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Johnny's POV
I pack my bag and look over at Kenzie. She had a small smile on her face and I smiled at her. Our eyes met yet she looked away. Defeated, I look down and frown. I heard the sound of a slam and I look up, confused. I see Hayden and Nadia walking over to Kenzie's desk. This can't be good. I walk over and start to defend Kenzie.
Cba copying the argument. Read the last chapter for the argument.
I was so angry. How could they say these things to Kenzie? My blood was boiling and my fists were clenched. After they left, I saw Kenz run out with tears on her face. I couldn't stand that. I follow her and I immediately know where she's going. To her secret spot. I love that spot. It was where me and Kenz confessed our feelings for each other. It is the most beautiful spot to me and it holds so many cute memories and magic. I sat beside her. I was angry. Angry at Hayden and Nadia. How could they make her cry? She looks up. Our eyes meet. They were red. Red and puffy from crying. She collapsed into my arms and I hugged her. I stroked her hair, trying everything I could to calm her down. My heart flutters as I realise she's in my arms. She pulled away and looked down.

K: Why am I useless? Why am I worthless? Why am I ugly? Why am I fat? Why do I even exis-
J: I put my mouth over her hand as I realised what she was about to say.
J: Don't ever say that! You are perfect Kenzie!
J: I lifted her chin so our eyes met
K: I'm nothing!
J: Kenzie. You are not useless! You are not worthless! You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met! You're perfect. Perfect. Just the way you are. Nothing will ever change that.
K: Thanks John.
She pulled me into a tight hug. A hug which I hoped would never end. It felt so good, her being in my arms after so long. I missed it.
K: Friends? She stuck her hand out
J: Friends. I shook her hand and pulled her into a hug.
She giggled her adorable giggle and smiled. We walked back to school and the day went on. I couldn't help but smile to myself all day. Me and Kenz were friends. After so long, I got her back. I still love her. I still love Mackenzie Frances Ziegler.

Oops by Little Mix Ft Charlie Puth
Sorry for such a short chapter.
I'm trying to write a chapter a day.
I had writers block.
I'll try to write longer chapters!

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