Chapter 5: Aimee

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Friends. Haven't had one of those in a while, not at school at least. Though I'll admit I was surprised when I read the note, label me an attention-seeking bitch, rather than someone who was friend-worthy. Nevertheless, the thought does make me feel good, I can feel the smile slowly creeping upon my face- but I force it down, I'd hate to draw more attention to myself. I'm writing again. Which is bad. It's my mother, not leaving me alone- trying to guilt trip me into living with her. Honestly though why would i? She knows I can't stand her or her idiotic boyfriends, and I don't deal well on my own- unless I have a good book.

"Aimee what did you get for question 5?"

Well shit. I have totally blanked out the past five minutes. Um, let's see... wow maths is really not my forte, hang on...

"Ah, ok, well the object is falling and is therefore experiencing negative acceleration, so find the integral of a with respect to t to find the equations for velocity, and sub in the appropriate values on the right to find the speed of the object."

"Thank you, Ms Harris you answered the question, the whole question, all we were looking for was initial velocity- being zero." Oops. Well at least I know I got it right. Oh great, really guys? All whole class has resorting to muttering "nerd" and "show off" under the breath. Pathetic.

Thank god that ended. Hate maths. Always have. I can perform speeches, write plays, analyse poems but put number in front of me I blank. Badly.

Walking out of the classroom, it's kinda scary how quickly I noticed him. I turned the corner and there he was, standing under a tree, looking anxiously around; for me I guess. Call me foolish but, I don't know, makes me feel sort of happy to know that I'm noticed but at least someone. As I get closer, he noticed me and starts to walk in my direction. We meet up in the sort of middle, but closer to where he was standing.

"Hey." He says with a boyish half smile.


"Where about do you sit at lunch?" I chuckle, which earns a well-deserved look of confusion on his behalf.

"Sorry to disappoint but I don't really have a strict seating location, I sort of just sit anyway, normally outside though."

"Well is here ok? It's quite nice in the shade." He's not wrong, there is a nice breeze normally at this time of day.

"Yeah sounds good." I swing my bag off my shoulder as he sits himself up against the tree. Sitting across from him I ask, "So, what subject did you just have?"

"Chemistry, bloody double science of a morning is certainly not my cup of tea, I swear to god if I hear the word molecule or hydrocarbon once more I will puke." He bursts out laughing, which like a contagious disease, causes me to laugh as well. God it feels good, laughing. It's a sort of release I guess, everything that you try to hold in for so long just comes out, and everything just seems a little more bearable.

"Well I had maths, which I absolutely hate with an utmost passion, so I too had a particularly joyous time in class."

"Well ain't you fancy hey?"

"Yeah I suppose so... Anyway I must ask, your accent," he begins to chuckle, and I shuffle a little closer "and please don't judge I am well known for being horrible at identifying accent but I must know... Irish?" I am half cringing, if I stuff this up it will be super awkward, I may never come knack from it. He sighs. Oh, dear god I am utterly screwed.

"Scottish." Great. That's just as bad as calling a Canadian an American and vice versa. Then suddenly he erupts into laughter, literally erupts, he clutches hold of his torso as his face turns a prominent shade of red. "I'm just messing with you, yes I'm Irish, but oh god you should have seen your face!"

I hit him in the arm, "Ouch," he says, while still laughing, "totally worth it though oh Christ that was funny." Slowly he beings to compose himself, as I shake my head and roll my eyes at him- although I think that may have made it worse. I have to say though, above all, this is the most I've laughed all week let alone all day. And if there are a lot more moments like this, Day 1 English first period may have just been the best thing to happen to me.

"Alright I better figure out what I have next period- "

"Gym." I respond before he can reach into his bag, he looks up confused.

"Well how the bloody hell would you know?"

"It's Tuesday afternoon Blake, everyone has gym." His expression of confusion turned to one of borderline horror.

"You've got to be kidding me." Now it was my turn to laugh.

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