Chapter 19

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25 April

The duchess out with her sister.

Yesterday the duchess of Cambridge and her sister Aaliyah were out visiting the lullaby trust where they met up with parents who had lost children due to SIDS and the duchess sister talked about her third pregnancy where she gave birth to a still born child and she said " nothing hurts more then giving birth to that little precious angel and then you don't hear his or her cute little wails and from then on you know that your angel is never going to meet her siblings and all the family members waiting to meet her because she's not going back home but, at the end of the day you know that God has a different plan for you. There's nothing more scary than finding out your pregnant because you have that mentality of your child never surviving." but she told is about her little bay and how happy she is that she gets another chance of giving birth.

While Aaliyah was talking about her experiences Emily talked with parents about this and she said" Parents need to be with each other during this time because we need 5th understand that we both need each other because we both understand the pain, a woman might say the man doesn't understand because the baby wasn't in their stomach but, we need to understand that they have been with you for 9 months waiting for your little angel so they too understand the pain and hurt"

On other news the duchess brother was seen with Emma Watson as they went out 5th have lunch we don't know what's going on but we surely love it to see all the Edwards children out there and we can't wait to see Emily on th 26th as she visit the little princess trust where she is believed to have donated her hair.

26 April

William was taking Emily on a date as it had been a long time since they both went out and the definitely needed a time out from how sick she was in the morning to how moody she'd turn at night.

"So where are we headed? " Emily asked William as he kept on driving and ignoring her.

Emily kept asking him every 2 seconds and Will would ignore as if she wasn't there.

"Here we are" William said as he stepped out to open her door, thank goodness there wasn't any paparazzi near or else this whole surprise would be ruined. As Emily git out she realized where she was.

"Oh my goodness Will I can't believe this....Thank you" Emily turned to hug her boyfriend he had took her to the restaurant where they had their first dinner at and she couldn't be more grateful this is what she needed a night away from reality.

The whole night William and Emily would talk about all those years they where dating and they reminisced on the past and how different their lives turned out to be.

"I really needed that but why did you pick this restaurant I mean they where plenty more to choose" Emily asked William as they walked into their apartment.

"Well I remember you telling me about how you wanted our first date as a married couple to be special so I thought why not take either back to where it all began"

"Thank you" Emily said as she went into the bathroom to remove her makeup and change into pajamas.

"Goodnight Emily"Emily settled on the bed and gave her husband a kiss on the cheek "night"

The following morning Emily had told Evie not to come in as she would be going simple with no artifical touches.

The following morning Emily had told Evie not to come in as she would be going simple with no artifical touches

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Will had left to go practice for the polo match he has been talking about.

"Jessica would you please tell Erie to compile a list of dresses I could wear to the charity polo match I want my outfit to be special since this will be my first match I'm watching" Emily asked Jessica as she remembered about the polo match.

"On it and oh you look natural now go out there and go kill it"

Emily was greeted by one of the directors of the little princess trust who led her inside to go see all the children who where there waiting to meet the princess.

She was greeted by a little girl who did a little curtsy and gave her flowers, Emily thanked the little girl and bent down to give her a hug.

Then Emily was led inside where everybody was waiting to see the duchess and she tried greeting as many people as she could and played with as many kids as she could but at the end of the day she couldn't talk or greet everyone.

At the end she bad a little walkabout where she received gifts and flowers from most of the people who where waiting to see her she even got a few compliments from the people and some where asking questions like when is she going to have a baby which she just left unanswered.

Sorry for the late update I've been to lazy these days.

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