Yes You Did...

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Time skip
Mackenzie's POV
I wake up tangled in his arms. I check the time. 9:30. However, I don't work on Wednesdays and today was Wednesday. John doesn't work on Wednesdays either. I softly kiss his forehead. I look down and realise I'm undressed. I smirk to myself and Johns eyes flutter open.
K: I should wear shorts more often. You really went hard last night.
J: What can I say? You're really sexy in shorts.
K: *blushes*
J: *kisses her cheek*
I got up and my inner thighs pain quite a bit, I laugh and get dressed.
J: Did I make it up to you? He winks
K: Yes John. Yes you did.
I go to the bathroom and have a shower. I do my usual morning routine and get changed.

I walk downstairs and make some pancakes

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I walk downstairs and make some pancakes. I make a couple for John, leaving some toppings out. I grab some pancakes for myself and grab a glass of water. I slowly eat my breakfast and wait for John to come downstairs.
J: Morning Princess
K: Morning Angel
J: Any plans today?
K: Not really. What about you?
J: Can I take you out?
K: Sure! Where to?
J: The mall. And Starbucks
K: You know me too well Orlando. Can I invite Lauren?
J: As long as you don't leave me for Lauren
K: Your cute. I won't
She wraps her arms around his neck and they share a short kiss. They share a long hug and enjoy the peace and quiet.
K: Now. You eat your breakfast and get ready. And I will call Lauren and Brandon
J: Yes ma'am!
K: Hehehe
Calls Lauren
K: Hey Lolo!
L: Hey Kenzie! What's up?
K: Me and John we're gonna go to the mall. I thought I should invite you and Brandon.
L: Sure! I have a day off. We'll meet at your place.
K: Sounds good! See ya!
L: Bye!
End of phone conversation

K: Lauren and Brandon are on their way.
J: Ok
K: Go and get ready
J: Yes ma'am

Johnny's POV
Obeying Kenzie, I walk upstairs and get changed.

I walk downstairs and clean up

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I walk downstairs and clean up. After  cleaning the kitchen I go to the living room and cuddle up with my princess on the couch.
J: Kitchen's clean
K: Babe. You should've left it.
J: Why will my princess do chores?
K: Why will my angel do chores?
J: I love you
K: Love you too
They share a kiss and cuddle up with a blanket.
L: Awwww
K: When did you come?
L: Don't worry I heard the sweet conversation. You guys are so adorable!
J: Tell me something I don't know
L: Lauren Is the better Orlando
K: True
J: Not true
L: Lets go lovebirds

We go to the car whilst mine and Kenzies hands are together.
J: Brandon can you drive?
B: Sure. But why?
J: I want to cuddle Kenzie in the back
L: That's a keeper you got there Kenz
K: I know
We all get into the car and I wrap my arms around Kenzies waist as she snuggles into my chest. I kiss her forehead and she kisses my nose. We go to the mall and Kenzie kept her promise and never left my hand.
L: Kenzie! Come on!
K: Please John?
J: I'm not going into Victoria's Secret
K: We won't be long
L: Please
J: Fine. Only 5 minutes
L: pouts
J: 10 then
L: pouts
J: 15!  No more
L: Fine
K: Thanks Juan
J: I regret sending Brandon for Starbucks without me.
L: Kenzie, I'm grabbing this
She picks out a piece of black lingerie. I thought I was actually going to vomit there and then.
K: Brandon's gonna love that. He'll go wild
L: Might be his birthday present
K: Lauren you dirty girl
L: Hehehe
J: Jesus I'm gonna vomit Lauren.
I look around and pick out an outfit I want Kenzie to wear
J: Hey babe?
K: Yeah?
J: Wear this for me. You'd look so sexy.
I pick out a very revealing piece of red lingerie. Mackenzie blushed as I smirked.
K: John! Behave!
J: Please? Last night was fun
K: Blushed profusely
L: Ewwww
J: Buy it
Kenzie walks over to the counter and buys the night suit. I smirk at her whilst she blushes. We walk out of Victoria's Secret and I give Kenz a peck on the cheek.
J: Your cute when you blush
K: Your hot when you get me turned on
I blush and Kenzie laughs and runs ahead to Lauren. She turns back and gives me a wink. We head to Starbucks to pick up Brandon. We sit down and enjoy our drinks.
Daisy: John?
J: Daisy?

Oof! Who's Daisy? Cliffhanger

Strip That Down
By Liam Payne

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