Thursday night, all of us are at the library at one of the round tables. I'm next to Aimee and Casey, who never leaves my side mind you, and we are discussing movies for a change.
"So, Blake what is your favourite movie?" Juan asks over the table
"I don't know really, depends on my mood. But there is this movie called Sing Street you guys probably haven't heard it." Aimee practically shouts from the table.
"What! No way that's so crazy I love that movie! The soundtrack was PHEMOMENAL and the actors in it did absolute justice to their roles. The context was amazing, I love the 80s era it's the best I love all their music."
"No way seriously?"
"Yes, it's an amazing movie I have watched it so many times, it makes me want to start a band."
"Same! Being in Ireland when my friends and I watched we were like 'yeah man let's start a band together', which of course we never did but yeah, I love that movie. Anyway," I turn my chair to face Casey, "What about you Casey?"
"Mine? Oooh that's a tough one, probably Mean Girls, the first one to clarify, the chicks are badass." There is a mutual agreeance around the table, I of course have never seen this film. "Nadia?"
"Me Before Me, but it so sad! Juan?"
"Man, I really have a soft spot for The Notebook, I cry every time I swear. Leeah?"
"Probably Perks of Being a Wallflower because it has drugs and gay people in it." Strong approval from Juan. "Lucky last, Aimee?" Aimee smiles and bites the edge of her lip.
"Love Actually." The entire table groans. Which I really wasn't expecting. If it's the one I'm thinking of, it wasn't bad enough to warrant a groan is disgust from the entire table.
"Isn't that the Christmas film with like Hugh Grant, and Kiera Knightly or something?" Casey rolls her eyes and leans back in her chair.
"Do not even get me started on this Aimee god!" Aimee shoots on the defence.
"Hey it is a good movie okay? You guys asked me which my favourite was and I didn't shoot any of you down did I?"
"Ok Aimee," Casey leans over the table to get a better look of Aimee, "we get it it's a good movie, a 'British Classic' if you will. But every time you bring that movie up you start with your obsession over middle-aged British man thing." Juan leans in.
"Yeah if I had a coin for every time you fangirled over Thomas Brodie Sangster," the table roars with laughter, "especially in Maze Runner gosh girl I'd be living the high life I can tell you that." Nadia looks over.
"But it's not just him it's like, all British men." Leeah stands up.
"Oh yeah don't get me started on this one I've been keeping track trust me. Okay so we have Thomas Brodie Sangster, then its goes to Jamie Campbell Bower from Mortal Instruments, David Tennant from Doctor Who, Sam Claflin from the Hunger Games. Oh, and if that isn't enough," She begins counting on her fingers, "crossing over to MARVEL we have Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Holland, Tom Hiddleston who she started crushing on first- she likes her tricksters Blake." Leeah shoots a wink at me, I look over at Aimee but I can't see her face, her hand is buried in her hands.
"Oh, and we can't forget James McAvoy from X-men prequels." Adds Juan.
"But like we need to spell it out for you, you've probably heard all of this like a million times by now." Not knowing what to say I chuckle awkwardly.
"Actually," looking around the table, "this is the first I'd heard of it." And then they erupted, I can't even distinguish the differences from everyone's voices but they all contain one thing in common, shock.
"Aimee you haven't told him!" Casey is staring wide mouthed. Aimee shifts uncomfortable in her chair.
"Yeah well I didn't want to make a complete fool of myself did I?" I turn around with a smirk.
"And you were scared that I'd get uncomfortable coming here, well that backfired." Aimee nods at the floor.
"Yeah little bit."

Blake and Aimee
Teen FictionA John Green style short novel situated around the lives of two teenagers; Blake and Aimee. Blake is a pessimistic, self-loathing cancer patient while Aimee is a seemingly optimistic, introverted book worm. But there is more beneath the surface. As...