Chapter 27

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Day 7 Farewell

"This is It this is goodbye to Canada and Hello home sweet home" she said as she was in the car as the car door opened and Emily got out and waved at the camera, when William came to her side he did something totally unexpected, he took her hand, Emily looked at their intertwined hands then turned to look at her husband who she smiled at.

William and Emily stopped at the Cridge Centre for the Family which provides shelter, care and
hope for children, women, families and the elderly from all walks of life and abilities.

Following the visit to the Cridge Centre, they then headed to a café downtown to meet with members of the Kelty Mental Health Resources Centre. The charity assists children, youth and their families to locate and use mental health
resources in British Columbia.

 The charity assists children, youth and their families to locate and use mental healthresources in British Columbia

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"Emily come hurry up woman" William said as his wife put on her jacket and zipped it up.

"I'm going to be a sailor, yes" she said as she climbed abroad a ship where they sailed into Victoria’s Inner Harbour with two youth and mental health charities; Sail and Life Training Society (SALTS) and she was led up to the ship where sh was told she could stir it.

"Oh yes William look at me go I am your captain" she said while trying to balance the ship.

"This is harder then it looks"

"Let's just face anything new you do is harder then it looks" with that said the people in earshot laughed as Emily scowled at William.

Then it was all hands on deck to help hoist the sail,  "William come help stop standing there looking like a diva" Emily said to her husband and the nearby girls laughed with the duchess.

"It's the first time I'm doing this but I'm already loving, do you guys do this all the time? " she asked some of the girls and they mostly shook their heads.

At the end of the day Emily was in tears knowing that she was leaving Canada as she walled out the car she saw all the people who where there to see their departure and she almost didn't want to leave because she hadn't even me that those people E...

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At the end of the day Emily was in tears knowing that she was leaving Canada as she walled out the car she saw all the people who where there to see their departure and she almost didn't want to leave because she hadn't even me that those people Emily never liked saying goodbye even to those she never knew.

As they where boarding the plane Emily looked at the place one more time and sent a final wave to the people of Canada.

"Will when we go back to England can we please take a one week break or something I really want to catch up with my family and Brad, did you know Aaliyah is going to cancel her baby shower because I can't have one isn't  that sweet" Emily said while playing with Williams hand.

"And oh I can start baby planning and all that and I've even been invited to an award show that is for all these charities I forgot what their called and I we're going to Kates wedding Is it June or July, either way I have to find a dress do you think we should maybe make an appointment with the doctor I'll be soon hitting my 3 months mark but the baby bump is not here yet what if there's no baby on no"

"Emily  don't stress it out don't worry we'll go to the doctor and everything will be sorted out and you'll get to see the baby and you'll get to smile/cry because you'll be so happy and everything will be fine and then we'll be going to Kate's wedding and the media will be talking about the cute little bump and then in a few months okay in 7 months well be seeing our baby for the first time be it a girl or a boy I'll love the baby or we could maybe get twins a girl and a boy but they will fight over the throne and we definitely bit like that so maybe we can save the twins for later" Emily just laughed at the things he was saying and for a second she forgot that her baby bump wasn't appearing and she forgot about the fight that was always lingering in her mind and she just thought about her baby girl or boy.

When they got back to London they headed straight for Kensington Palace and Emily had that much deserved sleep she needed.

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