Chapter 24: Blake

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"Sweetheart," tears are streaming down Ma's face, Dad is asleep- found the empty rum bottle on the bedside table, "I am so sorry." My heart aches for her.

"Ma, you don't need to keep apologising, it wasn't your fault. It was Dad's, as usual." We are on the couch, the tv is on but the volume is low, we are whispering as if Dad would wake at the slightest sound, but he both know that he will be unconscious for a good few hours yet before he can be awoken.

"I know I just, I want the best for you Blake. I really do."

"I know Ma." I grab her hand and place it mine, squeezing it gently, "But it's me who should be saying sorry." Ma adjusts her posture on the couch, her blanket wrapped around her shoulders. As she frowns a puzzled look washes across her face.

"Whatever for dear? You haven't done anything wrong." I laugh quietly.

"Yes, I have Ma, I've done the worst thing I could possibly do." Ma leans in slowly.

"Well, whatever it is you know you can tell me dear." I stare up at her small, red-blotched face which is stained from crying. I look down, feeling my eyes burning as they fill up with tears of their own

"I took you for granted." The tears can not be contained anymore as they spill down my face, "Everything you do Ma, all the struggles you endure day in and day out are all for me." Barely able to speak at this point I whisper. "And I fobbed it off, everything last little thing. But Ma I love you so much, and I know I don't tell you enough." My shoulders shake and my chest heaves with every word. "But I love you Ma, I would be nothing without you." Ma pulls me close to her and hugs me tight, wrapped her blanket around us both. She strokes my head until I slowly calm down. I didn't realise how much I missed her embraces until now. We stay like that for a while, not talking, not moving until my phone buzzes in my pocket. She releases my embrace as I check to see who has texted me, not that I really need to guess.

Aimee: Hey Blake, wanted to let you know that I am having a party for my 17th Birthday this Tuesday night.

Aimee: Do you think you will be able to make it?

"It's her isn't it?" I look over at Ma, as she wipes the remains of her tears. "Go on then, what did she say?"

"Ah, she's having a birthday party this Tuesday"

"Well that's exciting, what do you think you will get her?" I put my phone down beside me.

"But I can't go." Ma crosses her arms.

"Why ever not?"

"Well," I stare towards the bedroom door that is slightly ajar, "Because of Dad he would never let me." Ma shakes her head.

"Now is our father the only parent in the house? And besides, he isn't really much of a good parent these days is he?" She looks at me and smiles, "I am your mother and I say you can go, so go. Go and have fun." She gets up to make herself a tea but adds as she leaves, "Just don't do anything stupid or dangerous, that is my only condition." I smile as I get up off the couch myself, I'm exhausted and should really get to bed. It's been a long night.

"Message received and understood Ma." She nods in approval and disappears into the kitchen. I pull my phone out as I make my way up the stairs.

Blake: Sorry I just talked to Ma, she said its fine for me to go

Aimee: How is she, I'm so sorry about what happened.

Blake: She's ok yeah, we have just been sitting on the couch together. Dad is asleep.

Aimee: Praise the Lord!

Blake: Haha praise the Lord indeed. Anyway, I'm off to bed. Night Aimee.

Aimee: Goodnight Blake.

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