Chapter 44

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"Happy anniversary!" Emily said as she woke her husband up with George by her side.

To which William just groaned and rolled over pushing the blanket up to cover his face.

"George wake daddy up" Emily said as she entered with a tray which had food on it.

"Daddy...daddy" George said as he bounced up and down his parents bed.

"I'm up..." William mumbled as he sat up.

"Go brush your teeth then come eat" George said as his father tried giving him a kiss.

"Good" Emily said kissing her son's forehead "would you like juice or milk?"

"Juice" the boy said as he pointed at the juice box " but first we wait for daddy okay"

"Yeah" Emily said  sitting on the bed.

"mommy how was Charlie made?" George asked pointing at his mother's stomach "Well George you see..." Emily said trying to think of a good excuse to tell the boy and William came back just in time to answer the boy.

"Well you see George... God saw how well behaved you are and he decided to give you a little bother or sister" William said getting Emily to laugh.

"But I didn't tell God that I wanted a little baby?" George said frowning.

"Well God thought you'd like a little baby to look after" Emily said trying to rescue her husband who was busy thinking of a excuse.

"Oh so God gave me Charlie because I was a good boy and he wants me to teach Charlie how to be good" George said smiling and then eating his food.

"Yeah something like that" Emily said kissing his forehead.

"Mommy...daddy and I got you a gift" George said running out the room and coming back with a big box which looked like it held a framed photo.

Emily looked at William slyly as she unwrapped the paper and she saw a framed photo.

"William this is so cute" Emily said looking at it.

She got up and hugged her husband" Thank you"'Happy anniversary love"

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She got up and hugged her husband" Thank you"'Happy anniversary love"

The March she had attended her second St Patricks days service, this time no one fainted and Emily was grateful for that and done a few engagements for the queen and had a a lot announced that she'd be patroning like PHC and Queen's nurses and she had also done a fun family day with William and George.

"He looks like a good boy" Sally gushed as she watched her son and George play together.

"He is but sometimes he'll throw tantrums like when it's bed time and lunch time, he doesn't like his greens that much although he eats them everyday" Emily said thinking about the struggle she has everyday with feeding George.

"He also favors his dad more than me" Emily said pointing to William who was talking to some of the fathers "We'll be taking a walk and George literally hangs onto his father and when I try taking him he'll start crying it used to break my heart but now I use a little bribing method"

Emily said which got Sally laughing "Definitely don't miss those days then there's the next one coming do you know the gender yet"

" No thing is" Emily said laughing "We always knew George's gender but with this one we decided to keep the gender secret and George will tell my mom about Charlie and I'll just laugh cause Charlie is a gender neutral name so my mom doesn't now whether it's a girl or boy"

"That's so cute when I was pregnant with my second my first was like four and he'd wall around saying jellybean or some kind of food name like pea and I'd just laugh at him cause it was cute"

"I love babies... I think it's because I was once a pediatrician that makes me love them so much" Emily said smiling as she continued talking to other parents.

"That was a success" Emily said as they entered their apartment.

"Yeah I'm going down to watch the game with Harry but first I'm putting George to bed he seems tired and Catherine is  waiting for you in the office" William said heading upstairs to lay George down.

"Oh okay I'm going now, first this woman must change her outfit" Emily said going to change into more comfortable clothes.

"Hey Catherine" Emily said heading to the office and finding Catherine waiting for her.

"So listen and listen carefully The Queen is really happy about your outfits she said I quote "she dresses very royal and regal not what I expected from her as she is very young" now Emily this is a compliment coming from queen and I'd like to say she likes how you are and  I'm sure you've heard this a couple of hundred times but the queen is proud of you and to show you how proud she is, she's holding a reception for the youth and she'd like you to come as she'd like to appoint you and Harry as presidents of the Commonwealth Youth"

"Aah!!"Emily said clapping her hands the queen is happy with me I thought she was going to say something like 'she can't dress or her dresses are too short' but she actually likes me enough to make me president of the commonwealth youth...Thank you so much Catherine I think I should go tell Jessica this as she's the one who picks most of my outfits"

"I already told her... and she had the same reaction you had one would think you two are buddies we also have another problem...The press think that you aren't that friendly with Camillia and we thought why not have a joint engagement so one of these days you'll have a engagement with her then also have one with Prince Charles and that's all"

"Thank you" Emily said exiting the room with Catherine in tow " Please tell Jessica that I still need a dress for Kates wedding and also for Carl Phillips Wedding" Emily said.

"She already had then delivered I'm sure William packed then away or something like that"

"Yeah he likes doing that" Emily replied laughing at how her husband liked too pack her things but never tell her about it.

"Maria I'm going to Harry's you can't text me if George wakes up"

"Of course" Maria replied as she Emily walked out the apartment and went to watch the match with her husband and Harry.

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