Chapter 18

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for those who look at the media her outfit is slightly longer and the blazer is closed so it doesn't look sexy it looks classy.

24 April

Emily was preparing herself for herthe opening of heads together which was going to help
people realize the important of mental health.

"Emily we're all waiting for you so please do take your time" Emily heard Williams sarcastic voice.

"Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" Emily said imitating a bee.

"Do you hear that Haz? ....There's this bee that's buzzing in my ear and it's annoying me" Emily said walking past William and greeting Harry.

"Let's go ladies we wouldn't want to be late now would we" Emily said waking towards the door and opening it Harry had a confused look plastered on his face.

"Chop,  chop people" Emily turned to look at Will and Harry.

"Is she serious?  Who was late here us or her? " Harry asked William as they followed Emily.

"You'll never understand women so just pretend that she didn't say anything"

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with Prince Harry are at the launching of Heads together.

Through their work with young people, emergency response, homeless charities, and with veterans, the Duke and duchess with prince Harry to work with people who deal with mental problems or are suffering and don't know this the duchess said " Too often, people feel afraid to admit that they are struggling with their mental health. This fear of prejudice and judgement stops people from getting help and can destroy families and end lives. Heads Together wants to help people feel much more comfortable with their everyday mental wellbeing and have the practical tools to support their friends and family. Over the coming months, The Royal Foundation is rolling out a range of new mental health programmes to ensure that the right help is available to anyone seeking mental health support, wherever they are and whenever they need it. This will include the development and use of digital technologies to transform signposting to appropriate support and improve the quality and availability of education about mental health. The Foundation will also be developing an instant access text messaging service for people in immediate need and will be supporting schools, employers and the military to implement comprehensive early intervention programmes. The first programme to launch is Mentally Healthy Schools , which helps primary school teachers support their children’s mental wellbeing."

"I can't believe this look Will they wrote a whole page about me look" Emily said showing William the article.

"Yep see that, hey Emily look I have to go practice"

"For what? " Emily asked with a questioning face We've just come back from a campaign launch? "

"My  polo match the one where we play polo for a charity remember? " William asked his wife.

"Of yeah okay bye then" Emily said feeling sad.

"Hey I'll be back don't worry plus this will be or first red carpet appearance for a charity event so you get to dress up" He said trying to comfort his wife.

"yep- she was cut of by her phone ringing.

"it's Josh" she said then answered then phone.

"Emily I need you " She heard Josh say he sounded as of he was crying.

"I'll be there in a minute don't stress" she said.

"Hey William can you drop me off at Josh's place? let me first change though"

"so what's up with Josh? " William asked as he drove to Josh's house.

"I don't know but,  he sounded sad like he was crying so I know it's important" Emily said.

"thanks for the ride love see you later" She said pecking his lips.

She rang the doorbell at Josh's door seconds later she was met with a sad looking Josh.

"Josh? " She said.

"She broke up with me said she was seeing someone else so she broke up with me,.....said all the time we where dating she was seeing someone else and that she didn't love me I mean what did I do to deserve this I just need someone who loves me too." Josh was having a emotional breakdown but Emily had just the perfect solution.

"What about I set you up with someone ? " Emily asked Josh.

"No it's fine I think I need a break from dating" but Emily wasn't taking no for a answer she texted Emma.

you want to have dinner at the restaurant we met at~~~Emily.

sure 8 o'clock? ~~~Emma.

yep make sure you wear something fancy~~~Emily.

Before Emma could respond Emily locked her phone.

She told Josh that they were going to have dinner and he couldn't say no to pregnant lady.

At 8

Emily was having dinner with Will when her phone buzzed.

Where are you? ~~~ Josh.

oops Emily thought.

I couldn't make it but, my friend is there so you can look for her~~~Emily.

Emily I can't see you~~~Emma.

I couldn't make it but my brother is there so yeah you know what he looks like right enjoy~~~ Emily.

Emily knew she was going to get her head bitten of for this but she didn't care as long
as her plan went accordingly.

"You know setting up your brother with Emma was not a smart plan." She heard William say.

"How did you know about that? " Emily asked puzzled.

"Your brother texted me and said that you set him up with Emma Watson, didn't he just break up with your best friend?" William asked not knowing that Josh and Allison had broken up.

"She's not my best friend  anymore oh and Aaliyah is having her baby shower next months so please schedule that for me and so they are together right now so I'm definitely a match maker bring Harry to me and I'll set him up" Emily says proudly as she fixes the cover so that she can enter the bed.

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