A Nightmare...

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Mackenzie's POV
I walk back to school with Johnny. We were now friends and I couldn't help but feel a little happy. He walks to his last class and I walk to mine. I couldn't help but notice Johnny blushing. Does he like me? No way! He couldn't like me. Could he?

After school...
L: Kenzie! Are you ok?
K: Yeh I'm fine. Thanks lolo
L: Kenzie do you want a sleepover!
K: OMG! Yes! And it's Friday, so two days of freedom!
L: Hehe exactly! Johnny will be home though
K: It's alright, we're friends now
L: Told ya! Jenzie will rise!
K: Shut up lolo

We walked to her house and went up to her bedroom. I immediately get changed into some comfy clothes and turn on some music. We watched Riverdale, applied face masks and painted our nails. After a while, Lauren went to go get Chipotle and Starbucks. I texted John as I was bored on my own. The last thing I remembered was watching High School Musical after that I fell asleep.
Hayden: Missed me babe?
Kenzie: What are you doing here?
Hayden: Finishing what I never got round to do.
Kenzie: Leave me alone.
Hayden: Can't do that. Babe.
Kenzie: Please no!
Johnny: Kenzie! Kenzie! Kenzie!
I woke up, with Johnny shaking me. I collapse into his arms. I feel hot tears stream down my face. I hug Johnny tighter and his embrace tightens on me also.
Johnny's POV
It was 9:00. I couldn't fall asleep. My headphones blared out music and I lay there thinking about the times me and Kenz had. I got a text from the angel herself. Smiling, I open and check it.
Kenz: Hey John. :)
John: Hey Kenz. :)
Kenz: Did I wake you?
John: No. :)
Kenz: Lolo went to get chipotle and Starbucks.
John: At this time?
Kenz: We're having a sleepover. A midnight feast is necessary!
John: Why wasn't I invited?
Kenz: girls only!
John: whatever
Kenz: Wanna watch a film? I'm in Lolos room
John: Sure!
I slide out of bed, grab my phone and walk over to Lauren's room.
Johnny: What are we watching?
Kenzie: High School Musical!
Johnny: facepalm
Kenzie: giggles
I always loved her giggles. It was so cute. I began to blush and Kenzie smiled at me. She began singing along to all the songs and I simply chuckled at her actions.
One hour later
Kenzie fell asleep on my shoulder. She looked so cute. I picked her up and tucked her into bed. She stirred a bit but soon settled down. I sat down on the couch beside the bed and go on my phone.
Fifteen minutes later
I dozed off but awoke when I heard screams. I look around and see Kenzie screaming. I get on the bed and try to wake her up. She wakes up and collapses into me. I hug her and I stroked her hair, getting her to calm down. She hugged me tighter and so did I.
J: Kenzie! Are you ok? What happened?
K: *sobs*...Hayden...*sobs*
J: Hayden? What? What did he do?
K: *sobs*
J: ok ok, just calm down Kenzie.
J: shh, shh
Five minutes later.
J: Are you ok Kenzie?
K: Yeah. Thanks John.
J: I should go. Lauren will be back soon.
As i get up, Kenzie grabs my wrist. I turn around and she seemed shy.
J: Kenzie? Did you want something?
K: Please stay?
J: Of course i will
She gives me a small smile as I get under the covers. My heart fluttered as I think about all the nights me and Kenzie used to spend together. I put my arm around her and she puts her head on my chest. She smiles and we both peacefully drift off to sleep.

Day and Night by Johnny Orlando and Mackenzie Ziegler
Whew! A long chapter.

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