Chapter 23

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Day Two

Emily had woken up had and taken a bath and when she looked at the mirror she noticed a little bump on her stomach she was two months pregnant but you could barely see it so her seen the little bump made her a little bit emotional as now there was evidence to show her that she really is pregnant.

"Will come see this, look there's a little bump there's a little baby in here oh my this is so cute" the couple spent the morning fussing over the little bump until Andrew and Jessica came in and told them it was time to head out.

The couple climbed a seaplane which flew them to the west coast seaport of British Columbia.

Upon arrival, William and Emily were greeted by a huge crowd that had gathered at the harbour in downtown Vancouver to catch
of glimpse of the Royals and the duchess got a lot of gifts from the crowd.

After the walkabout, William and Emily paid a visit to Sheway, an outreach centre which provides health and social service support
to women who are pregnant or parenting and are dealing with drug and alcohol issues.

Emily was busy chatting up a storm with the ladies as she really wanted to make a impact in these women's lives and she really wanted to help them because as a pediatrician she knew what alcohol and drugs do not only to the women's body but also how much it could ruin a child, so she wanted to help these women overcome this battle.

Following this, William and Emily were joined by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie at the Immigrant Services Society of British Columbia New Welcome Centre.

Following this, the Duke and Duchess were joined by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie at the Immigrant Services Society of British Columbia New Welcome Centre.

The centre is the first, purpose-built facility of its kind in the world which provides settlement, education and employment
services to over 25,000 immigrants and refugees each year.

Later in the day the four attended a youth reception at Telus Gardens where they met young Canadians who are helping to
make a difference in their communities.

Their final stop in Vancouver was the First Responders Showcase at Kitsilano Coast Guard Station.

This enhanced station, the first of its kind in Canada, works with Indigenous groups, coastal communities and local response partners to provide improved marine safety off Canada's west coast. At the base, William and Emily attended discussions on rescues as well as mental-health issues with representatives from multiple local programs, search and rescue teams, and first

At the end of the day, the Duke and Duchess departed Vancouver on a Coast Guard hovercraft.

Day Three

Today was a drizzling day and Emily couldn't stop looking out the plane sorrowfully as she wanted the sun to come out because she literally had a lot of scenarios where something bad happened

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Today was a drizzling day and Emily couldn't stop looking out the plane sorrowfully as she wanted the sun to come out because she literally had a lot of scenarios where something bad happened.

"Emily we've arrived come get your umbrella"
William said to his wife as he held the umbrella for her.

"Thank you" she said as she took the umbrella from his hands and got out of the old plane.

The couple walked side by side but kept a little distance between themselves as they both waved to the little crowd that had gathered to meet them.

"Are we having a walkabout now or later on? " Emily turned to her husband who just nodded which caused Emily to almost roll her eyes.

William just carried on walking and went to greet the crowd and Emily followed him as she greeted the people who were waiting in the drizzle to greet the royal couple.

"Aren't you afraid of getting wet? " Emily asked one of the ladies.

"I've ways wanted to meet you ever since the news broke out that you were dating Prince William and I wasn't going to let a little drizzle stop me from seeing you and you look prettier in person the pictures I've seen of you can't compare to the real deal" the woman replied.

"Thank you and you are beautiful too" she said as she hugged the woman and moved on to greet the rest of the crowd.

During the welcome ceremony by the Heiltsuk First Nations community, William had decided to take off his jacket and when he turned to ask Emily if she was taking hers of too she shook her head because she knew that if she took off the jacket her stomach might just pop out and she definitely didn't want that to happen.

During the traditional welcome ceremony, the royal couple were given 'dancing vests' by the Heiltsuk people.

"you'll have to take off your jacket in order for you to wear the vest" William said to Emily.

And she knew that if she didn't take it off it would definitely be suspicious to the media so she discretely turned from the prying eyes and wore the vest.

Next, they walked to Elders Lodge where William delivered a speech to mark the dedication of the Great Bear Rainforest and Emily had definitely tuned the whole speech out as she focused on going to the Government House and just sleep.

Emily and William concluded their trip to Bella Bella with a plaque unveiling to commemorate their visit.

As they got in the car Emily stepped in a little puddle of water and it splashed her boot and she just laughed as the media expected her to throw a fit.

Emily got back and took a little nap before Evie came to prep her up.

Emily got back and took a little nap before Evie came to prep her up

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"Well you look gorgeous" William said making his wife blush.

"You look dashing too, come on we have to go" She replied as she pecked his lips.

As they neared the door of the reception room Emily felt her stomach move a little so she stopped and that immediately got her husband's attention.

"Hey are you okay? " William asked

"I think so"

"Emily if you're not feeling okay please just tell me I don't want you going out there feeling sick" he said but Emily knew she couldn't drop out knowing that the press would want to know why she didn't appear.

The rest of the night William kept stealing little glances to his wife as he knew that even though she said she was okay she did not really mean it.

As the went to bed William told Emily that if she felt like this tomorrow she would have to stay but she knew that she couldn't risk exposing the news now so she just nodded her head to her husband and kissed hin goodbye.

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