Chapter 17

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23 April

Meeting with Emma today don't forget~~Jess

Emilys phone vibrated with the message from Jessica.

"What's that? " William asked as he heard his wife's phone go off.

" Oh I'm meeting with Emma today at about half past two we're going to have lunch together and stuff I'm really nervous" Emily said while eating her breakfast.

"Oh which Emma? " William asked.

"Which one do you know? " Emily asked her husband quirking her eyebrows.

"I don't know any Emma that's your friend" He said while shrugging his eyebrows.

"That's because she's not my friend you know Emma Watson from Harry Potter" Emily said while giggling.

"Oh I didn't know  that you guys are friends" Williams said looking at Emily who was busy giggling.

"We're not friends we are going to have lunch because our secretaries set up a meeting for us. I love you but sometimes you make me want to punch you" Emily said lightly punching Williams cheek.

"Why would you want to commit such a crime?...I'm your husband you aren't supposed to punch me" William said faking hurt.

"Well I will do it again if you don't shut up and eat."

They heard the door opening and saw Williams secretary come in.

"Hey Emily are you free on the 26th? " he barged in asking Emily.

"yeah....why? "

"Well the Duke of Edinburgh would like you to go with him to the RAF Air Cadets? " he asked Emily who was stunned to a second because she had never had a proper conversation with the Duke so she hadn't been expecting this.

"Em you have to answer him" William said shaking his wife who just nodded her head as a sign of saying yes.

"I think she's trying to say yes" William said while chuckling.

"Yes I would like to,  I'm...I'm  just stunned" Emily said while trying to catch her breath.

"Well catch you later and William the queen would like a word with you please"

"okay" William replied not making a move to stand up.

"like right now"

"Okay goodness no need to rush me" William said while standing up and pecking Emily on the lips.

"No need to rush him Andrew
(That's Williams secretary's name I don't know whether he has a name so I'm giving him the name Andrew) " Emily said.

"I'll be back" William said to Emily while following Andrew.

"So do you know what she wants to talk about? " William asked Andrew.

"Nope even if I did I wouldn't tell, so good luck" Andrew said as they reached they reached his grandmother's Office he first knocked and a enter was heard from the other side and he entered the room.

"Granny I heard you wanted to talk" William said as he entered the room.

"Yes please sit" She said.

"William I really liked what you and Emily did for my birthday you should tell her I said thank you for that little performance it made me happy and I really like how well she's fitting in she seems to not have any trouble with the media. It's really amazing I thought since she was young she'd have trouble with the media and whatnot but she seems to be doing just fine and her style has not been critized but,  people have actually being praising her for how cheap her clothes are and how easy it is to actually replicate her clothes not just buying something similar but actually wearing the actual thing and how she's giving all the small designers a chance and more customers I think people are warming up to her" His grandma said by the way she was speaking it seemed like she was praising Emily they talked a little about small things and William was ready to leave when his grandmother stopped him.

"William dear tell Emily that we going to meet again on the 28th she'll know what I'm talking about" William was puzzled by what she said from the way she said it, it seemed like Emily and the queen were besties or something like that.

William didn't realize that he had taken so long with the his grandma that when he wanted to open the door it was opened for him by Emily who was dressed and ready to go meet Emma.

"Oh Will I have to go but when I come back you'll tell me how your meeting with the queen went" Emily said as she kissed his cheek.

"Don't you mean how my meeting with your bestie went" William said while laughing.

Emily wanted to say what but she found that the door was already closed.


At the restaurant.

Emily and Emma had already ordered their food and were eating in silence as it was rude to eat with food in your mouth.

"So Emma why did you want to meet? " Emily asked as the waiter took their plates.

"Well first it's such a pleasure to meet you, you don't know how nervous I was when my secretary told me you agreed" Emma said.

"Well that makes the both of us I mean I was all why would she want to meet me I mean you're you, a wonderful amazing actress and I'm me" Emily said.

"You're a duchess Emily I mean who wouldn't want to meet you I mean I had a heart attack literally" Emma said while gushing over Emily.

"You know what both of us were scared of meeting the other so it's fair to say we were scared of each  other but, let us get down to business If there is any business" Emily said while taking a sip of her water.

"Well you see I work for the UN and this September we are planning on launching a new organization HeForShe and I .......well we on behalf of all the other people that want you there, would like for you to become one of the key people of the organization" Emma said.

"I'd first have to talk to Jessica but other than that I'm in" She answered.

"Thank you very much we'd love for you to come as a strong young married woman who is the talk of the world right now to be part of something like this would bring a lot of supporters" Emma said.

They continued talking and at the end if the day they exchanged numbers so that they could communicate with each other.

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