Chapter 5

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A/n I changed the place she is visiting so now Emily and William will be visiting, Little Lives Uk

14 February
Valentine's day💕

Today is the day Emily has been nervous about, the day where she is starting her first royal engagement as the future wife of Prince William.

Emily is going to visit, Little lives Uk where she will be visiting with Will.

"I mean out of all the days you could've picked to start your engagement on, you chose today, valentines day....girl What is wrong with you?" her stylist Evie said.

Before Emily could answer she heard Jessica barge in.

"Come on Emily, are you done?" Jessica asked her.

"Yep she's ready to go" Evie said because she knew Emily was too nervous to speak.

As Emily got in the car she couldn't stop thinking of what would happen if she messed up, I mean the press would have a field day talking about how Prince Williams soon to be wife messed up her first engagement and Emilly would probably die of embarrassment.

"Hey Em it is going to be fine I'll be there with you, and remember your doing this for those little kids out there waiting to meet you?" William said while trying to cheer Emily up, because he knew that Emily loved children, so what better way to encourage her then by using the one thing she loved.

The car then stopped and William kissed Emily's cheeck then got uo and opened his door.

William then opened his door and Emily could hear the screams of the crowd and how wild they were going as they saw the Prince.

William then walked over to Emilys side and opened the door for her.

All Emily could think about was her princess lessons and how to get out of a car perfectly without flashing her underwear out for the world to see.

So that is exactly what Emily did, she got out of the car poised and flashed the crowd and media a very gorgeous smile and waved, even though she was nervous you couldn't see it because all she could think about was helping those kids in there.

Emily and William greeted the head of little lives Uk and after a brief discussion walked in to see all the interesting things they where to do that day.

Emily was given a designated tour guide, a girl called Hazel, and Hazel explained to Emily what Little lives UK did which was, to enhance the lives of children and young people by providing support and activities (including leisure time activities) which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities. Their end goal is to enable them to better participate in society as mature and responsible individuals.
Little Lives UK raised money through selling donated items in their charity shop and by organising fundraising events. They also got in touch with local businesses for support and help.

Hazel then showed Emily to one of the nearest games. Emily had to try and solve a crossword puzzle.

Emily knew she was in for it because, she never finished her crossword puzzle wether be it 100 or 50 words she never got to finish any of them.

"Oh no...I'm probably going to find a million words that aren't on this crossword if only I could get a little help" Emily said as she sat on the small chair.

"I can help....I'm good at crossword puzzles" a tiny voice said and one would barely hear it, but Emily heard it.

"Well then what are you waiting for.. come help with this evil monster trying to eat my poor, poor brain" Emily said waving the girl over "my name's Emily what is your name?"

"Melinda" the girl replied.

The little girl seemed a little quiet so Emily did everything in her bones to make the kid laugh wether it included pretending to not find a word that was right in front of her or tickling her and that surely got the little girl to smile and giggle a lot.

They finally finished their crossword puzzle and Emily couldn't help but clap her hands and did a little weird dance which got Melinda laughing and dancing with her.

Emily then moved onto the next activity where she found William and the press which where in the room couldn't stop clicking seeing that it was the first time since they came that they where in the same room.

This activity was painting so Emily was given a painting kit and told to draw any thing her heart desired.

One thing a lot of people didn't know was that Emily was a good and fast sketcher, but when it came to adding the colours she would emmeditely ruin the picture.

So Emily sketched the first thing that came to mind which was a little girl, she took fifteen minutes doing the sketch and it turned out amazing.

Who did she sketch? Melinda the little shy girl who captured her heart.

"I'd like to give this to someone if it is possible" Emily said to Hazel.

"Oh that  is nice a sketch" William said as he saw Emily put away the pencil and stand up.

Emily was allowed to give the sketch to Melinda and they stood for a picture as the press couldn't get enough of her.

Emily was then led to other varieties of activities and she even got to help with the packing up of toys at the end of her visit.

When in the car William and Jessica couldn't stop praising Emily on how she did a good job and didn't seem to mind the press and all their cameras.

As they got back to Kensington Palace, Emily and William ate dinner and had a little shower before going to bed.

Emily checked her phone for any messages and she saw one from Jessica telling her to check out this other site.

Emilys very first engagement.

Today Prince William and his fiancee, miss Emily Edwards had their first engagement as a engaged couple and we just couldn't get enough of Emily from her outfit to her behaviour.

She was friendly and loving with the kids and very attentive she would listen with care and was interested in what the kids would say to her.

Our favourite moment was when the couple met up and Emily sketched a very marvellous picture of one of the kids she was with and even gave the child the picture.

Who knew that the future princess could draw so beautifully, that is definitely added to all the things we don't know about the girl.

The girl may seem too young but she definitely knows what she is doing keep on making us proud Emily
Next up which designer label was Emily wearing.
10 things we know about Emily.
The invitations to the wedding have already being sent and guess who is invited?
Emilys best friend is collaborating with Martina Liana and  Monique Lhuillier  for wedding dress design.

All Emily could think about that night was how the media and people loved her and that she didn't mess everything up by doing too much or too little and the loved her outfit which was a huge plus because her first out fit of her first engagement had to be special because its the first of the first.

"Goodnight Will and happy valentines" Emily said to the sleeping man besides her.

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