Chapter 9: Aimee

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God Blake was right. It's been 25 minutes and I'm already sick of hearing about molecules. Seriously, when do we get to blow stuff up like in all the American High School movies? As long as I keep my head down and study for the exams I should be fine though- that tactic has never failed me before.


My feel my phone buzz in my pocket. That's odd, Dad doesn't normally text me when I'm in class, hope everything is alright... I grab my phone and hold it under the desk so I don't get caught. It's Blake.

Blake: Soooooooooooo bored.

Blake: What are you doing?

Blake: Are you bored too?

Blake: Come on Aimee you're killing me!

Blake: Get it?

Oh my god he's a shocker.

Aimee: Yes hi, stop texting and get back to class. I go to put my phone down it vibrates again in my hand.

Blake: You didn't answer my question though.

Aimee: Ok fine, yes I'm bored, yes I get your joke but it's not really that funny, now get back to class!

Blake: Bit hypocritical don't you think? I mean you are telling me to get off MY phone while you are still on YOURS. I never forced you to text me, that was on you...

"Ms Harris are you still with us?" I look up, people are starting to turn around to stare at me. Busted.

"Yes, right here sir."

"That's what I thought Aimee... Anyway, what I was saying before was..." And I've zoned out again. I glance at my phone quickly as I put it away.

Blake: P.S. My joke was hilarious and you know it.

Such a shocker. But I smile. Not really knowing why but embracing it all the same.


I walk in the door, Dad is in the kitchen.

"Hey Darlin' how was school?" That's one of the things I love about Dad, he is always the first one to ask how my day is, regardless of what he's doing or how he's feeling- he always has time for me, unlike Mum who seems to have no time for me these days unless it suits her.

"You know what Dad? I had a really good day today." I reply as I grab a sandwich off the bench.

"Hey you little-," He attempts to swipe my hand away but I've already taken a sizeable bite out of it, "Anyway that's great love, so what happened?"

I focus intently on my sandwich as I pull off small pieces and pop them into my mouth, trying to act casual. "Oh, nothing special really, though a few days ago we had a new addition to the school and we've been talking that's all." Dad puts the knife on the chopping and turns to face me, biggest smirk on his face.

"Alright then, what his name?" Ah classic Dad. I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Wait a second did I just hear that Aimee has a boyfriend?" Sofia leans over the stairs, popping her head into the kitchen.

"Oh my god Sofia out of it! And no, I don't have a boyfriend!"

"Sorry, but as your older sister it's my job to keep tabs on these things." Sofia, she is always doing that. I turn back to Dad.

"Who said it was boy?" Dad laughs and points his finger at me.

"Ah yes you got me good, didn't you?" He crosses his arms over and begins to act casually, I got the technique off him you see? "What's her name then?"

"Oh, dear god Dad you are going down THAT path?" He shrugs his shoulder coolly.

"Hey who I am to say who you choose to love sweetheart." He tries to keep a straight face but after a few seconds of deep eye contact we both burst out laughing.

"Really not where I was going with that but touché Dad, touché."

"Good to see your old man can still make you laugh," we settle down and he goes back to making more sandwiches, "Anyway, jokes, aside, who is this new person?" I shuffle over to his side of the bench.

"His name is Blake." He looks sideways at me, a smirk slowly inching its way across his face.

"So, I was right you cheeky sod, well what's he like then? Nice I'm assuming, my daughter doesn't associate with assholes, where's he from? What's he into?"

"Well he's from Ireland you see, plays guitar and he's into Green Day and all that- you'd like him."

"Ah respect, alright I think I'm getting an image here. I'm thinking; tall, pasty white because all the Irish are, pitch-black hair- loads of it all over the place. Possibly a piercing or two I don't know how hardcore this guy is..." I feel myself cringe internally... I try to keep things subtle.

"Well done Dad you were close."

"Really? Yes! Wait, what did I get wrong?"

"Well he doesn't have piercings for one thing," Dad nods, "and you got the hair wrong, but the being tall and white is 100% spot on."

"Hmmm, is he blond then?" I don't respond, Dad turns around to see what's wrong, "what is it?"

"Dad," I begin slowly, "the thing is, Blake, he has no hair- he's got cancer." Dad sets the knife on the bench and turns to face me, he speaks softly.

"How'd you meet him then?" I look up at him, literally "look up" my Dad is quite tall.

"Period 1 English on Monday was his first day, he walked in and Mr Reeds was trying to find him a seat but none would take him, so I put my hand up and he came and sat with me." Dad smiles and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Good girl, I'm sure he was grateful for that." I chuckle sarcastically.

"Oh, not at first, he seemed pretty pissed about it actually, thought I was being patronising and what not. But I think that was just because he was intimidated by everyone gawking at his head. He's come around, and yeah he's really nice."

"Well I'm glad love, you deserve a friend after all you've been through of late." Yeah, I guess that goes for Blake as well.

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