Chapter 40: Blake

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"Hey, are you feeling alright?" Aimee comes running up to me as I get out of the car. School hasn't started yet, but normally in the mornings I meet Aimee outside just so we can sit together before classes start.

"Yeah feeling a lot better, thanks. Just needed to rest that's all." I feel so bad about what she did, it wasn't her responsibility to cover for me. "I'm sorry about Friday, you getting a detention and all."

"Blake it's fine, I really don't care. Besides, Mr Flanders was about as useful as a marzipan dildo." I burst out laughing, where did such and innocent girl pull that phrase from? "It's from In the Thick of It. A hilarious British TV about politics and shit it's great, I watch it with my Dad. Peter Capaldi is brutal. And besides, dad talked to school and I don't have to do it anymore, problem solved."

Behind her I see a group of guys sniggering at us. Aimee grabs my hand. "Ignore them Blake, you really think I don't notice they are right there?" I look over at her, she's smiling. "I do, I know what people are saying about us, what I don't care what they think. I care what you think about us. That's all." I smile at her, but I can see the guys comes this way.

"Hey lovebirds what are you up to?" Aimee pulls my hand to walk the other way.

"Oh, you going to go give him a hand job sweetheart?" Another one goes, "Tell me has the cancer spread to his dick yet?"

"Just ignore them." Aimee whispers to me, as we keep walking.

"Wait does his dick even work, what's it like having sex with someone with one foot in the grave?" The keep coming. "Wait that means you have cancer too since you're fucking a human disease." Aimee turns around and smiles politely.

"Well boys, I think you will find that cancer isn't actually contagious or a disease, which in fact you would know if you paid even the slightest amount of attention in biology and pulled your heads out of your hairy arseholes. Have a nice morning you simpleton fucks." With that she walks off. How she manages to curse and still maintain a serious level of sophistication I will never know.

"Oh! She's got a mouth on her, hasn't she? I wonder if language is as dirty as her sex?" The third one runs over and tugs at the sleeve of her shirt. At once I see red.

"Get your hands off her." The guys all start laughing.

"And what are you going to do about it freak?" The three guys surround me.

"Blake come on let's go." I don't listen, if there is a point to be made here, I'm going to make it. I swing my arm at the first guy, knocking him over. I turn and knee the second one in the leg. But before I can turn around the other two grab my shoulder and slam me to the ground. The third one sits on top of me, and begins to smash my face, hitting it and hitting it. I feel like I'm going to pass out. When something knocks the third guy off. Then to my surprise I see Mr Reed standing over the top of me.

"Now you two, take your friends down to the principal's office NOW!" The three guys scramble off down the hallway. Mr Reed helps me up. "You got to hate them, I remember in the war there were such bastards. Just because they are bigger than you and stronger than you they think they own you." I think for a moment.

"Mr Reed did you just hit a student?" He looks taken aback.

"Mr Sullivan you must have hit your head pretty hard there aye?" He laughs, "I won't tell if you won't sonny." Aimee comes running over.

"Blake oh my god you're bleeding everywhere! Why did you do that are you okay?" I look down at my shirt, she's right there is blood everywhere. Ma won't be impressed, after all, school hasn't even started yet. "Why did you do that Blake, there was no way you could have fought them off surely you knew that." I laugh weakly, everything fucking hurts.

"Of course I did, I'm not stupid Aimee. But I love you. So, I did what I could to make my point." She's smiling and crying. She leans over and kisses me; either she hasn't noticed Mr Reeds sitting right beside us or she doesn't care. She laughs, and she pulls away.

"Thank you Mr Reeds for helping him." Mr Reeds bats his hand in the air.

"Ah it was nothing, merely just gave that prick a little nudge that's all." Aimee smiles.

"Right Blake, I'll take you and you get clean yourself up before school. Unless you want to look like a crime scene." I laugh.

"I'll think about for Halloween how does that sound?" She kisses my forehead and we get into her car.


I'd like to say that we went back to school after that but, we didn't. We just stayed at my place, enjoying each other's company. Listening to music and watching Doctor Who. I remember it was Sam's favourite show, it felt weird watch it again; the reprise of the legendary madman in a blue box. It felt good having her to myself, I could kiss her when I wanted to. For as long as I wanted to. With her in my arms I felt invincible, like I could do anything.

"Hey Blake, I know this is going to sound... I don't know-" I roll my eyes.

"Say it."

"Will you come to the school dance with me?" She scrunches her eyes tight, as if she was ripping off a band-aid. I mean I wouldn't normally go, but I figured it's kinda a high-school rite of passage, not that I really care for those sorts of things but, well-"

"Aimee of course I would." She nibbles at her bottom lip.

"Even after everything?" I sigh at her and smile.

"Even after everything. You are all I need Aimee, no-one else. And like you said, all that matters is us." I smile as I touch the pendant I gave her for her birthday. She keeps it in her bag all the time but refuses to wear it in pubic often as someone might take it. As I hold her hand I kiss it gently and kiss her cheek. What did ever do to deserve this? She's perfect.

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