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Mackenzie's POV
I always give in to Lauren's adorable puppy dog eyes. I sigh and make my way to the kitchen. I saw John. He looks cute. Wait? What? Mackenzie what are you saying?
L: Kenzie, eat this.
She pushes a bowl of cereal towards me. I used to love this cereal but now the sight of it makes me sick.
K: I...I...don't want to Lolo
L: Please Kenzie?
M: I'm only doing this because I love ya Lolo
L: Thanks Kenzie
L: I forgot my phone upstairs. And I need to go pack my bag. I'll be back Kenzie
M: Ok...
L - I won't be long!
L: Leave Kenzie alone John
K: If you don't hurry up, I'll leave without you!

Johnny's POV
I watched Lauren push a bowl of cereal. towards Kenz. Kenz was my nickname for her. She loved it. Now she can't bare to look at me. I looked at Kenzie as Lauren left. She hesitantly ate her cereal. I didn't know what her and Lauren were talking about. All I was worried about was the fact that she only ate since yesterday morning. I don't know why she wasn't eating. She wasn't fat. But I guess my opinion doesn't count anymore.
J: Kenz...
K: Don't call me that. You lost the right to call me that
J: I'm sorry Kenz
K: What do you want? Can't you just leave me alone?
J: What were you and Lauren talking about?
K: Why do u even care?
L: Let's go Kenzie
As she was leaving I grab her wrist. She winces in pain and bites her lip in frustration.
J: Mackenzie please...
K: Leave me alone Johnny!
She started to cry and left with Lauren.
J - I care... I quietly mumble.
I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. The thought of Kenzie in tears making me eyes water.

Wolves by Marshmello and Selena Gomez
Sorry that this chapter was so short!

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