Anything For You Princess...

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Johnny's POV
I open my eyelids and see that Kenzie isn't there. I feel Rose's forehead and see that it is normal. I slowly get out of bed and walk into the kitchen. Kenzie's curled up with a book and is drinking hot chocolate. I walk over and sit next to her and place my head on her shoulder.
J: Morning
K: Morning
J: We only have one day left before we have to go. Anything you want to do?
K: Shopping!
J: Haha, Anything for you princess
K: Is Rose alright?
J: Her temperature seems normal now
K: That's good
J: Breakfast?
K: Shall I order or-
J: I'm cooking today
K: Ok thanks angel
J: No problem
Mackenzie's POV
I take a shower and brush my teeth. I then get changed into a cute outfit.

 I then get changed into a cute outfit

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Without the headband

I do some natural makeup and lightly curl my hair. I walk into Rose's room and see her reading. She definitely takes after me.
K: Morning
R: Morning mom
K: How do you feel honey?
R: Really good. I feel much better
K: That's good. Get changed. We're going shopping!
R: Yay!
I walk into the kitchen and sit down and the table. John gives me a bowl of fruit, granola and yoghurt. He makes a heart out of strawberries. He pecks my cheek and I eat my breakfast. Rose comes in and he gives her some French toast. And he eats the same as me. Before he can eat a spoonful, I grab his bowl and he frowns at me. I take some blueberries and make a heart in his bowl. I give it back and his frown changes to a smile. He eats it and we enjoy our breakfast. After we finish, we leave. Rose walks into a cute toy store and we allow her to get a few things.
She grabs a few toys, which were adorable!

 She grabs a few toys, which were adorable!

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