You Know, Just In Case

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Kenzie's POV
It's 5:00 am. I wake up and wash my face with cold water to wake myself up. I brush my teeth and do my skin routine. I take my iPad and laptop off charge and carefully place them into their cases and into my carry on. I get changed and leave my face bare.

I walk into the kitchen and make some waffles for everyone

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I walk into the kitchen and make some waffles for everyone. I also order smoothies from the hotel's breakfast bar and some brownies as well. John sleepily gets up and sits down. I give him his plate and his smoothie. I walk into Rose's bedroom to wake her up. She yawns and sits down for breakfast. I give Rose her plate and her smoothie. We eat our breakfast in silence, slowly waking up. I place the brownies in the middle and Rose takes one. John takes one and so do I. Rose runs off to her room and I get up to go to her but John pulls my wrist pulling me onto him. He sits me in his lap and just hugs me. I hug back and rest my head in his neck. He doesn't pull away and I don't either.
J: Where's my good morning kiss?
K: Sorry. No can do Orlando
I get up but he pulls me back. Before can say anything, John places his lips onto mine and I kiss back. His hand travels up my shirt as I let out soft moans and he bites my bottom lip. He fiddles with my bra clasp attempting to remove it but I pull away.
K: Not now John
J: We'll continue this later Mrs Orlando
K: Maybe
He rolls his eyes and i giggle. I slide off his lap and walk into Rose's room. We both quickly pack the remainder of her stuff and she helps me pack the rest of mine. After a while, John comes in and begins to pack the rest of his stuff and cleans up as he goes. Rose looks in the drawers and gives me jewellery, makeup, books etc. She goes in John's drawer and does the same.
R: Mom?
K: Yes Rose?
R: Dad has these in his drawer, what are they?
She pulls out a box of condoms and finds birth control pills. My face went red as a tomato and John just smirked continuously.
K: Just give them to your dad Rose and you will find out when you are older.
R: Ok mom
She passes the box to John and he packs them away but takes two out and slips them in his pocket. He looks back at me and smirks. That god damn smirk.
K: Rose, go get the rest of your things
R: Yes mom
I zip up my cases and place them near the door. I make the bed and quickly clean the bathroom. I sit down on the couch in my bedroom and so does John.
J: You're so cute when you blush Kenz
K: Whatcha gonna do with those condoms?
J: You know, just in case he says with a wink.
J: I love you princess. I love you so much
He smiles and then picks me up and spins me around. I smile and then walk out with my luggage. I check the time. 7 am. Our flight was at 8:30. We call an Uber and drive to the airport. As we were boarding the plane, my anxiety grew and grew. John placed his hand on mine and gave me a reassuring look. I calmed down but my anxiety was still lingering. We sat down on our seats and I pulled out my laptop so that Rose could watch movies. I played music on my phone and read my book. I look over and John had already dozed off, his head on my shoulder. I kiss his forehead and continue reading. 
5 hours later (idk if that's right!?)
I pack up my books and and my laptop. I wake up John by pecking his lips. He opens his eyes and smiles at me. I lightly shake Rose and she wakes up. We walk off the plane and the bright sun shines down on us. We call an Uber and drive home. As soon as we arrive, John orders pizza and we all go and change. I know that John was eager for another kid and so was I. I purposely wear something a little seductive.

 I purposely wear something a little seductive

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I walk downstairs and John's jaw drops. I smirk and he walks over and wraps his arms around my waist. He leans in and whispers into my ear.
J: Didn't I tell you how sexy you look in shorts?
K: I know
J: Bedroom?
K: No. What about Rose?
J: Well if you don't moan loudly then maybe we have a chance
I turned a deep shade of red and I playfully slapped his arm. I turned away but he pulled me back. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and places his hand on my cheek.
J: I could drop her off at Lauren's
K: Eager are we Orlando?
J: Very
K: Fine by me. I'll be waiting
Johnny's POV
I walk into Rose's room and she grabs her overnight bag. We drive off and arrive shortly.
L: Hey Rose! Come in
J: Thanks Laurs
L: No problem! But what's the reason?
J: Oh um me and Kenzie are uh doing some work and we uh don't want any distractions
L: But Rose is such a good girl. Why don't you just wait until she's asleep?
J: Um well we uh don't want to wake her up whilst we're working
I blush profusely and Lauren smirks
L: Oh I see. Well good luck with your work
J: Thanks
I drive back home and walk into the house. Kenzie was reading a book. Why does she read so much?! I walk up behind her and kiss her neck. She turns around and smiles. I smirk and put her book down.
K: Hey! I was reading that!
J: Nope
I pick her up and carry her upstairs bridal style. I place her on the bed and smirk. I lock the door and walk back to Kenzie.


I lean in and our lips connect. I lick her bottom lip for entrance and she allows it. She runs her fingers through my hair and I plant kisses all over her neck. She lets out soft moans and I smirk. I play with her shirt and remove it completely. I remove my shirt and our lips connect again. I fiddle with her shorts and she plays with mine and we both remove them. The rest was heaven. Let's just say we both enjoyed ourselves.

Jenzie for life!

Can't Stop Dancing
By Becky G

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