Chapter 37

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A/n *New characters*

"Oh Aaliyah, Aleema is such a darling" Emily said as she was playing with little Aleema who was a few months older than George.

"Yes you are" she said in a little baby voice "oh William I want a baby girl"

Emily said to William who was busy talking to the guys.

"Oh man you're in trouble first it was one and now she wants another one" Josh said while grinning at he's little sister.

"Hahaha shut up and when are you going to out a ring on Emma's finger?" she said throwing back the grin "Anways Harry what's happening in your love life any love interests or just any interest" She said trying to stir up a conversation with Harry.

"Nah and I'm not interested so don't be hooking me up with your friends?"

"Unless both you and Brad are bi then I don't have a problem with it" she said grinning as Josh came and took little Aleema.

"Emily go get the door! " Brad said or more like screamed to her.

"why? ! " she said with a bit of attitude.

"Uhm cause its your house duh" he said appearing from the kitchen.

Emily went to open the door where she found Beatrice, Eugenie, Jack, Allison and Emma.

"Hello ladies and gent" she said giving all of them a little hug and peck on the cheek.

"Josh your wifey is here" she said "Hey Allison thanks for coming"

"Thanks for the invite"

"So guys you might alp he wondering what you're doing here...well William and I have decided on who we want George's godparents to be...and if you're not a god parent don't worry when the next one comes I'll be sure to choose you" she said while playing with George who she was carrying "So we chose... William , Allison, Eugenie, Emma and Brad" They all clapped for some reason.

"Then I also chose Princess Victoria of Sweden, Zara, I can't forget Harry and Kitty"

"and guys just because you weren't chosen doesn't mean you aren't special it just means that I don't want my babies to have the same" that definitely got a laugh from the ladies.

"Oh man William next thing you know you're going to have a whole soccer team" Brad said.

"I'd make a fabulous soccer mom, wouldn't I ladies? "

" don't even know how to play soccer honey" Aaliyah said "You don't need to know how to play soccer in order for you to be a soccer mom...I think...okay anyway enjoy the food, I cooked it" she said sitting down" I'm sure we'd all die if you cooked it Emily"

"I can shhh"

Through out the whole lunch they'd converse about random things which Emily actually enjoyed as for the past few months she had been very busy, after the lunch the guest stayed for a few more extra hours until they had to all leave as Harry put 'William needed quality time with his wife' which earned him a slap on the head from Emily.

"William do you think we're ready for another baby? I mean I want a baby girl"

"Emily I think we should wait until George is 4 months old like maybe we can try for a baby next year let's say February then he/she will be born October or September?" he said kissing her forehead.

"I want a summer baby" she whined looking up at him.

"You'll get one soon -with that said they heard George cry- I'll go get him you rest" he said getting out of the bed.

"No I'll get him" she went up to George and his diaper reaked "oh Georgie you had little messy don't worry baby mommy is going to fix it up...come on do you want to go sleep in mommy and daddy's room...come on we fixed up your crib and everything come on"

When she got to the room she found William sleeping "Daddy's sleeping you want to join him" she sang him a little lullaby and that out him to sleep in seconds.

"William I'm going to take a stroll with George around the garden" she yelled to her husband who was preparing himself.

"Come back early we have a flight to catch" she bad spent so much time with George that she forgot about their New York tour she had already packed her clothing the same time she was packing her clothing for Sweden.

"You forgot about it right?" William said as he appeared from the staircase "Em if you don't feel up to it you can stay remember your practically supposed to be on maternity leave"

"I know but I feel like I'd be disappointing the people who are already camped out to see us" she put George he's stroller and "plus I've never been to the New York"

She took a stroll down by their garden and she let George out of the stroller as she carried him so that he could get fresh air.

After an hour they went back and to the house, Emily took a bath and called her mom to come pick George up.

"I don't have to get dressed now right I could just change in the plane?" she asked Catherine who just nodded her head knowing that Emily wasn't going to wear her clothes now she would probably wear joggers or something like that.

"Bye Georgie I love you and be good for granny" she said kissing the babies cheek and walking out the door to the car which took them to the airport.

"This is the last time I leave him alone" she said to William "He's with his granny I'm sure he'll be fine, try to relax"

"Yeah I'm trying...just wake me up an hour before we land" she said going to sleep.

"Is she really ready for this tour William I mean she gave birth then a few days later she's at the remembrance ceremony then going on a solo tour aboard I think she needs a little rest this is her first year she should relax a bit"  Simon said.

"I try telling her but she said that she doesn't want to disappoint all the people who will be there to see her...she should think about her self other than others but I feel like as a doctor she thought about her patients before she could this kind about herself... I'll try getting her out of the mindset and have her relax maybe take her to a holiday retreat or something next year January"

"I'll try finding a clear week where you can relax let's say the second week as the first week your going to the church service with your grandmother... I'll tell Catherine all you need to do is tell Emily and choose an place"

"Sure and thank you" William said to Simon.

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