Chapter 26: Blake

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Ma and I were driving home after a long day of school. Or at least I thought we were, when she takes a wrong turn which leads to the store.

"Um, Ma? You missed our turn."

"No, I didn't Darling, I'm taking you to the shops." Why the bloody hell would she do that for? What wrong I have done to deserve having to go out into a public environment full of crowds and interact with people? It's my idea of hell. Along with gym class, which I hate with a tremendous passion. Shit. My head hurts.

"Why are you doing that? Couldn't you have dropped me home first, I hate stores." Ma looks sideways at me, her expression questionable.

"I'm taking you to get a present for Aimee, it's her birthday party tonight isn't it?" Oh, that makes more sense.

"Oh, sorry you went to all the trouble Ma, I forgot to tell you I already have something planned." Ma nods slowly.

"Right then, never mind that we'll go back home then."


I'm just about to leave for the party, Ma looks more excited than I do. She is literally about to burst, keeps going around the house saying how wonderful I look and how I'm going to have such an amazing time. Sometimes I think it would be better if it was just her and I, she's never this happy when Dad is around, it saddens me. But more than that, it gets me fuming with anger. Anyway, now it not the time to think about that. I quickly run upstairs before we leave and grab the small wooden box from under my bed. I admit I will be sad to part with it, but I know Aimee will appreciate it more than I ever will be able to. I put it in a gift box and get Ma to tie the ribbon in a bow. I tired three times but my hands were too damn shaky, the blasted things.

We at her house, because I was stuffing around with the ribbon I am a couple minutes late. Goddamit. Ma kisses me goodbye, I tell her to knock it off but I smile at her to let her know that I love her. The lights are going crazy, I can see streamers and balloons from the window as I walk up her driveway. I knock on the door. Instantly I hear a voice that could only be Casey go, "Is that my little bald baby?". Aimee answers the door, wearing a gorgeous shimmery blue party dress, her hair in an updoo with two pieces draping down across the sides of her face. She looks stunning, truly stunning. Again, I feel like my baggy clothes are no place for a party like this. I am wearing just plain jeans and a button up shirt, nothing special yet Aimee seems to think differently, as usual.

"Blake!" She throws herself into her arms, she hasn't done that before. I hugged her yeah, but she's never forcefully flings herself at me. She's probably just excited, it's her Birthday Party after all. Even though her birthday isn't until Friday, she's having the party now because her, her father and her sister Sofia have this tradition where they go out for dinner at a restaurant on someone's birthday. It's a pretty nice tradition. "Oh my god you look amazing!" Casey winks at me from the room.

"She's right, you look great babe. But you'd look a whole lot better with your clothes off don't you think?" Casey laughs as Aimee glares at her. But as she turns back around her face seems slightly reddened. Probably just the lighting, she has an electronic disco ball after all. Clusters of rainbow coloured light move all around the room. I bet Juan and Leeah are using this as a gay pride appreciation moment. I walk in and set my box on the table of gifts, making sure Aimee doesn't see and go to join the others. All of them smile as they see me, coming in for hugs and whatnot. I watch them all dancing, over these past few months these people- these diverse, crazy, incredible people have transformed my life. They really have. The truth is, they are so much more than friends- they are family.

"Come on man come dance with us, you know you want to bro." I smile as I shake my head, I'm not dancing. Leeah turns around.

"Alright then, tell me exactly how drunk do I need to get you before you will get your skinny little arse on this dancefloor hey?" She takes a swig from a hipflask, I didn't know they still made those things. "Because I need my bitch over here right now!" The music is loud so I have to shout.

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