Chapter 41

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"Mom when is Isabella getting here the food is getting cold" Josh whined as he was really hungry.

The moment he said that Isabella entered the dinning room in a very expensive looking dress.

"Woah Izzy what are you wearing? " Emily who was in some plain clothing asked.

"The question is what are you wearing? Hey mommy" she said kissing her parents and greeting everyone else.

"Isa you know that this is nothing interesting we're just eating normal dinner as a normal family" her sister Aaliyah said a she too felt that Isabella had overdressed but apparently in Isabella's dictionary there was no word such as overdressed.

"Oh hi William I didn't see you there must be my under dressed little sister covering you" she said which made Emily roll her eyes at her sisters rude and hurtful comment.

"I'm good" he answered.

"Anywho I'm starving let's dig in" Isabella exclaimed as she sat down besides her husband,Conrad,.

"Finally!" Josh expressed as she shot he's hands up and picked up his cutlery.

"Josh since you're ready why don't you say a little prayer for us" their mother said.

Josh said a little prayer and then the family dug into their food.

"So how's little Aleema doing?" Lucy asked.

"quite well...Dani is really in love with her already and Adam is being the overprotective little bother " Josh Aaliyah's husband answered.

"Oh really you guys must come visit for a little while Emily and William always bring George over" Lucy said as she loved spending time with her grandchildren "I want more grandchildren 4 isn't enough"

" Josh how are things with Emma?" Aaliyah asked her younger brother " Amazing we've been dating for I don't know how many months I really need to keep track of these things but we're doing great"

After Josh answered the table went quite and you could feel the awkwardness in the room.

"Well... My grandmother asked me to ask you guys if you want to spend Christmas with us?" William asked he's in laws.

"Yes of course it's not like we had anything better to do we actually do the same thing every Christmas Church then dinner...I'm so in I mean I get to spend Christmas day with the queen" Josh said.

"Yeah I can't wait I need to get a coat ready this is going to be epic" Isabella said as she started planning her outfit in her head.

"Sure" Aaliyah and Josh answered at the same time.

"Well what do you mean surely it doesn't mean that she wants us to spend the whole day there?" although her dad was a very quite person he asked meaningful questions and as Mrs Edwards always said 'he's the quiet one in the relationship I do all the talking'.

"Well she wants you guys to ride down to Sandringham on Christmas day and we'll have a walk to the church where we'll have the service and then we'll walk back to Sandringham and then have lunch then dinner or you can immediately leave but she's invited you guys to stay until boxing day.

"Oh we're going somewhere after Christmas but tell her it would be a pleasure to spend Christmas day with her" Lucy said as she too started plotting her outfit.

"I bet you mom is already plotting her outfit just like Isabella" Josh whispered to William who in turn told him that Emily had her whole outfit laid out ever since November.

"I hope you two aren't talking about me I'd really hate it if you couldn't give Emma children Joshie" Emily threatened her brother.

"Of course not sister dearest I'd never gossip about you" Josh lied " Mom the food was yummy but I have got a movie date to get too I'll see you guys later"

"Well Conrad and I are really tired so we'll see you all tomorrow" Isabella said as they went to her room.

"Yeah we need to rest too, the drive from Buckingham to here was quite long and I know that George will probably wake up at night so we really need to rest" Emily said bidding farewell to her family and going up with William to her old room.

"I remember the first time I came in here that was like four years ago" William said thinking about those days where he was still trying to get Emily's heart not knowing that he had already won it over the first day they met.

"Yeah you were a jerk playing with my feelings like that" Emily said remembering how they had just had their first date and then a few days later William was pictured going on holiday with Kate.

"I know that's why I cut it short and came back to you" he said kissing her shoulder "get some rest George might wake us up in the middle of the night"

William said as he switched off the light, true to he's word George had kept them up for almost two hours and Emily was really tired that she had slept it in.

William said as he switched off the light, true to he's word George had kept them up for almost two hours and Emily was really tired that she had slept it in

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Wishing you all a merry Christmas, we hope you Enjoy your Christmas
from  William, George, and Emily

"Harry I don't get why you call shot gun while we're giving you the ride?" Emily asked her brother in law, "Cause I called shotgun" he replied while shrugging he's shoulders

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"Harry I don't get why you call shot gun while we're giving you the ride?" Emily asked her brother in law, "Cause I called shotgun" he replied while shrugging he's shoulders.

"I actually thought that George was coming that's why I came" Harry said while pouting.

"Harry piece of advice don't pout doesn't look good on you" Emily said laughing and receiving and nod from William and glare from Harry.

" I saw you're Christmas card it looks amazing and it's receiving a lot of review especially since you put George in there" Harry said as he looked at Emily knowing that she had planned the whole thing "yeah since he won't come out that much I just thought we should add him in there...I'm just kidding I really wanted it to mean something it's our first Christmas as a family and I wanted the card to mean something not only to me but to our receivers"

"Most people liked the from George part... I liked it too it was super cute"

"Wow Harry saying cute haha" Emily laughed as they exited the car and entered the palace.

"Hello, how are you?" that was the question Emily asked everyone she saw except the queen who she gave a more formal greeting to.

"So Emily how's my little grandson?" Charles asked Emily.

"He's doing great starting to learn new things I heard from William that you're taking him this January I hope he doesn't trouble you much" Emily said.

"Oh don't worry I love spending time with little George and I had a chat with your secretary and we're arranging an engagement with you... I have to go chat with mommy" Charles dismissed himself from their conversation after dropping bombshell on the poor girl.

Lunch was amazing but Emily couldn't wait to get to home where she had to pack some clothing for their journey to Sandringham.

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