You Won't Lose Me...

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Mackenzie's POV
Summer was over and my life seemed right for once. Me and Johnny were both happy and spent every day together. I was so happy I was with him. He made me feel like no one has ever before. He made me so complete. I wake up with a smile and turn over to look at Johnny. He was awake and his gorgeous green eyes were staring at mine. I smiled and moved closer, my head on his chest as I heard his husky chuckles. It was the sexiest thing I've ever heard. Gosh hormones.
J: I love you
K: I love you more
J: Um impossible
K: I love you more
J: Really?
K: Yep. I love you mo-
He cut me off by rolling over, using his arms to lean him up on top of me. His eyes stared into mine with pure lust and playfulness. He leaned in, his lips getting closer and closer as I shut my eyes desperate to feel his lips. His arms grazed my sides and I wrapped my arms around his neck. His voice was deep and husky as ever.
J: I love you more
He then tickles me like crazy. URGH!
K: Ahh no Johnny stop no I'm ticklish as hell stop
He continued as I fought. Pillows flew everywhere and the sheets were tangled. We were a mess in each others arms as our laughter filled the room. He stopped as my smile lingered. He leaned in and I pulled him in closer. I felt his lips on mine. We melted in, our bodies pressed together. He planted soft kisses on my neck as I ran my hands through his hair. Our lips met again, our tongues battling for dominance. He began to fiddle with the hem of my shirt as we flipped over, me on his bare chest as the kiss deepened every second.
L: Is it PG 13 in there!?
We pull away and Johnny groans, resting his head in the crook of my neck.
J: No go away!
I giggle at Johnny's frustration before pecking his lips once more and getting up. He grabs my wrist and pulls me back. His embrace on me tightens not allowing me to move. Before I could say anything, he presses his lips on me once more, his eagerness showing as he softly bites my lip. I moan into the kiss, loving the passion and the amazing feeling of us together. 
L: Can I come in or not!
J: No! Go away!
Johnny pulls me up, my legs wrapped around his waist as I rested in his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck eager to feel him again. We deepen the kiss our lips moving together. I pull away, and rest my forehead against his. He smiles and pecks my forehead.
J: I love you more
I giggle as my cheeks burn up. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in for a hug. He rests his head on top of mine, his strong arms embracing me.
J: That's the best way to start the morning
I smile and peck his nose. He giggles and I get up, making my way to the bathroom. After having a quick shower, I brush my teeth and do a natural make up look. I wore concealer, powder, bronzer, highlighter and some lipgloss. I throw on an outfit and lightly curl my hair.

J: Wow, is this beautiful girl really mine? K: Yes

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J: Wow, is this beautiful girl really mine?
K: Yes. I'm really yours
He smiles before hopping into the shower. I walk downstairs and make my way into the kitchen. I turn on some music and begin to make some breakfast for me, Lauren and Johnny.
Lauren walks in and sits on a stool. I hand her a plate of waffles and fruit and sit down with her.
L: So I'm guessing Johnny's very possessive of you
K: You just came at a bad time Laur
L: Agreed. I don't want to see you on Teen Mom
K: Lauren!
She bursts into a fit of giggles as I feel my cheeks heat up.
L: Okay but seriously. You were my best friend first. And he better not steal you
K: Don't worry Lauren, Lenzie forever
We giggle and Johnny walks downstairs looking adorable in his outfit.

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