You Can Tell Me Anything Angel...

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Kenzie's POV
After making dinner, I call John and Rose downstairs. I pour water for all three of us and set the table.
R: Yay! Spaghetti!
K: Eat up
Rose began to explain her theory of unicorns as i allowed her to babble on. I look over at John who is looking down and playing with his food. I grab his hand and he looks up. I can see tears in his eyes. I look in his eyes and see a mixture of anger and worry. He looks down and eats his food. I never leave his hand and I continue to eat.
He plasters on a smile and I can tell that it is fake.
J: Did you do your homework princess?
R: Yes dad.
J: Good girl. Tomorrow you have basketball, remember?
R: Yes dad
We finish up and I place all the plates in the sink. I take Rose upstairs and tuck her in. I place a kiss on her forehead.
K: Night Rose
R: Night mom
I walk downstairs and clean up. I walk upstairs and get changed. I lie in bed and wait for John. He slides in, without a word and turns his back away from me.
K: John?
J: Yes?
K: Look at me
J: Why?
K: Look at me John
He sighs and gets up and faces towards me. I take his hand and look at him.
K: What's wrong John?
J: Nothing Kenz
K: John. Don't lie to me. What's wrong
He took his hand away and I flinched. I turned away and blinked back a few tears. He wrapped his arms around me and I shrugged them off.
J: Kenz? I'm sorry
I pull up the covers and doze off.
Johnny's POV
I instantly felt horrible after lashing out at Kenz. I attempted to wrap my arms around her but she shrugged them off. I turned away, regretting my actions.
Kenzies POV
I wake up at 6:30. I get up and turn around and see that John isn't there. I go into the bathroom and have a shower. I walk out and get changed, leaving my face bare. 

I walk downstairs and walk into the kitchen

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I walk downstairs and walk into the kitchen. I look on the counter and see roses and pancakes. The pancakes had the words 'sorry' on them in syrup. I chuckle to myself and see John curled up on the couch. I walk over and plant a kiss on his cheek. He instantly pulls me onto the couch and pecks my lips. He opens his eyes and looks at me.
J: I'm sorry Kenzie. I love you a lot. It wasn't your fault.

K: It's ok John. I love you a lot too. But I don't like it when my angels upset. What's wrong?

J: Some unknown number sent me texts and was saying stuff about you. I got angry. I don't know what I what do if I lost you.

K: You won't lose me John
We share a short kiss and hug each other tightly. We pull away and I get up and go to the kitchen. I sit down and enjoy my pancakes. John makes  some breakfast for him and Rose. I insisted on him having at least one pancake. He couldn't say no to my puppy dogs eyes. After breakfast, I pack my dance bag. I walk downstairs and quickly clean up.
K: John
J: Yeah?
K: Are you picking up Rose today?
J: Yeah. And also dropping her off to basketball.
K: Sounds good
I walk away but he pulls me back. He secures his arms around my waist and stares into my eyes. I wrap my arms around his neck and we lean our foreheads together.
J: Can I take you out tonight princess?
K: Anytime angel
J: Be ready by 7
K: Formal or casual?
J: Your choice. You look gorgeous in anything
We share a peck and I pull away before it gets too heated. He gives me a smirk and I wink and drive to the dance studio.
Johnny's POV
After school
J: Are u ready yet Rose?
R: Coming!
She grabs my hand and we drive off. I watch her play basketball and smile to myself. I go on my phone and scroll through Instagram. I glance up and see Rose hugging another boy. He gives her a peck and she blushes. I chuckle to myself as she runs over.
J: All done?
R: Yes dad! Let's go!
She turns back and waves goodbye to the boy. We sit in the car, whilst I watch Rose occasionally blush.
J: Who's the boy that kissed you?
R: That's Lucas. He's my best friend
J: Do u like him?
R: Ew! Cooties! No!
I chuckle. We pull up and I grab Rose a snack. I sit on the couch and wait for Kenzie.
Mackenzie's POV
I hear Rose and John enter. I quickly throw on some clothes.

I do my makeup and lightly curl my hair

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I do my makeup and lightly curl my hair.

I do my makeup and lightly curl my hair

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I walk downstairs and wrap my arms around John and place a peck on his neck

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I walk downstairs and wrap my arms around John and place a peck on his neck. He turns around and I see his jaw drop.
J: Maddie's here for Rose
K: Good
I walk into the living and laugh as I see Maddie and Rose dancing to Frozen. I wave them goodbye and link arms with John. He sits me in the car and rests his hand on my thigh.
Johnny's POV
After finishing dinner, me and Kenzie go for a walk. We talk about pointless things and enjoy each other's company. I see her wrap her arms around herself and I wrap my arms around her and she gives me a smile. I hear footsteps behind me and turn around. I freeze. Kenzie's face goes white. Slowly my grip became tighter on her.

??: Missed me?

In My Feelings
By Drake

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