Well that was close. That nearly turned into a disaster. God dammit Casey when will you learn to keep your mouth shut! Anyway, Blake seems to be enjoying himself- he's talking to Juan about something, can't tell what but he's smiling. He's so different when he smiles, if fact I can't even remember the time he shunned me outside of class with his dark sarcasm and sharp tone. He looks over at me, and I smile back. No words were spoken, yet it feels like so much was said.
"Alright guys it's getting so late we should be heading off." I better take Blake home, he looks exhausted and we have school tomorrow. Blake grabs his beanie and after saying goodbye to everyone we head to the car.
"Aimee what's wrong?" I sideways glance over at him as I drive. I realise that I'm shaking my leg, nervous fidget thing, and try to respond casually.
"Nothing, why makes you think anything is wrong I'm fine." Nicely done, not at all suspicious Aimee. He chuckled and leans over to me.
"Aimee, I have had anxiety for the past year and a half. I can easily tell when others are nervous so don't bother lying to me." Well, I have to say I have no way out of this. I mean, he does have a point.
"I just," I sigh, "I'm sorry, about tonight I mean. Especially Casey I TOLD her that-"
"Aimee it's fine." No this isn't right he can't just fob something like this off.
"No Blake it isn't. The way Casey acted was completely inappropriate and the last thing I want is to make you feel more uncomfortable being here than you already are and- "
"Aimee please just stop!" I sigh, and just focus at the bottom of the road. "Your friends, I like them." Wait, what did he just say?
"Yeah, really I do. Sure, Casey is a bit 'out there' but that's just her personality and she's fine. Juan and Leeah are hilarious and I didn't really get to talk to Nadia but- "
"Oh, she likes you. Trust me, she doesn't say much but I could tell."
"Well thank god for that, it's the quiet ones I have to watch out for I'm told." We chuckle for a moment and then his tone goes quiet. "Aimee, they accept me. When I took my hat off I was so afraid of what they say and think but they weren't phased, if anything they like it which was weird. But I haven't felt like that in a long time."
"Like what? You haven't felt like what in a long time?" He looks over, a bittersweet half smile comes over his face.
"Normal." For the rest of the car ride we don't say a word. As we pull into his driveway Blake smiles. "See you tomorrow." I smile in response. I watch him walk inside his house and give him one last wave before he shuts his front door. And for a moment I just sit there. Alone, in my car. Because I don't know what it is but something is different. I can feel it. Sillage. Noun. The scent that lingers in the air, the trail of ripples left in water. I felt it in the library, as he smiled and our eyes locked onto each other. He wasn't looking away and neither was I, and for a second everything just disappeared and it was just him. Whatever it was, whatever had happened, he's left an impression. Like when someone you know walks past you wearing their perfume. They may be long gone but the scent of their perfume still lingers in the air, like a distant memory. God I am pathetic. Well, whatever it is, I don't want it to leave.

Blake and Aimee
Teen FictionA John Green style short novel situated around the lives of two teenagers; Blake and Aimee. Blake is a pessimistic, self-loathing cancer patient while Aimee is a seemingly optimistic, introverted book worm. But there is more beneath the surface. As...