonely..." He pauses sadness welling in his face. I grab his hand.

"Well now I'm not am I? Oh, I am so excited! Eek! I'm going to go and start planning everything now. Thanks again Dad!"


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