Chapter 12

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So William and Emily where going to the doctors to want to prove if their statement about Emily being pregnant is true because she just took a pregnancy test and those things can lie.

"So how do you feel?" William asked Emily even though he knew it was a stupid question he just wanted to get her to talk a little.

"Not good what of I'm not pregnant....oh my goodness what if I can't have children" Will saw that she was having a breakdown.
"Hey everything will be fine don't worry I'm sure we'll get in there and you'll find out that your  pregnant with out first little bundle of joy and you'd call him or her-"
"My little prince or princess" Emily said cutting Wiwlloam from talking. The rest of the car ride was spent with them discussing baby names and fighting over which gender the baby is.

As they reached the hosiptal they got escortedby their security to a private door and they reached their doctors room.
Emily had said she wanted to got to the same person who is going to birth her so that she doesn't have to have two different doctors.

"Good morning your royal highness I'm doctor Setchell I'm going to be doctor from now until you give birth" the doctor said.

"Oh its a pleasure to meet you but please call us Emily and William " Emily said while smiling and she than went into a room to change to the hospital dress.

"Okay then lets get to it. If you wound please lie down on there" he instructed her"this is going to feel cold"he said as he applied gel into her stomach and then took the ultrasound machine.

"And as you can see there is the baby and you can also hear the heartbeat" the moment Emily heard the word baby and its heartbeat she broke down into a fits of tears although the pregnancy test told her she was pregnancy, she wanted professional proof and this doctor had just made her day and she also got to hear the baby's heartbeat .

He took a printed out the picture of the sonogram for them and the after he signed a document swearing him to secrecy and the couple left the hosiptal with a picture of their one month old little princess or prince.

"I can't believe it I'm pregnant we have to start planning for the baby Will we have to plan her room, school, outfits Oh oh oh lets not forget telling our families and-"

"The names" William said looking at his wife who was full of excitement.
"It feels so surreal like I'm dreaming...oh Will I can't wait when is the 8 months going to pass so that I can hold my little princess" Emily said while smiling looking as if she was day dreaming of into space.
"So you already know the gender"
"Yelp I can feel my little princess in there and don't even fight with me about it I'm the mother" Emily felt like she was floating she jyst couldn't believe that she was pregnant.

"I can't wait for the second trimester oh Willy boy" Emily said as Jacob opened her door for her.
"While your still on cloud nine remember you have to cook dinner"
"What? why?" She asked puzzled.
"You invited Harry over for dinner remember..your guest so you cook"William said as the entered their apartment"and oh the house in Norfolk is ready"

"Oh yeah" she said in a sad tone.

"What? Is something wrong?" William asked after sensing the sad tone.

"It's just that I feel like your brother doesn't like me that much I feel like he wanted you to end up with Kate" she said in all honesty Harry just never got to know Emily all he saw was his mother in her pretty and young even though Emily's marriage wasn't arranged it was out of pure love Harry just didn't want the same thing that happened to his mother to happen to him.

"Hey it'll be okay you go lie down and I'll prepare dinner"
While Emily is napping William decides to call his brother in a little earlier.

"Yeah just come in you don't have to knock or any thing"William said as Harry just barged into their his apartment.

"Yeah I thought it was a emergency since dinner starts 30 minutes later and I got called in earlier" Harry said looking questionably at his brother.

"Okay it's about Emily" William then looked at his brother to seem looking away"she feels like you hate her and today she was all happy until I reminded her of the dinner and she just got sad and you know what she told me......' I feel like your brother hates me'"
"I don't hate her I just keep seeing mom when I look at her young, beautiful and married to the heir of the throne and all I see is her passing away because of some stupid stu- Harry got cut off by Emily as she appeared from the bedroom"so you don't hate me .......thank goodness I thought you hated me or something like that"

"Okay now that since we are over that whole ordeal how about dinner" William suggested.

As they where eating dinner Emily actually got to talk to Harry and they got to know each other on another level.
As William and Emily took the plates to the kitchen Emily told William that she wanted to tell Harry that she was pregnant.
"We should tell him his your brother I mean how would you feel if he was getting married and you had to hear about this from your grandmother you'd probably ignore him for the rest of your lives knowing how you are!" Emily whisper shouted to William who looked like he was considering it"well you're busy thinking I'm going to tell your brother that he is going to be a uncle"

As Emily left the room William thought for few minutes and went into the dinning room to find Harry and Emily laughing he sat down next to Emily and she hinted for him to tell his brother.

"So Harry how would you feel about being a uncle" wow Willy boy Emily thought seriously he couldn't have said something more original ugh men.

"Uhm good, happy I don't know but I'd be proud if you" Emily  wanted to laugh the atmosphere was totally awkward like very awkward.

"What Will is trying to say is that I'm pregnant so you better be happy because you're the first person to know about this and you better not tell anyone" Emily said looking at Harry who was kind of looking horrified he hadn't expected them to have a honeymoon baby but things change and hey he got a little niece or nephew coming I'm a few months so he was happy for his brother and Emily.

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