The Best Day

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Johnnys POV
I wake up and look at my phone. It was 11:56. I look up and realise I'm in Lauren's bedroom, Kenzie's head on my chest and my arm around her. She looked so precious. A smile appeared on my face as she softly snored. I immediately remember what happened last night. Poor Kenz. I kiss her forehead. She wakes up and gives me a small smile, rubbing her eyes. I happily smile back and she snuggles into me, my heart fluttering like crazy. It was such an amazing feeling.
J: Morning
K: Morning Juan!
I just giggle at the nickname. What the hell! Johnny you never giggle! Damn, what is she doing to me? We both sit up and try to wake up. She looks over at me and I turn towards her, giving her my full attention.
K: John
J: Yeah
K: Thanks
J: Don't mention it.
J: Kenz?
K: Yeah
J: What was your nightmare about?
K: It... it was
I instantly interlock our hands together, trying to comfort her.
J: It's ok. Take your time
She slowly takes a deep breath and closes her eyes.
K: I dreamt that Hayden tried to... tried to rape me
J: Kenz... I'm so sorry. I promise I won't let him come near you
I see a tear fall from her saddened eyes. Without hesitation, I gently wipe it away with my thumb, giving her a small smile. She smiles back and hugs me. I immediately hug back and secure my arms around her waist.
K: Thank you John
J: Don't mention it Kenzie
She smiles and looks down in an attempt to hide her adorable blush. I smile and look down also as my heart began to beat faster just at the sight of her smiling.
J: Wanna go get Starbucks?
K: You're a genius!
J: It's one of my many talents.
K: I'll just go and get ready
J: Meet you outside in 20 minutes?
K: Yep!
Mackenzies POV
John was there for me last night. After everything, he was there. Just like old times. He didn't laugh or think I was being weak and ridiculous. He just listened and calmed me down. I always loved his comforting touch and words. He stood up for me despite everything. He found me at my spot and did nothing but comfort me until I was calm. He stayed when I was scared and didn't think it was ridiculous. After everything he was there for me. This alone just proved that my feelings for him haven't changed. I think I still love him. I blush thinking about it. Brushing off my thoughts, I take a shower and brush my teeth. I quickly throw on some clothes.

I head downstairs and wait for John

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I head downstairs and wait for John.
Johnnys POV
I blush thinking about last night. She trusted me with her problems. Something which was hard for her to open up about. Yet she told me. I still love her like crazy. My heart races every time I see her gorgeous smile and her brown eyes. Her laughs are like music to my ears. Wow Johnny. She has you crazy in love! Blushing, I think about the times we shared when we were together. I had a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I throw on some clothes and messily do my hair.

I see Kenzie outside, waiting

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I see Kenzie outside, waiting. She looked cute. Her hair rested perfectly on her shoulders and she gave me a warm smile.
J: Hey! Shall we go?
K: Yes! I'm dying for a pink drink!
J: Ok then! Lets go!
We went to Starbucks and went to the mall. We grabbed lunch and ice cream. Kenzie loved ice cream. We spent hours laughing and talking. It was the best. A day with Kenzie. It was amazing. I missed her. We went back home after a long, tiring day.
L: Kenzie! Where the heck where you! I was so worrie-
J: She was with me.
L: OMG! Don't mind me! JENZIE IS REAL!
K: Shut it Lolo.
She scolded as a reddish tint appeared on her cheeks. She looked down and I chuckled.
J: Omg! You're so annoying!
L: You'll thank me one day.
K: Jenzie is not real. But Landon is real! (Lauren and Brandon)
K&J: Hahahahaha!
We watched movies and all went to sleep. Most of the time Lauren and Kenzie were talking about Brandon and I occasionally gave advice even though they thought it was stupid. Girls. We were all laughing and it felt like the old times. The times I missed. It was great.

Reggaetón Lento (Remix)
By Little Mix, CNCO

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