Chapter 32

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William and Emily didn't spend his birthday together but she still got him a little something and they spent the rest of the week together.

Emily stepped out of the car and straightened up, smiling for the photographers and people who had gathered, to see her and William at the tennis match and this would be her first time attending the match.

"So who's playing for? " Emily asked William after they sat down and greeted the people next to them.

" Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic"

"Who's team are we on? " she asked.

"Well I'm on Federer I don't know about you" he said turning to watch as the two players came on.

"William I don't understand what's going on" Emily said after a few minutes into the game.

"haven't you ever watched a game before?"

"What game are you talking about here?"

"Tennis" Emily just shook her head no and William explained the game to Emily but she still didn't understand so every time William would cheer should cheer too and every time he would look disappointed she too would look disappointed and that would surely make headlines as the Emily looked confused and asking William for help and her passing him his glasses from her bag.

At the end of the match they met up with the players and Emily didn't know what to say because she didn't understand the game so she just started random conversations about random things and William was just laughing as he saw his wife scrunch her nose when Djokovic explained the match to her.

The cute moment between the Duke and duchess and no its not a PDA moment.

Today the duchess of Cambridge was out with her husband to watch the tennis match and she had us laughing as she scrunched up her  use and followed her husband's lead.

she surely didn't understand a thing about tennis but she would copy what William was doing and we found it cute especially when she whispered to him that she didn't understand what was going on.

We think it's cute as you can see how much the care about each other but they don't need any PDA to show but we just love a little PDA on our lives.

A few months passed on where the Duke and duchess would have either joint and separate engagements and the public would love them so far no hate was being brought forwards to the duchess.

In August they had spend time with the queen and went to church along with her, then for two weeks of September they went to Australia where she got plenty of gifts for her future little baby boy.

In October they were doing some small engagemts here and there since Emily had decided it was time she started taking things slow as she didn't want any harm coming up to her baby.

And 22nd October it's when the going got tough.

"Uhm William the babies ready to come out now" Emily said as she was already dressed up to go to the Londo Wing and you could see that she was in pain from the sweat and expression.

"Did your water break? " He asked running up to go get the keys and call his assistant to tell him.

"A couple of hours ago" she said "I was in the room trying to sleep when it happened but I was feeling too lazy and I know that I'm not going to immediately give birth" the moment she finished talking William carried her to their car and his rpo drove them to the Hospital where they where already expecting the duchess with a wheelchair which William Carried her into and pushed her to her room where they found their doctor waiting patiently for the couple.

And their baby George Christian Alexander Of Cambridge was born and the child weighted 8 pounds and six inches.

It had been two hours since the baby had been born and they where all waiting for the queens arrival as the media had been told that the duchess had gave birth and more people turned up to see the future king.

After the queen saw her grandchild the other members of the family could come see the child and miss Edwards was beaming as she saw her beautiful grandson and was her husband and Her sisters couldn't stop cuddling the little baby as he was such a cutie.

Then the town crier announced the birth of the little boy and people were screaming and shouting wishing to see him but they would are be to wait a few more hours as the mother was still tired but Prince William had went out to greet the crowds and her received gifts from the crowds of well wishers.

Then the gun salute took off as you could here 62 guns go off.

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